• We Love Outdoors June 21, 2022 - Episode 23
    Jun 21 2022

    In this week's episode of We Love Outdoors with Rich Davenport, your humble host delves into more of the anti-gun measures passed by NY in the waning moments of the legislative session, including the body armor sale ban in NY which completely missed the type of armor the Tops shooter was wearing. Haste makes waste, and this shows you what it means in not letting a crisis go to waste.

    The lead ammo ban proposal from USFWS on their National Wildlife Refuges was also discussed, and you can submit you comment to the Federal Register before August 8, 2022. USFWS has no science that indicates lead ammo or fishing tackle is causing problems, so push back.

    Your humble host also lays out the truth about lead and toxicity, and folks, solid lead bullets or sinkers are not toxic, as they cannot be metabolized! But this is how the trickery works, take a general truth - lead is toxic - then claim there is an issue, while omitting the realities of what form of lead is actually toxic, and if you cannot metabolize it, then toxicity doesn't exist! Kinda similar to the CO2 claims where yes, CO2 does absorb infrared photons, but only holds the heat for 0.00001 second longer than other gases, while CO2 is consumed by plats to make cellulose! Levels in the atmosphere are a fraction of what you find in a greenhouse, and yet no issues in greenhouses with heat or anything else.

    In fishing news the DEC has released some survey updates for Lake Erie fishing in May 2022, which showed a tremendous uptick in angling effort not seen on at least 20 years! This was driven by walleye and yellow perch fishing, while May's bass fishing effort was about average for the month. Lake Ontario stocking has been completed, and stream surveys will now be done with Lake survey work, starting this September.

    NY also appears to have a new smallmouth bass record with an 8lb 5.8oz beast being caught, weighed and released during a bass tournament on Cayuga Lake. The record is pending certification from DEC.

    Finally, the wind zealots are getting desperate and a new liar has jumped up trying to get politicians to sign a letter that is full of falsehoods, which your humble host dismantles piece by piece. To get the facts, visit CAWTILE.com or come of the July 12 informational meeting at Southtowns Walleye Assn. clubhouse on Southwestern Blvd. in Hamburg, NY. State Senator George Borrello will be the keynote speaker.

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    1 hr and 2 mins
  • We Love Outdoors June 13, 2022, Episode 22
    Jun 13 2022

    In this week's episode of We Love Outdoors with Rich Davenport, your humble host breaks down the anti-gun laws recently signed into law after the state legislature passed a series of pre-written, law-abiding punishing gun laws, just waiting for another tragic criminal event to use as the crisis to capitalize upon. One of the new laws requires a license top purchase and possess any semi-automatic rifle, not just the scary-looking ones, and to get the permit, you need to be age 21. DEC has issued some clarification to hunters educators, and we can expect more clarifications in the coming weeks and months, along with lawsuits over this latest attack on our God-given rights.

    The legislature also passed the county opt out bills pertaining to the Holiday Hunt, but that has yet to be signed. I believe all hunters should contact the governor and urge she veto this legislation.

    The statewide lead ammo ban also appears to have died in the Senate, but Jekyll and Hyde Commissioner Seggos recently endorsed the lead ammo bad, across NYS, despite zero science behind the move. Legislative session ended June 2, thankfully. New session doesn't happen until January, with hopefully a brand new senate under GOP control to get balance back to NYS.

    Several dates of importance coming up, including NYS opening of bass season, Great Lakes musky season, as they both open June 15. Family Fishing clinics are also coming up, timed with the free fishing weekend in NY, June 25-26. ECFSC holds a clinic at Chestnut Ridge Park, and the East Side Angling Assn holds free fishing days at Broderick Park, foot of Ferry St., Buffalo NY on both the 25th and 26th. Events are free to all to attend.

    SWA Walleye Derby is now on and runs through June 19.

    July 11 is the NYSCC Golf Tournament, deadline to sign up is July 1

    July 12 - CAWTILE informational meeting at SWA Clubhouse on Southwestern Blvd, Hamburg, special guest State Senator George Borrello will be on hand to discuss Lake Erie Wind Turbines.

    And the Region 9 Waterfowl task force submitted a report to the WNYEF that really spells out the problems with waterfowl hunting in NY in a nutshell. This season and next round out the 5-year SDM experiment, but we must wait until the 2024/ 25 seasons for relief.

    While lead ammo may still be used in NY (for now) USF&W has proposed regulation to phase out lead ammo on federal refuges, which NSSF has lodged a strong objection to as without merit nd devoid of science. Truly is. Comment period for that proposed federal rule ends August 8, 2022.

    And the renewable energy front, the reality of electric vehicles is discussed, factors no one is talking about, but better be thought of and fast. After all, when all the negatives are weighed it becomes self-evident the attack on gasoline and diesel is an attack on our liberty that affordable, effective energy delivers. This is why they wish to move from gasoline stored in tanks to electric that can be controlled by government. Nothing to do with saving the planet.

    And finally, a 2050-foot armor stone berm is needed to protect the 5 turbines of Steel Winds II from storm damage from Lake Erie. According to DEC, the facility is being damaged by seiches and ice shoves, impacting the access road and causing harm to the turbine foundations. If turbines on shore cannot be protected from Lake Erie storms without a rock wall, how will they protect 50 offshore turbines from the wave energy and ice?

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    1 hr and 3 mins
  • We Love Outdoors June 1, 2022 - Episode 21
    Jun 1 2022

    Happy Memorial Day! In this week's episode of We Love Outdoors with Rich Davenport, your humble host delves deep into the 2021 deer harvest report, to see what is behind the numbers, and what dynamics are revealed in this report.

    Although the total harvest was down, the buck harvest was down slightly, declines were driven by antlerless harvest and it appears a lower harvest during the archery seasons as well.

    With Memorial Day comes the unofficial start of summer, and the official start of camping season, and it is expected that parks will see another record year for visitors and overnight stays, as covid covid covid has reinvigorated many outdoors pursuits, not just hunting and fishing. Speaking of fishing, inland musky season is now open, and the walleye bite is starting to pick up during the day. Crappie re still active in the weeds at Chautauqua and Findley Lakes, but expect this to slow as the weeds really thicken up.

    Tragic events and acts of evil have once again brought semi automatic rifles and the 2nd Amendment back into debate, with communist Democrats predictably calling for punishing law abiding people through targeting inanimate objects we have a right to keep and bear, for the actions of one deranged teenager. Not very smart.

    The legislative session for the NYS Legislature ends June 2, 2022, and we hope nothing gets done so we limit the damage being done to our state by the radical left. The county opt out bills did pass the legislature and are now on the Governor's desk for signing or veto. Please reach out and ask Hochul to veto this legislation as it is unneeded and unenforceable.

    And the energy debacle in the USA is going to get a lot worse before it gets better, as more states that are walking the renewable energy road are warning of rolling blackouts this summer! And don't be fooled by the meatballs saying we should have moved to renewables years ago... No, we should have invested that money we wasted on unworkable notions in pursuit of greater efficiency and better mining and drilling techniques.

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    1 hr and 2 mins
  • We Love Outdoors May 24, 2022 - Episode 20
    May 24 2022

    In this week's episode of We Love Outdoors with Rich Davenport, your humble host reports the 2021 NYS Deer harvest estimates have finally been released, with a decline in this year's numbers showing of nearly 17% vs. last year's harvest. A statewide summary is provided, but a more detailed look into the numbers will occur next episode.

    The legislative session is winding down in NY, with June 2 slated as the final session day for this year's legislative work. Although much can happen within a week, many of the controversial bills will likely die in committee than become an election year issue. But governors may call special sessions, so we have our eyes on it.

    And it appears hunters could be used to help control the nuisance deer in the Village of Fredonia. Trustee Jon Espersen is putting forward such a plan that he hopes will begin October 1, using archery hunters in the Village that does allow archery hunting by statute.

    Fishing is hitting full stride, but gas prices have put a crimp on the SWA perch derby this year. But Sturgeon Point Marina is now fully open, although gas availability is questionable, but anglers may now launch and retrieve and slip holders can get into their slips.

    The Fishing Hotspot map for WNY will be getting a much needed update, as the Erie, Chautauqua and Niagara counties begin the work to update the information, with a target deadline for updates by July 2022. Implementation would occur shortly thereafter.

    And a new record continues the ongoing hot streak, as this time in NY a new channel catfish record has been set!

    And as we march to the drum beat of the fairy tale known as climate change, more bad news is hitting, this time in the form of far higher costs, and how these are being hidden from public review.

    This of course, impacts the costs to get noting from wind factories either installed on land, or offshore in the ocean, or heaven forbid, in our waters of life. Costs, which were staggering last year. have gone up 11%, not counting interest, which has doubled!

    Bad news for them, but the Democrats don't care, they are now showing as happy about these high record costs we have to pay and watch our abilities to live our lives goes down the tubes. But these costs cannot remain hidden, and as the Democrats continue to irrationally defend their agenda, what remains of their credibility is sinking fast!

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    1 hr and 1 min
  • We Love Outdoors May 16, 2022 - Episode 19
    May 17 2022

    In this week's episode of We Love Outdoors with Rich Davenport, your humble host laments about the waiting game that has become the 2021 deer harvest - let's hope the numbers are released before the end of the 2022 season. The 2022/ 2023 waterfowl season dates are set, and in NY we have 5 waterfowl zones, or duck hunting zones, but far more than that for goose hunting zones. Check the DEC website for specifics and maps sowing where each hunting zone is.

    A tragic and heinous event occurred last weekend in Buffalo when a deranged punk from Binghamton decided to drive to Buffalo to shoot up a supermarket, apparently targeting black patrons, resulting in shooting 13, with 10 being killed. This is the failure of the legal system and especially the NY SAFE Act, as this disturbed individual last year proclaimed the desire to shoot up a graduation ceremony. That was taken up by the police, and a mental health referral was issued for the kid to get checked, yet strangely, despite the SAFE Act demanding such mental health issues be disqualifying for firearms, this was never reported to NICS, and the punk was able to purchase a rifle lawfully, not to mention military-grade body armor, all of which if the laws were enforced, should never have happened. Let's Go Brandon and Gov Hochul will be in town this Tuesday to fear monger and use the blood that is now on their hands as a call for more gun control. They should try criminal control instead.

    The legislative session is winding down, and the crossbow bill has once again been stymied, as the Assembly EnCon committee voted to hold the bill for further consideration. All GOP committee members voted to bring to the full floor, along with two Democrats joining in, but 17 Dems and one Independent on the committee voted to hold the bill. Go figure. Democrat showing they are anti-hunting, anti-youth, anti-senior and anti-disabled. Other bills are being watched but the session does end June 2, but that doesn't mean the governor couldn't call a special session as well. Watching closely.

    Fishing is starting t0 heat up, although the perch bite is winding down, the crappie bite is peaking, and bass and walleye are picking up as well. And although summer has yet to arrive, it may be a good idea to look further into the future when considering your gear needs, as Let's Go Brandon's economy and product shortages could result in delays in getting that new pair of boots, ice fishing gear, new hunting rifles, and ammo, etc. But his appears part of a plan to push the US into Bankruptcy and communism. We really need to change direction come November.

    And energy policy is at the root of it all, and while we now fully know about the idea to stick wind turbines in the Great Lakes, deafening silence from Albany shows they are aware of the opposition, and apparently they will wait until after election day before they start the full push. But the Democrats have proven to be anti-freshwater and are acting like what they claim the GOP does - putting special interest profits ahead of our environment.

    The problems with offshore wind in the Great Lakes is documented, with many known terrible problems, and many more unknown terrible problems. This should never be considered again.

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    1 hr and 2 mins
  • We Love Outdoors May 6, 2022 - Episode 18
    May 6 2022

    In this week's episode of We Love Outdoors with Rich Davenport, your humble host reviews the latest fishing news, which is walleye has opened, while the yellow perch are on fire on Lake Erie, and the dredging has finally begun at Sturgeon Point Marina! An event was held this past Saturday, April 30, called the Perch Master's Tournament, where 50 boats/ teams of anglers competed to bring in their 5 largest perch by weight. With 50 boats playing in the event, most centered on Wendt Beach, just west of Sturgeon Point, but the marina wasn't open, and anglers had to run from either the Catt or Buffalo. Lost revenue for the town.... During April this year, without the port being open, the town lost up to an estimated $560,000 in angler activity. Hopefully once the marina is repaired this will be a thing of the past.

    The bill seeking to ban fishing and hunting tournaments in NY is once again in committee, as are a number of other bills unfriendly to outdoors concerns. This would impact a lot of economic activity, including the upcoming Walleye Professional Tournament Championship slated for Dunkirk Harbor at the end of August 2022. Make calls to your representatives and urge them to vote no on this frivolous bill.

    The record-setting fishing continues, this time with a new saltwater record for bluefin tuna in Florida, when team "No Name' captained by Jake Matney reeled in an 832 lb. 2 oz. monster, breaking the old record of 826 lb. 8 oz. caught in 2017. Wow!

    The political landscape in NY shook with a recent court decision by the highest court upholding two lower court rulings voiding the newly drawn US Congressional and NYS Senate districts as gerrymandering and unconstitutional, which is now forcing the primaries back to August instead of June. The Assembly redistricting has also been challenged just before the deadline, which will further mess things up for the Democrats this coming November. This year NYers have the chance to restore some balance in government, as the one-party rule has been an utter disaster for the people, and that's an understatement.

    The flurry of bills being introduced is on steroids again as we approach the end of this year's legislative session. We can only hope no action occurs, as June 2 appears to be the last session day for 2022.

    Many important dates coming up and are covered in this episode, including family fishing clinics, meat and ammo raffles and opening days of note.

    Free fishing weekend in NY is last weekend in June, where no license is needed to freshwater fish for those 2 days.

    And the Democrats have inadvertently made protecting freshwater a political issue for 2022 when they voted down the moratorium sponsored by George Borrello in the NYS Senate EnCon committee, where all GOP members voted for the moratorium, which would have protected all freshwaters in NY, including the Great Lakes from Industrial Wind Turbine industrialization, while all 7 Democrats opposed the measure, citing "premature" and "wait for the science" as their reasoning, yet the science, in the form of the NYSERDA feasibility study was already done in 2010, and was panned then, while Borrello noted environmental concerns that are not being studied by NYSERDA at all. SPread the word far and wide, as clearly the Democrats are opposed to protecting our freshwater for the kids not yet born, and everyone else.

    And Congressman Chris Jacobs has sponsored a bill to protect the Great Lakes from these schemes and also to pull federal subsidies from wind development in total. The battle is now fully joined, yet no project has yet been applied for nor solicited yet. And the darling of the Sierra Club, Block Island wind, has proven to be an unmitigated disaster, as they haven't generated any power since summer 2021, and now ae leaking oil into the ocean!

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    1 hr and 1 min
  • We Love Outdoors April 24, 2022 - Episode 17
    Apr 25 2022

    In this week's episode of We Love Outdoors with Rich Davenport, your humble host talks the fickle spring weather, with one day bringing warm temps and the next a snow storm. However, this weekend the weather finally moderated for the youth spring turkey hunt, and hopefully those kids that got out had a successful hunt.

    Well, last week we lost another icon in WNY Outdoors circles with the passing of Captain Mark "Sparky" McGranahan. The Lake Ontario waters will be emptier with his loss for certain. He was a friend, a mentor, and was one of the first onboard with WeLoveOutdoors when we first launched.

    Trout are still running in the streams, but that won't last much longer, especially if temperatures remain in the 70's as they were this weekend. And the NYSDEC is launching a shoreline angler survey effort this year to gain better insight into this overlooked group of fishermen.

    Sturgeon Point Marina will see a dredging after all, as the town awarded the bid to a local contractor during the April 20, 2022 town board meeting. The dredging will begin as soon as possible, with the marina set to open May 18, 2022 at the latest. Although still not in line with contract terms, which demand the marina be open starting ice out, this is the earliest the marina will open in the past several years.

    And another freshwater fishing record has been broken, this time in Tennessee, with a 121 lb paddlefish being caught from Cherokee Lake. The trend keeps on trucking!

    May 1 marks the spring turkey opener and the walleye opener, and many have taken to the outdoors, rediscovering nature after covid covid covid, and this year plenty will be hiking and camping and enjoying the myriad of trails in our parks and localities. The rails to trails program has been one that has shown to be fairly popular, converting old, abandoned railways into hiking, walking and biking trails. But these projects aren't suitable everywhere, providing much greater benefit to urban and suburban areas, but not so much in rural settings, where many parks and trails already exist. A project that has been dormant for the past 8 years has been resurrected, but the opposition remains. Nevertheless, these groups are pushing for this to happen, which could spell the demise of the West Falls Conservation Club. A deeper look into this project and the number of landowners and homeowners that would be affected truly makes this particular effort no good. Interested folks may contact the STB, or surface transportation board, 395 E Street SW, Washington, DC 20423, and ask them to kindly deny this project in its current form.

    With spring turkey season about to commence, not to mention hiking and gardening season hitting its stride, people are advised to practice good tick exposure prevention, as a relatively new tick-borne illness is on the rise, an allergy to red meat called alpha-gal syndrome. Carried by the Lone Star tick, this life-altering illness happens with exposure to the common carbohydrate known as alpha-gal, and exposure, even once can cause an immune system response to this molecule. The result is allergic reactions to steak, pork, even venison and rabbit.

    And with this week being the big one for climate alarmists, expect a heavy dose of alarmism and little connected with reality. But NOAA has released temperature data indicating the planet is actually cooling, and Scotland is rethinking its rush for offshore wind. NY wanted a behind closed doors intrusion into Lake Erie, but that was met with fierce resistance, and now all are silent, even the touted feasibility study, Part Deux is late in its release. No one wats to touch this in an election year, so we must get them on record before election day.

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    1 hr
  • We Love Outdoors April 17, 2022 - Episode 16
    Apr 17 2022

    Happy Easter! In this week's episode of We Love Outdoors with Rich Davenport, your humble host discusses the current yellow perch bonanza happening on Lake Erie, and although temperatures are still low, and we were greeted by snow this morning, spring has sprung, and the open water fishing is heating up. The cool, wet spring has served to prolong the trout runs in the Great Lakes tributaries, while the lower Niagara River has been hot for big steelhead, brown trout and lake trout. Niagara Bar is also seeing good action, with Chinook Salmon also showing up in advance of the spring feed.

    Inland lakes like Chautauqua Lake, are seeing crappie heading shallow in advance of the spring spawn to feed, and Ashville Bay is once again welcoming anglers, for $3.00 per day, to fish before the boats go in.

    The Great Lakes Sportfishing Commission has reported that the Lake Erie Committee has set the 2022 walleye and yellow perch quotas, with both species seeing an increase to their respective total allowable catch (TAC). Walleye, which has a quota expressed in numbers of fish, has a quota of 14.533 MIL walleye, predominantly applicable to Ohio, Michigan and Ontario. This represents an 18% increase from 2021 quotas. Yellow perch, saw a modest uptick in the TAC, which is expressed in pounds, with 3 of the 4 management units seeing an increase, but the east-central unit saw a decline in TAC. NY's catch of both walleye and yellow perch is 100% recreational.

    And NOAA will have their deep water hydrographic vessel, the Thomas Jefferson, in the waters of the Great Lakes in 2022, predominantly in Lake Erie, off Ohio and Presque Isle, updating the bottom mapping from the 1991 efforts.

    And another freshwater fishing record has been broken, this time in Mississippi, when angler Gene Cronley caught a 131 lb Blue Catfish from the Mississippi River on April 7, 2022.

    In hunting news, youth hunters took center stage during the 2021 big game season in NY, with over 9800 12 and 13 year olds securing a big game hunting license for the first time, and in promoting this activity to the youth, the Region 9 Youth Archery Camp, a longtime staple for summer in WNY, has undergone a makeover, and is now operated by the new non-profit Region 9 Youth Archery & Sportsmen's Camp, a 501c3 corporation dedicated to this endeavor. This year's camp, which runs August 5-7, 2022 at Elma Conservation Club, will offer intensive training in archery techniques, conservation principles, ethics and sportsmanship, as well as archery safety training for the bowhunter's certificate and, new this year, the NY Hunter's education course, a requirement to secure any hunting license in NY.

    Date of interest coming up include the spring youth turkey hunt April 23-24, 2022, and a turkey hunting proposal has been announced by NYSDEC which will extend spring turkey season to Suffolk County, although the season will afford only 1 bird per season as the limit. It has also been proposed that hunters may use #9 shot starting next season, vs. minimum size of #8 shot this year. Comment period ends June 5, 2022.

    Town of Evans will hold a public meeting on April 20 to discuss, among other things, Sturgeon Point Marina and the dredging bids. Town supervisor Hosler is playing the media game of maybe the marina will be closed for repairs, but no permits have been secured, no project out for bid, and funding isn't totally in place. It is recommended anglers attend this meeting, which starts at 6:30PM at the Evans Town Center, and make sure the town board opens the marina up.

    This and so much more in this week's episode. Happy Easter!

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    1 hr and 1 min