• Rethinking Perfectionism
    Sep 29 2024

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    Welcome to episode 9, season 2 of the Woman Uncaged podcast! This week's episode was inspired by the book The Perfectionist's Guide to Losing Control by Katherine Morgan Schafler. This episode is especially for you uncaged women out there who have ever been called "perfectionists" (and not in a positive way) or who have struggled with letting go of this aspect of yourself. What if you didn't have to?

    We dive into:
    - What if perfectionism isn't an obstacle that we need to overcome?
    - How men are rarely, if ever, called perfectionists in a derogatory way
    - How perfectionism relates to exceptionalism and how our society tells women it's better to embrace being mediocre
    - Maladaptive vs. adaptive perfectionism
    - How perfectionism can be a strength, if we work with it
    - What is needed for those who have experienced or seen their perfectionism as an obstacle to transform it into an ally?
    - Setting intentions vs. goals and why we need both
    - How society benefits from maintaining our focus on end goals and ignoring the pleasure of the process
    - The 5 different types of perfectionism as identified by Ms. Schafler
    - The importance of creating nourishing structures in our lives
    - The problem of seeing maladaptive perfectionism as a immutable identity
    - Why both Laura and I hate the idea of "how you do one thing is how you do everything"
    - How Laura's new offering of Stop Hitting Snooze with Laura and Suze is perfect for perfectionists who struggle with starting or finishing new projects

    The Perfectionist's Guide to Losing Control by Katherine Morgan Schafler: https://www.amazon.com/Perfectionists-Guide-Losing-Control-Peace/dp/059332952X

    Ira Glass: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=91FQKciKfHI

    Laura's New Offering:
    Stop Hitting Snooze with Laura and Suze: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1uF_cdWN_nrV2Crtk3ry6TOFaoyHQaeIXw6Etg0FWCoc/edit?usp=sharing

    ~Linda's website: https://singingbirdcoaching.com/ ~Laura's Monday Money Missives: https://goodwithmoney.substack.com/

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    43 mins
  • Can you choose your own oppression? #tradwife
    Sep 22 2024

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    Welcome to Episode 8 of Season 2 of the Woman Uncaged Podcast.

    We talk about the lifestyle and aesthetic of #tradwife.

    Why has it become so popular?

    Why is this a choice that women are making?

    What aspects are appealing?

    What is the role of the patriarchy here?

    We reference:
    Trevor Noah's podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-trad-wife-paradox-with-anne-helen-petersen/id1710609544?i=1000666979786

    Anne Helen Peterson's substack Culture Study: https://annehelen.substack.com/

    The book: Myth of Normal by Gabor Mate.

    How about you, dear listener? What do you think about #tradwife. Text us or email us and let us know your thoughts: womanuncagedpodcast@gmail.com.

    ~Linda's website: https://singingbirdcoaching.com/ ~Laura's Monday Money Missives: https://goodwithmoney.substack.com/

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    44 mins
  • Growing an Uncaged Business with Suzanne Culberg
    Sep 17 2024

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    Welcome to Episode 7 of season 2 of the Woman Uncaged podcast! In this week's episode we have a very special guest joining us: The Nope Coach herself, Suzanne Culberg, speaking about how to create a truly uncaged business.

    We dive into:

    - When Suzanne felt like she lost the fun in her business and how she reclaimed it

    - Why we leave the 9-5 only to work 24/7

    - How getting busy with clients can lead us to us forgetting to market, creating seasons of feast or famine

    - Going from a cog to CEO (Chief EVERYTHING Officer)

    - Why it is imperative to know why you are going into business to begin with and remembering that throughout the journey

    - How so much of coaching feels like it has become an MLM

    - The nature of exchange and why we might want to question the modern dream of making boatloads of money by doing nothing

    - Finding your own sustainable rhythm

    - How work can easily start to fill all your hours as an entrepreneur and other traps we fall into

    - The importance of finding right-fit clients and the perils of having an agenda for our clients

    Books Mentioned:

    Helen Luke, The Woman of Woman: Awakening the Perennial Feminine

    Rob Bell, Where'd You Park Your Spaceship Series Book 2

    Where to find out more about Suzanne:

    Website: https://www.suzanneculberg.com/
    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@suzanneculberg

    ~Linda's website: https://singingbirdcoaching.com/ ~Laura's Monday Money Missives: https://goodwithmoney.substack.com/

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    47 mins
  • Meaning, Vitality, and Feeling Astonishingly Alive
    Sep 8 2024

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    Welcome to the Woman Uncaged Podcast Season 2, Episode 6!

    Today we're talking about what makes for a well-lived life, which was inspired by the article "The Mondays We've Got Left" on We're all Getting Older, a substack Laura reads regularly, by Lou Blaser. You can read that article here: https://open.substack.com/pub/loublaser/p/how-many-mondays-left?r=blsi2&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web (Laura mistakenly referred to the source as "Oldster" which is another Substack she reads regularly.)

    We refer to Jodi Wellman and her work. Her website is: https://fourthousandmondays.com/

    We talk about:
    -our own definitions of living wide and deep.
    -Jodi's axes and where we fall
    -what does it mean to be astonishingly alive and when have we felt that way?
    -the role meaning making plays
    -experiencing our lives fully
    -the role of softness
    -how we feel about the idea of counting our Mondays
    -where does our feeling of vitality come from?
    -the joy of recognizing glimmers

    What are your thoughts? Are you meaningfully bored or astonishingly alive? Write to us, and tell us! We would love to hear. Text us at the link above, or email us here: womanuncagedpodcast@gmail.com.

    ~Linda's website: https://singingbirdcoaching.com/ ~Laura's Monday Money Missives: https://goodwithmoney.substack.com/

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    41 mins
  • When Perpetual Healing Prevents Us From Living
    Sep 2 2024

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    Welcome to episode 5, season 2 of the Woman Uncaged podcast! This week's episode was inspired by a song called Healing is Not My Purpose by Toni Jones (available via Spotify here: https://open.spotify.com/track/3YjTY55wEzj5PJXexonZPj?si=7b28501a392c49a3 )

    "The healing should be in service to living." - Laura

    In this episode, we explore:
    - How our addiction to self-improvement leaves so much joy and life on the table
    - Why so many of us get stuck in healing and how it is perpetuated in our culture
    - How healing can be a distraction. What is it a distraction from, and in what way?
    - Why it's not enough to talk about what we are shifting, we actually have to embody and experience it
    - How small talk and inane conversation can be meaningful and connecting
    - Letting go of needing everything to be a growth experience
    - Why labels, personality tests, astrology etc. can be terribly constraining of our human experience
    - The distraction of "why"
    - Making friends with the continually unfolding journey and how this relates to healing and holding our potential lightly

    The other song mentioned was Closer to Fine by Indigo Girls: https://open.spotify.com/track/7rKyITVLEwldhdXIy7P6Vw?si=67d976c78fec40fa

    ~Linda's website: https://singingbirdcoaching.com/ ~Laura's Monday Money Missives: https://goodwithmoney.substack.com/

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    44 mins
  • Embracing your multipassionate self
    Aug 25 2024

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    Welcome to episode 4 of season 2!

    The pressure to choose one area of focus, or one passion, can have a paralyzing effect, and therefore, become part of the patriarchal cage. In this episode we talk about what it means to be multipassionate, and why it's important to embrace your multipassionate self.

    We explore:
    -Why is purpose almost always tied up with what we do for work?
    -Why is "what do you do?" the predominate question we ask others when we meet them? (and how do you answer that if you're multipassionate)
    -Linda's experimentation with being an unapologetic Renaissance woman.
    -What makes something a business vs. a non-business income stream.
    -How our inner good girl interferes in our getting our need met in barter relationships.
    -The gentle idea of titration vs. constantly throwing ourselves in the deep end.

    The book Laura references is The 4 Hour Work Week by Tim Ferriss.
    Link to Monday Money Missive about asking for money that Linda references: https://goodwithmoney.substack.com/p/is-it-right-to-charge-someone-for.

    What are your thoughts? Are you multi-passionate? How have you made it work for you? Write to us, and tell us! We would love to hear. Email us: womanuncagedpodcast@gmail.com.

    ~Linda's website: https://singingbirdcoaching.com/ ~Laura's Monday Money Missives: https://goodwithmoney.substack.com/

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    48 mins
  • Why Creativity Matters with Karen Light
    Aug 18 2024

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    Welcome to Episode 3, Season 2 of the Woman Uncaged podcast! In this episode, Linda speaks with artist and coach Karen Light about Why Creativity Matters (beloved co-host Laura was on vacay while this episode was recorded!).

    "Relaxation is the best friend of creativity." - Karen Light

    Karen and Linda dive into:

    - Creativity and how it often overlaps with being multi passionate

    - How Karen defines creativity (hint: it includes, but goes beyond, art)

    - Why Karen believes every creative act is a revolutionary act

    - What do we receive as individuals and collectively from unleashing our creativity

    - How we are enlarged through the PROCESS of creating

    - The relationship between creativity and agency, and WHY creativity is crucial as we begin to move out of our Good Girl energy

    - Why visuals can help us to dismantle our inner cages

    - What if we came into the world naturally wanting to be creative and make art, but it is blocked over time

    - Why creativity requires a sense of safety and how do we cultivate that for ourselves and others

    - How creativity allows us to meet one another as human beings

    - Why creativity isn't always "on" and how to recognize that and step back into a more creative space

    Where to Find Karen:

    Website: HowDoodle.com and make sure to sign up for the newsletter

    LinkedIn : Karen Light

    Resources Mentioned:

    David Whyte quote from Consolations: "What is worthy of a life's dedication does not want to be known by us in ways that diminish its actual sense of presence."

    Karelian Lament Singing: https://www.yesmagazine.org/democracy/2017/05/16/how-an-ancient-singing-tradition-helps-people-cope-with-trauma-in-the-modern-world

    ~Linda's website: https://singingbirdcoaching.com/ ~Laura's Monday Money Missives: https://goodwithmoney.substack.com/

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    44 mins
  • Fostering Joyous Relationships
    Aug 11 2024

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    Welcome to Episode 2, Season 2 of the Woman Uncaged Podcast! In today's episode we dive into the topic of relationships and are they as much work as we are led to believe?!

    Topics and questions we discuss include...

    - What if relationships are not meant to be work, but rather the antidote to it?

    - Laura's perspective as a former therapist (where many come to work on their relationships)

    - Replacing "working" on our relationships with "cultivating" more joyous relationships, and how those two things feel different

    - Tending our relationships and how life's seasons may shift what that looks like

    - Finding rest in relationships that are working

    - Why do women tend to speak about working on relationships more often than men?

    - How do we grow nourishing relationships in our lives?

    - Getting out of practice at this whole relationship thing during the pandemic!

    - Relationships are inconvenient and perhaps they are supposed to be..

    - Getting clear on what really matters to you and how that impacts your relationships

    - A lack of community is not your fault, but it is your responsibility

    Resources Mentioned:

    Pulling the Thread with Elise Loehnen

    Interview with Carol Gilligan: https://open.spotify.com/episode/2TNciETcalMFKKFETgRjKi?si=cccfb186dc844820

    Interview with Niobe Way:

    Learn More About Blue Zones: https://www.bluezones.com/

    Sign up for the Sistermind Roundtable here: https://sistermindroundtable.substack.com/. You won't be added to any business lists, and we keep our emails to a minimum.

    ~Linda's website: https://singingbirdcoaching.com/ ~Laura's Monday Money Missives: https://goodwithmoney.substack.com/

    Show More Show Less
    43 mins