• "Treated Like a Dog" #1019
    Nov 26 2020

    Today President Trump, called in to 'hearing' invented by Rudy Giuliani to urge that the election should be 'turned over'. We assume he means the result.

    He compared the republican observers as being treated like dogs and said the CCTV was so bad they could have been playing baseball. 

    He expressed none of these concerns in 2016.

    Follow us on the Twitter at @whathashesaid

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    2 mins
  • "A Sacred Number" #1018
    Nov 26 2020

    Today President Trump, who is the only president to lose the popular vote twice and the first not to get a second term since George Bush was elected in 1989 gave a one minute press conference to acknowledge the record high of Dow Jones and what he considers a 'sacred number'.

    He'll still being saying stuff, so keep listening and follow us on Twitter at @whathashesaid


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    1 min
  • "Mini-Strokes" #1016
    Sep 2 2020

    Yesterday President Trump tweeted:

    "It never ends! 

    Now they are trying to say that your favorite President, me, went to Walter Reed Medical Center, having suffered a series of mini-strokes. 

    Never happened to THIS candidate - FAKE 

    Perhaps they are referring to another candidate from another Party!"

    There were no media reports of President Trump suffering 'mini-strokes' and many onlookers are wondering whether the president is referring to something 

    only he knows. 

    The President's tweet was followed hours later by a statement from White House physician Dr Sean Conley, who said he was speaking at Trump's request. 

    He wrote, "I can confirm that President Trump has not experienced nor been evaluated for a stroke or mini stroke, as have been incorrectly reported in the media" 

    NBC News again confirmed that, "No major media outlet appears to have reported in recent days that Trump had a series of mini-strokes."If you'd like to hear more daily updates from What Has He Said Now, subscribe to this podcast as we run up to the election and follow us on Twitter at @whathashesaid





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    2 mins
  • "Testing is a Double Edged Sword" #1015
    Jun 21 2020

    Today President Trump stated at a rally in Tulsa, where COVID cases are spiking and where the event tickets included a disclaimer not to sue the Trump campaign if they caught the deadly virus at his rally, that he had directed officials to slow virus testing and find fewer COVID-19 cases. 

    The self proclaimed businessman's claim of the US doing twenty million more test than the next nearest country is also a slight exaggeration. There are no countries in the testing Top 5 that the US tested twenty million more than. 

    The first country that the US has conducted twenty million more tests than is Italy, who's entire population is sixty million. 

    If you'd like to hear more daily updates from What Has He Said Now, subscribe to this podcast as we run up to the election and follow us on Twitter at @whathashesaid






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    2 mins
  • "Real Estate" #1014
    Jun 12 2020

    President Trump gives bizarre explanation of why some buildings cost more than others

    No, we didn't get it either.



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    1 min
  • The Trump Family Didn’t Ask the Federal Government For Money #1013
    Jun 11 2020

    Yesterday President Trump retweeted a tweet by one his hotels with the following message,

    "...And the Trump family didn’t ask the Federal government for money to carry this and many other very expensive to carry properties!"

    The original tweet has since been deleted, most likely due to the legality of the president promoting his own businesses.

    What he didn't refer to is that his two golfing resorts in Scotland will be receiving a $1.3m bailout from the Scottish government. His businesses in Scotland have never paid corporation tax as every year they report a massive loss with the biggest debt paid to the president of $200m. This is most likely reported to the IRS where the president pays his taxes on revenue earned for overseas operations. 

    He probably also was not directly referring to the $75,000 bill picked up by the US taxpayer for his son Eric's trip to Mongolia to hunt and kill a rare wild goat. Eric killed the animal which is close to endangered, had a secret meeting with the president of Mongolia and then received a posthumous permit for slaying another of nature's least intelligent mammals. 

    If you'd like to hear more daily updates from What Has He Said Now, subscribe to this podcast as we run up to the election and follow us on Twitter at @whathashesaid


    We close with Republican Mitt Romney's comments on President Trump's entirely unfounded theory that a 75 year peaceful protester who was left bleeding from the head after being manhandled by the police was a violent activist monitoring police communications. 





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    3 mins
  • George Floyd "This is a Great Thing For Him" #1012
    Jun 6 2020

    Yesterday in a speech given by president Trump praising the surprise Labor Report figures, which are still at levels equivalent to the great depression, he somehow thought it was pertinent to reference George Floyd, the African American man who’s murder by the police has sparked riots across America and protests across the world. 

    He said “This is a great day for him. It’s a great day for everybody. This is a great day for everybody. This is a great, great day in terms of equality.”

    We've included the comments of the NPR reporters Tamra Keith and Lakshmi Singh.

    We’ll be back tomorrow with the episode where he denies he ever said it, or says it was misinterpreted lying by fake news 

    or that black people love him more because he said it. Probably.

    If you'd like to hear more daily updates from What Has He Said Now, subscribe to this podcast as we run up to the election and follow us on Twitter at @whathashesaid




    https://www.npr.org/podcasts/500005/npr-news-now - Listen to more NPR!

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    3 mins
  • "A crime against God" #1011
    Jun 2 2020

    Yesterday president Trump emerged from his white house bunker to pose for a photo outside a local church holding a bible. 

    In order to reach the church the 73 year old ordered that peaceful protesters outside the white house were cleared and the police did so using tear gas on them. 

    While opponents have questioned the tactics of gassing citizens to capture this photo opportunity of the president holding a book, 

    supporters of the president unanimously believe it was justified.

    Later he spent the evening retweeting praise for a speech he made. Less kind observers have described it as "rambling, nonsensical word soup". 

    Earlier in the week President re-quoted former Miami police chief Walter Headley by tweeting "when the looting starts, the shooting starts". The president stopped at fully quoting Headley who also advocated to "shoot rioters on sight".

    The following US cities are under nighttime curfew: Atlanta, Cleveland, Dallas, Denver, Los Angeles, Louisville, Minneapolis, Philadelphia, Phoenix, Raleigh, San Francisco, Seattle and Washington DC.

    America's 'death total' for COVID-19 now stands at 107,000 with 16,000 new cases reported yesterday. 

    One in four US workers are now unemployed.

    If you'd like to hear more daily updates from What Has He Said Now, subscribe to this podcast and follow us on Twitter at @whathashesaid




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    3 mins