"There's been a lot of theft in my neighborhood recently where people leave their garage doors open and sometimes people like to go in there and you know see what they can find. One of the cool things with my Q features is you can set a timer at 10:00 o'clock rolls around you can just have your door automatically shut. " - Alex Dalton Have you ever seen a fully automated garage door? The MY Q Garage Door System allows you operate your garage door via the app from anywhere in the world. Check out this episode to learn more... For more information about Eco Garage doors in Austin, Texas log on to https://www.ecogarages.com Podcast Episode Transcription: There's been a lot of theft in my neighborhood recently where people leave their garage doors open uh sometimes people like to go in there and you know see what they can find one of the cool things with my Q features is you can set a timer at 10:00 o'clock rolls around you can just have your door automatically shut. This is the check a pro radio show, Check A Pro Joe has assembled a team of pre-qualified home service contractors to bring you the latest in services products and techniques now here's your host the man with a hard hat and tool belt check a pro Joe today there's all kinds of technology to help us around the home I don't know if you know this but there's a system for your garage door actually it's kind of your garage door operator the garage door opener is called my queue and what it does is it allows you to basically automate your garage door so I've asked Alex Dalton he is an expert in the garage door business from eco garage door service Alex how are you I'm doing good today how are you doing I'm doing fantastic the my q garage door system it's a great way for people to automate their garage door system yeah absolutely it's Wi-Fi capable there so you can always you know check if your door is open or shut there's a bunch of settings on there. There's been a lot of theft in my neighborhood recently where people leave their garage doors open sometimes people like to go in there and you know see what they can find and one of the cool things that I'm IQ features is you can set a timer at 10:00 o'clock rolls around you can just have your door automatically shut get a nice little notification to your phone and your home is nice and locked up and safe for you yeah that's just one of the features you can also allow people to come in once or multiple times like the Amazon guy right yeah the Amazon guy packages are also big thing that are getting stolen these days Amazon actually has a feature where they can open your door stick that package in there for you and shut that door right up for you a lot of these new openers are coming with cameras on them as well so you can monitor when that's happening make sure that that's all they're doing in your garage as well there's some other cool features on there like if your door is acting up your door is not wanting to open your door is not shutting you can actually just send a diagnostics report to us as if we're on there as your registered dealer and we get that report we can kind of troubleshoot it over the phone with you or we know what we're walking into and what needs to be done right away you know we're also is really cool if you're going on vacation you're at the airport or you're maybe already on the beach in Hawaii you're thousands of miles away from home much like you can look on your phone at a camera at your property you can also see if the garage door is open maybe you thought you left it open but of course if you programmed it it went down to 10:00 o'clock at night but the point is is at any point in time you can monitor what the garage is doing yeah absolutely it's a great feature I used two drive away from my house all the time before I had that set up and I'd always think in my head did I close my door and then you kind of just freak out a little bit sometimes you take the risk and you go back home and you realize you shot it it's just been nice to have that at your fingertips and with the my queue you can have that at your fingertips for some reason your neighbor calls you and says hey you know what I've got something to return I've got the lawn mower to return to you and you say you know what I'm actually in Hawaii on the beach sorry you're not here with me but here I'm going to open up the garage right now and I can actually see you while you do this and let's roll it in and I'll close it after you're done exactly that's crazy great Alex Dalton from eco garage door service give him a call and he can set you up with the my q garage door system it's not that expensive at all and it's really a great value all of Alex's contact information is in the description of this podcast thanks alex thanks for having me check a pro is your local source for pre-qualified contractors stay tuned for more of the cheka pro radio show.