There are various kinds of credit card users. Some use credit cards extensively, snapping up all benefits, while some use them only for emergencies. Some people are always punctual about their credit-card dues, while some people are perpetually late. Some people like to own a number of credit cards while others are satisfied with only one. What kind of user are you? Don't know? Let’s find out!
The Responsible User
These users tend to keep an eye on their bank statements. They know exactly how their statements are going to be, and prepare themselves accordingly. They usually always repay their debts on time and hence save themselves from paying interest. They also try to maximize the benefits and offers that come with their cards, whether it is dining, movies, or shopping.
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Minimum Payers
These users try to get by without paying their full dues – they tend to only pay ‘the minimum amount. This habit makes them a favorite of credit card companies. Although they don’t make complete payments, they tend to get attracted by the offers and benefits of credit card users. These users end up paying high-interest rates eventually if they are unable to make full payments.
These payers use their credit cards to the hilt, but when it comes to paying dues, they disappear. The banks tag them as defaulters. Most times, these users do not realize that their behavior lowers their credit rating and are usually surprised when they are unable to get loans or credit on good terms from lending institutions.
Flaunters, but non-users
These people flaunt their cards, but will hardly use them. They have either faced some trouble with the terms and conditions of their credit cards or are just not interested in using them. Some ‘collect’ credit cards as status symbols, but don’t really need them.
So do you fit into any of the categories listed above? The first two and the last are relatively harmless, but if you are in the third category, it is time for you to change. Pay your bills on time and avoid credit card debt!
Balance transfer cards with a 0% introductory rate
Out of the four general types of credit cards available in the market, balance transfer cards are the best possible option that can help you cut down your interest rates. It also provides the benefit of switching your balance to another credit card that serves you better terms. Generally, banks charges you with an introductory Annual Percentage Rate on a term of minimum of 6 months up to 21 months as set by the federal government, which is charged on the amount of balance, transferred.
But, relax! Because of the heavy competition in the global market and the debt amount banks are now trying to lure or rather attract customers by giving away free introductory rates or 0% interest rates on their balance transfer cards. Different balance transfer card offers you appealing offers and tenures of about 12 to 18 months to make you easily pay off your debts.
However, you must check into the terms and conditions of each balance transfer card that are available to scrutinize for any additional interest rates that might be applicable for any other unlikely reasons. Know more about the free intro period balance transfer card.