• Astrology 201: Venus
    Apr 15 2024
    Domicile in Taurus and Libra: Venus finds its domicile in Taurus and Libra, exuding its influence of harmony, beauty, and sensual pleasures in these signs. Antithesis or Detriment in Aries and Scorpio: Venus faces challenges in Aries and Scorpio, where its energies may feel constrained or conflicted, affecting our approach to relationships and self-expression. Exaltation in Pisces, Depression in Virgo: Pisces elevates Venus to its highest expression of compassion and unconditional love, while Virgo's influence may create challenges in embracing pleasure and nurturing tendencies. Friday: A day governed by Venus, fostering opportunities for merriment, friendship, and intimacy. It's a time to indulge in pleasant sounds, physical beauty, and the joy of giving and receiving. 225 Days to Orbit the Sun: Venus's orbital cycle offers a chance for introspection every 18 months, urging us to reevaluate our relationships and life direction. Rules Neck, Face, Lips, Nose, and Lungs: Venus's influence extends to our physical features associated with beauty and sensuality. Merriment, Friendship, Pleasant Sounds, Physical Beauty, Play, Marriage, Shopping, Giving, Receiving, Laughter, Cleanliness, Mothers, Arts, Feminine, Nurturing, Intimacy. Reflecting on Venus's mythological origins, birth from the ocean, and its profound impact on human emotions and creativity. Understanding how Venus guides us towards finding happiness in simplicity and indulging in our desires. Exploring how our Venus placement can inform our clothing choices and color preferences, enhancing our aesthetic appeal. Delving into the interplay between love and war, as reflected in the mythological tales of Venus and Mars. Understanding how our Venus placement shapes our approach to affection, relationships, and marital desires. In conclusion, Venus serves as a guiding force in astrology, influencing our relationships, aesthetic preferences, and joyous pursuits. Understanding our Venus placement offers valuable insights into navigating the complexities of love, beauty, and creativity in our lives. Tune in next week for another insightful episode of Venusian Musings. Remember to embrace the beauty around you and indulge in the pleasures that bring joy to your soul.
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    20 mins
  • Aries Forecast 2024
    Mar 20 2024
    Aries season is here witchlings! Time to dive into the light half of the year with bold confidence to overcome and become! This quick forecast gives you a glimpse into the upcoming astrological energies of the next few weeks, use it to harness the cosmos to shape your future. Email: cassiawillowwitch@gmail.com TikTok and Instagram: @cassia.willow
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    12 mins
  • Ostara 2024
    Mar 18 2024
    TikTok & Instagram: @cassia.willow Email: cassiawillowwitch@gmail.com March 20th, 2024, marks the celebration of Ostara. As Imbolc heralds fertilization, Ostara dances in as the birth, akin to Mabon's embrace in the southern hemisphere. Drawing from the rich tapestry of Greece, Rome, Nordic, and Germanic lands, Ostara whispers tales of resurrection and renewal. Let's debunk the myth of appropriation by unraveling the threads of history – Easter, a Roman offspring, was inspired by Ostara, a semiannual affirmation of pagan heritage. Delve into the mystical realms as we illuminate the enigmatic Goddess Eostre. While written evidence is scant, scholars trace her lineage to the Proto-Indo-European goddess of dawn, Hewsos. Despite scholarly musings, belief breathes life into deities, transcending time's constraints. Eostre, harbinger of growing light, infuses each dawn with radiant hope and blessings. Our pagan ancestors, in reverence, ignited fires at the dawn's first blush, as waters drawn held sacred cleansing properties. Maidens, draped in purity, embarked on pilgrimages to wild woods, weaving tales of ancient rituals and offerings. Amidst feasting and merriment, Eostre's essence thrived, a testament to the enduring spirit of renewal. Embark on a journey through myth and legend as we unveil Eostre's benevolence. Picture a tender dawn, where Eostre, touched by compassion, breathes life into a frozen bird, birthing the first rabbit – a symbol of hope and fertility. While whispers of Ishtar's influence linger, Eostre's presence remains steadfast in the pagan pantheon, weaving magic through the tapestry of Ostara's lore. Embrace the whimsy of Ostara with a palette of pastels – greens, blues, and pinks, echoing nature's vibrant hues. Crystals glisten in harmony – amethyst, moonstone, and rose quartz, beckoning abundance and renewal. Indulge in a feast fit for gods and goddesses, with offerings ranging from honey cakes to dandelion greens, a celebration of life's bountiful harvest. Partake in a sacred Egg Ritual, channeling the fertile energies of spring towards creative endeavors. Ignite the flame of intention as you infuse an uncooked egg with the essence of renewal. With each flicker of the candle, breathe life into your aspirations, releasing them into the earth's embrace. As the candle wanes, bury the egg and ashes, symbolizing the union of intention and earth's nurturing embrace. Join us in embracing the magic of Ostara, where each dawn heralds a symphony of renewal and rebirth. Blessed be!
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    22 mins
  • Yule Bonus 2023
    Dec 15 2023
    Welcome to the Witching Wisdom Podcast! In today's episode, we dive into the enchanting world of Yule, exploring its roots, traditions, and the potent energy it holds. - Yule, occurring on the winter solstice (12/21 this year), is a celebration lasting nearly ten days for many pagans, symbolizing the return of the sun during the darkest nights. - Our ancestors viewed this festival as crucial, believing that without proper rituals, the sun might not return. It's a powerful time for shaping the future through divination and rituals. - While Yule and Christmas may seem similar, they differ in tone; Yule is a more somber celebration rooted in pagan traditions. - Dispelling the misconception that Christians appropriated Yule—festivals often evolve with cultures and religions over time. - The Germanic festival "Jul," a 12-day celebration honoring ancestors, greatly influenced modern Yule celebrations. - Exploring the Scandinavian tradition of the Wild Hunt led by Odin, with ominous implications for those who witness it. - In Celtic traditions, the Horned God triumphs over the Holly King on the solstice, heralding the return of the sun and fertility. - Modern Wiccan rituals involve the Triple Goddess giving birth to the new god, symbolizing the renewal of life and warmth. Brief glimpses into various winter solstice festivals worldwide, including Saturnalia, the Incan Sun Festival, Dong Xi (Chinese winter festival), and indigenous celebrations. As we conclude, stay tuned for a powerful Yule ritual to channel your energy and shape the path of your new year. Thank you for joining us on this magical journey through winter solstice traditions! --- If you enjoyed today's episode, don't forget to subscribe, leave a review, and share with fellow seekers of mystical wisdom. Until next time, may the magic of Yule guide you on your journey. Blessed be! Email: cassiawillowwitch@gmail.com TikTok, Instagram, Lemon8: @cassia.willow
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    21 mins
  • Ep 17 Divination: Basic Types & Where to Begin
    Nov 14 2023
    - Importance of complete cleansing for divination tools. - Cleansing methods: incense and sound cleansing. - Charging methods: crystals, moonlight, sunlight, personal energy. - Tools as conduits to the subconscious and intuitive self. - Definition and components of a pendulum. - Usage for divination and asking questions. - Importance of practicing to interpret pendulum movements. - Connecting with intuition, higher self, ancestors, deities, and spirit guides. - Overview of a standard 78-card tarot deck. - Major and minor arcana cards and their elemental associations. - Tips for beginners: interpreting symbols before seeking external meanings. - Tarot cards as therapeutic tools and connections with spiritual beings. - Differences between tarot and oracle cards. - Lack of standardization in deck size and meanings. - Reliance on intuition and accompanying booklets. - Recommended starting with tarot cards for beginners. - Introduction to the runic alphabet and elder futhark runes. - Divination methods using rune stones: spreads and casting. - Sigil use in other spell work. - Intuitive and complex nature of bone throwing. - Basic and advanced methods of bone tossing. - Personalized collections and interpretations. - Resources for in-depth learning. - Meaningful information from palm reading. - Cultural origins in India and applications in traditional Chinese medicine. - Beyond lines: considering hand shape, finger length, mounts, and plains. - Holistic understanding of an individual. - Scrying as a method of foreseeing the future. - Preparation for crystal ball gazing. - Visual and non-visual experiences during scrying. - Importance of a receptive mindset and personal crystal use. - Staying aware of unusual occurrences. - Tapping into intuition for signs and messages. cassiawillowwitch@gmail.com TikTok, Instagram, & Lemon8: @cassia.willow
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    25 mins
  • Astrology 201.3: Mercury
    Nov 10 2023
    Welcome to Astrology 201, our Witching Wisdom series unraveling the celestial secrets of astrology. In this episode, we delve into the enigmatic planet Mercury, exploring its profound influence on each zodiac sign. Mercury, the innermost planet, shapes our thoughts, words, and interactions, connecting us to the essence of communication. From airy realms to celestial dances on Wednesdays, Mercury plays a vital role in our lives. Mercury's swift orbit, 88 Earth days, and thrice-yearly retrogrades add intrigue to its cosmic dance. Domiciles, exaltations, and retrogrades unveil Mercury's complex influence. Mercury, akin to Hermes, the messenger of gods, symbolizes cunning, cleverness, and humor. Chart placement reveals shrewdness, humor preferences, and communication styles. Mercury encourages detail-oriented thinking, efficient processing, and guides day-to-day interactions. It fosters adaptability, versatility, critical thinking, and reigns over diverse domains. Mercury's position influences speech, writing, social media, and tech proficiency. Examining placements unveils strengths, weaknesses, and potential communication blockages. Mercury illuminates and obscures paths, balancing distraction with flexibility and adaptability. Understanding its dual traits enriches our cosmic journey. Aries Thoughts race, ideas flow; direct communication is key. Passionate and assertive, Aries Mercury excels but should watch for tactlessness. Taurus Slow, methodical communication; emphasis on long-term decisions. Unwavering determination, resistance to change; embraces practical concepts. Gemini Verbal whirlwind, quick reasoning; struggles with depth. Impressive communicators, but may lack follow-through. Cancer Emotional essence, deep connections. Sensitive listeners, occasionally manipulative; excel in intimate conversations. Leo Confident oratory skills, theatrical communication. Natural leaders, may overshadow others; thrive on enthusiasm. Virgo Precision and organization; ideal for planning. Fastidious, detail-oriented; thrive on order and practicality. Libra Fair and diplomatic communication; seeks common ground. Tactful, charming; tendency towards indecision and compromise. Scorpio No-nonsense, intense communication; dives deep. Excellent problem solvers, but may come across as pessimistic. Sagittarius Big, bold ideas; great for philosophical discussions. Joyful and optimistic, but may silence others unintentionally. Capricorn Turns ideas into concrete plans; work-focused. Patient, deadpan humor; prefers structured approaches. Aquarius Unconventional information, lively debates. Future-oriented, innovative; may appear cold or detached. Pisces Difficulty concentrating; prioritizes intuition. Compassionate, creative; struggles with material responsibilities As our celestial journey concludes, remember that Mercury guides our thoughts and words, providing insights into our communication styles. Understanding its influence helps navigate the intricate pathways of speech and connection in our lives. @cassia.willow on TikTok, Instagram, and Lemon8 cassiawillowwitch@gmail.com The Pattern app: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.thepattern.app
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    27 mins
  • S2 Ep 16: Navigating Responsibly through the Craft & Culture with Mags the Witch
    Nov 7 2023
    Join me Witchlings for another episode of the podcast, featuring the lovely Mags from witchtok once more! Today the tea is piping hot as we explore the struggles of responsibly connecting to craft and culture while deconstructing harmful colonizer mindsets. Are people too quick to judge witches for mistakes? Do you have to be born into a culture to appreciate and take part in non closed practices? We open the discussion to these questions and many more. We both believe that it takes many voices to find the answers to these conversations, so join the discussion and let us know your take. You can email me at cassiawillowwitch@gmail.com or contact both Mags and I on our social media. Mags is on TikTok and YouTube @mags.thewitch, and i am on TikTok, Instagram, and Lemon8 @cassia.willow. Until next time, blessed be!
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    1 hr and 6 mins
  • Samhain 2023
    Oct 27 2023
    - In this episode, we dive deep into the rich traditions and spiritual significance of Samhain, a festival celebrated by many as Halloween, and explore its roots, symbolism, and rituals. We'll also discuss the thinning veil between the physical and spirit world during this time. **Segment 1: Samhain Date and Southern Hemisphere Celebration**: - Samhain is commonly celebrated on November 1st but actually occurs during the second new moon after the fall equinox, often falling on November 13th. For our Southern Hemisphere listeners, it's Beltane. **Segment 2: Symbolism of Samhain**: - Animals associated with Samhain: bats, cats, crows, ravens, owls, spiders. - Colors: black, orange, purple, silver. - Deities: The Morrigan, Hel, Hecate, Persephone, Hades, Anubis, Caradwyn. - Food: pumpkins, apples, grains, root veggies, pie, cider, ale. - Herbs: Rosemary, mugwort, cinnamon, clove, nutmeg, sage, yarrow. - Crystals: onyx, obsidian, black tourmaline, smoky quartz, amethyst, malachite. **Segment 3: The Harvest Festival and Its Significance**: - Samhain marks the final gathering of root vegetables, fruits, and nuts, and a time to reflect on what needs to last until spring. - It carries a somber energy, symbolizing the end of the harvest season and the start of rest and regeneration. - The Triple Goddess gives birth to the new horned god and transitions into her crone phase. **Segment 4: Samhain as the Witch's New Year**: - Many witches consider Samhain their new year due to its significance in the wheel of the year. - The thinning veil between worlds results in heightened paranormal activity and the presence of fae creatures. **Segment 5: Honoring Ancestors and Spirits**: - The thin veil provides an excellent opportunity to connect with spirits, especially honoring the deceased and ancestors. - Setting up an ancestor altar with photos, mementos, and offerings is a meaningful way to remember loved ones. - Engaging in divination and holding a dumb supper are other ways to connect with spirits respectfully. **Segment 6: Embracing the Deeper Magic and Self-Reflection**: - Samhain is a time for inner reflection, rest, and embracing the natural rhythms of life. - Slowing down allows for personal growth and a deeper connection with one's power. - It's a time to let go of those who deny your innate power and embrace your authenticity. **Segment 7: Ritual to Honor Forgotten Dead**: - Create a sacred space, light candles to represent different groups, and recite personalized prayers. - The ritual acknowledges and remembers those who were forgotten in life. - Conclude by sending the spirits back across the veil with gratitude and honor. - Samhain is a time of transition, reflection, and connection with the spirit realm. Embrace its deeper magic and use this season to honor your ancestors and remember those who were forgotten. It's a powerful time for self-discovery and inner growth. cassiawillowwitch@gmail.com TikTok, Instagram, and Lemon8 @cassia.willow
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    27 mins