
  • Workplace Dignity
    Sep 3 2021
    Today Sheila Wilson’s interview is with Debra Falzoi, Debra educates employees and validates their experiences so they can take back their dignity. She started Dignity Together, providing coping services and resources for workplace abuse targets.
    We spoke about the healthcare workers and how hard it had to be for them to be working the shifts they were working without getting the breaks they needed, the number of patients they had, and the lack of staff. The nurses were at a disadvantage they didn’t have the correct personal protective equipment to protect themselves.
    We are hoping with Debra’s resources, some nurses can find some comfort from the horrendous time they spent treating the very ill patients that were in their care. Workplace abuse comes in many ways.
    For further information and contact information: https://bit.ly/3h0e1w2

    Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/whine-and-cheese--4362246/support.
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    31 mins
  • 147 Days and Counting
    Aug 4 2021
    Do you remember why the Nurses went on Strike with St Vincent Hospital?
    Sheila Wilson’s interview today with Beckett Augat, R.N. at St. Vincent Hospital. Sheila and Beckett talked about the main reason that the Nurses went out on strike for the safety of the Patient.
    We must understand the Main Reason the Nurses went out on Strike. As the strike continues, things will be said, you know, he said she said and you lose the real reason for something that happened such as this strike with the Nurses and St Vincent Hospital.
    The nurses are responsible for too many patients and it isn’t safe for the patients! Patient ratios were getting too high and could leave the patient in jeopardy. Many of the striking nurses have lost faith and trust in the administration. These nurses have been on strike for 147 days so far! Negotiations will continue Monday, August 2, 2021, we wish success to the Nurses on the Negotiations with St. Vincent Hospital and for wanting to take care of their patients the correct way!
    For more information and contact: https://bit.ly/3xufvUQ

    Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/whine-and-cheese--4362246/support.
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    48 mins
  • Did the Hospital Abandon this Nurse
    May 24 2021
    This healthcare workers assault changed her life in a heartbeat
    Today Sheila Wilson interviewed a healthcare provider Kim. Kim states she was assaulted by a patient while she was working her shift. During the conversation she stated doesn’t remember everything about the assault but she does remember the patient slamming her head on the table, passing out, and being dragged by two patients to another room. The incident itself didn’t sound like it lasted a long time but the aftermath of this assault is still going on. She spoke of the struggles of having to deal with physician appointments, workman compensation, and many other agencies.
    There seems to be no end to the problems that Kim is having. Kim has no support from her hospital or guidance from the court system. This happens to many nurses that do not have any support. Providing a picture before the incident and after the incident
    For more contact and information, providing contact: https://bit.ly/3few6Gj

    Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/whine-and-cheese--4362246/support.
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    42 mins
  • Do Nurses Really Need Safe Staffing
    May 22 2021
    Sheila Wilson's Guest is Beckett Augat a nurse that worked in the Emergency room. She also is a Member and Representative of the Massachusetts Nursing Association. Beckett has been on this show before and shared with us the issues that she and all the nurses are dealing with in the hospital she has worked in for years. She has been on strike for 9 weeks, walking the sidewalks in front of St. Vincent’s hospital with hundreds of other nurses, community members, and friends. They are striking for the hospital to provide more staff. The nurses are taking care of too many patients and this makes it unsafe for the patient and themselves. She mentions negotiations aren’t going well. They have spent hours sitting at the negotiation table with no solutions. The hospital has put out a full-page ad in the newspaper to hire more nurses instead of thinking about the issues of lack of safe staffing.

    Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/whine-and-cheese--4362246/support.
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    46 mins
  • Nurses in Worcester, Ma needs your help
    May 3 2021
    In this interview, ER Nurse Beckett Augat discusses her meeting with members of the hospital administration and MA. Nursing Assoc. (MNA) Nurse’s Union. The nurses have sent 600 unsafe staffing forms with no response from the hospital administrations. The nurses need more staff to give good care. Their nursing ratios are too high !. The nurses have been on strike for 8 weeks. Beckett spoke that negotiations didn’t go well. When MNA asked about more staffing Members of the Hospital Administration response was they are taking back the money that was offered. Members of the Hospital Administration don’t seem to understand what goes into taking good care of patients. Beckett also discussed the “one patient law”. If a patient comes in and is seriously ill and needs a critical care bed that patient is assigned a nurse, it is the only patient that nurse has until this patient gets stable. Unfortunately, this is not the case in the Emergency room where the staffing ratios are higher.
    This is an interview that the public needs to hear. This Strike is for Safe Patient Care Not MONEY as it is led to be Believe in the Media!
    If you really want to help the Nurses from St. Vincents Hospital, please contact your Legislators in Massachusetts and express your concerns. You really do not realize how powerful your VOICE is!!! Help the Nurses as this STRIKe is for YOU- the patient.

    Who is holding your hand when you are a patient in the Hospital? No! it is not a Member of the Hospital Administration, No! it is not the Doctor. Who is left? The NURSE! So let's support the Nurse by speaking up for the Nurse and call your Legislator in Massachusetts and Call the Hospital to register your complaints. Please use your voice and make a stand for the Nurses at St. Vincent Hospital.

    This issue for the nurses is just not in Massachusetts it is all over the United States of America. There are Nurses on Strike happening in many places so this is not just one isolated Strike happening in Massachusetts. The Publick (and that is you) Need to step up and help these Nurses. Look, I know we are in a Health Pandemic in the United States, and the World but life still continues with problems that still have to be solved every day.
    For more information and contact:https://bit.ly/3usbbEw

    Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/whine-and-cheese--4362246/support.
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    45 mins
  • Is This A Silent Epidemic
    Apr 27 2021
    The violence is happening everywhere, YOU need to take precautions
    Look and listen to your surroundings and Be prepared!
    Is This A Silent Epidemic
    Sheila Wilson R.N. BSN, MPH, Host of Whine & Cheese guest today is ER Nurse Practioner Regan
    In this interview, ER Nurse Practioner Regan discusses her encounter with a Violent Patient in the ER one evening. The violent patient scratched her face and neck and continues coming at her. It and became very intense in the ER. Security did come however they could not use their Taser because there was no weapon noted! No knife or gun. You will be truly surprised at the end of her story what really saved her.
    What is your facility doing about it? Good Questions! If you don’t think it can happen to you, think again, it can happen.
    For more information and Contact: :https://bit.ly/3nnAvcn

    Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/whine-and-cheese--4362246/support.
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    34 mins
  • Do you know why Nurses are on Strike
    Mar 19 2021
    Do you really know why the Nurses in Worcester, Mass are on strike? I doubt many know or really care. The only time you would pay attention is when you or a loved one is in the hospital especially during the Pandemic.
    I am providing the interview with Sheila Wilson, RN, BSN, MPH, and Beckett Augat, RN on the REASON these Hard Working Nurses are on Strike! It is for the safety of YOU and the NURSE:
    If you have any comments or help on this topic, please contact Sheila Wilson.
    For Contact information: http://bit.ly/3sfc1mY

    Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/whine-and-cheese--4362246/support.
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    39 mins
  • Who is Accountable for Violence to Nurses
    Mar 13 2021
    Sheila Wilson's guest today is Jone Jensen, MSN BSN R.N, who has been a nurse for 47 years, she has spent 45 of those years in the psychiatric field. During our interview we discussed the violence that can happen and how did the staff and administration handle the episodes of violence. We also discussed the question as to why a lot of the times anyone with a mental health issue doesn't get held accountable for the incident of violence toward others.

    Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/whine-and-cheese--4362246/support.
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    41 mins