
  • BILLION DOLLAR MIND preying on Christians with Crypto Gifting Scam or Facilitating Money Laundering?
    Sep 12 2024

    Welcome to another hard-hitting investigation on The Crypto Ponzi Scheme Avenger channel! I’m Danny de Hek, also known as The Crypto Ponzi Scheme Avenger, and my mission is to bring light to the unethical and illegal schemes that prey on mum and dad investors. My goal is to create awareness and help prevent families from losing their hard-earned savings to scammers lurking behind multilevel marketing (MLM) schemes and Ponzi scams.

    In this video, I tackle Billion Dollar Mind, a cash gifting scam that’s hiding behind the guise of cryptocurrency. But what makes this even more appalling is their use of religious scripture and Christian beliefs to target unsuspecting individuals. By quoting verses like Matthew 21:22 and suggesting that faith alone will lead to financial success, they exploit the trust and goodwill of their community in a predatory way.


    Is it ethical for a company to operate without transparency about its ownership or leadership, especially when significant financial contributions are required?

    Why does Billion Dollar Mind refuse to disclose who’s behind the platform? Could it be to avoid accountability?

    What risks are associated with a business model based solely on recruiting new participants rather than offering legitimate products or services?

    How sustainable is a gifting scheme, especially when recruitment inevitably slows?

    Does the use of terms like 'gifting' or 'donations' truly distance Billion Dollar Mind from legal consequences, or is this just a clever disguise?

    Authorities have cracked down on similar schemes in the past, so why should this be any different?


    In a recent Zoom meeting, I had the opportunity to confront John Austin, one of the key figures behind Billion Dollar Mind. Despite their knowledge that cash gifting is illegal, Austin and his team believe they can bypass the law by using cryptocurrency. Even worse, they wrap their scheme in a religious cloak, targeting people with Christian beliefs and using scripture to justify their actions. Is this ethical? Is it legal? I don’t think so—and I explain why.


    Is it ethical to manipulate someone’s faith to entice them into a financial scheme, especially one with a high likelihood of collapse?

    Does using scripture in this context distort the spiritual message, turning faith into a tool for profit?

    What is the moral responsibility of those who use religion to promote financial schemes, especially when many participants are likely to lose money?


    While gifting money to a friend or family member is legal in the U.S., cash gifting schemes are typically illegal when structured like Billion Dollar Mind.

    These schemes often resemble pyramid schemes, where recruiting participants is the only way to make money. The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) and the U.S. Postal Service (USPS) have prosecuted such schemes as fraudulent because they lack legitimate products or services, relying instead on continuous recruitment for financial gain.

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    I’m on @buymeacoffee. If you like my work, you can buy me a coffee and share your thoughts.

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    2 hrs and 40 mins
  • Escape MLM Crypto Schemes: Avoid Unrealistic Returns And Recruitment Traps
    Aug 20 2024

    Hey there, crypto enthusiasts and curious onlookers! It's your boy, Danny de Hek, aka The Crypto Ponzi Scheme Avenger, back with another episode we will be reviewing an Article that is part of a series called "Dumb Ways to Lose Money by Xoinx. "Today, we're diving deep into the murky waters of MLM (Multi-Level Marketing) crypto schemes.

    You know the drill: someone promises you'll get rich quick if you just invest a bit and recruit your friends. Sounds like a dream, right? Well, it's more like a nightmare where you wake up with your wallet empty.

    In this video, I'll break down:

    What MLM Crypto Schemes Are: They're like regular MLMs but with the added allure of cryptocurrency. You invest, recruit, and hope your pyramid doesn't topple over.

    How They Operate: From investment tiers to recruiting downlines, I'll show you the mechanics of these schemes.

    Red Flags: Learn to spot the signs that scream "SCAM!" before you invest your life savings.

    Real-Life Horror Stories: Remember BitClub Network and OneCoin? Yeah, those were MLM crypto schemes that left investors in tears.

    Protection Tips: How to safeguard your investments and your sanity in the wild west of crypto.

    This isn't just about me ranting; it's about saving you, your mum, and your dad from losing your kids' inheritance to these multilevel marketing bottom feeders.

    So, grab your popcorn, but not your wallet, and let's expose these scams together. Remember, the only thing you should be investing in is your own education about these schemes. Stay vigilant, stay informed, and let's keep the crypto space scam-free, one video at a time.

    #CryptoScams #MLM #TheCryptoPonziSchemeAvenger #StaySafe

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    I’m on @buymeacoffee. If you like my work, you can buy me a coffee and share your thoughts.

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    1 hr and 25 mins
  • FOLLOW UP: Shocking Assault: Caught On Camera in Christchurch
    Jul 16 2024

    Welcome back to my channel, The Crypto Ponzi Scheme Avenger! I'm Danny de Hek, and my mission here is to expose and shame anyone involved in Ponzi schemes or scams. By raising public awareness, I aim to save mum and dad investors from losing their kids' inheritance to the multilevel marketing bottom feeders of the world.

    Today’s video is a bit different but equally important. We're diving into a critical issue that affects many families: youth behavior problems. In this follow-up video, I have a candid conversation with a retired teacher who shares his invaluable experience, knowledge, and skills in addressing such issues. This discussion was conducted over the telephone and lasted about an hour. For privacy reasons, our guest has chosen to remain anonymous, but he has taught at a school in Auckland, New Zealand, for 25 years.


    In a previous video, I shared a distressing experience involving a group of youths who have been persistently vandalizing my friend shop. These incidents escalated when I was physically assaulted, resulting in broken glasses. The alarming part is that these perpetrators are only 14 years old, yet they seem to have no fear of consequences, despite being known to law enforcement.


    In this video, the retired teacher listens to voice recordings of Tane Harimate and his mother after the incident. He offers profound insights and wisdom that can benefit all parents, especially those with children struggling with behavior problems. His experience in dealing with such issues in a school setting provides a unique perspective on the root causes and potential solutions for these troubling behaviors.


    Understanding Youth Behavior: The teacher delves into the psychological and social factors that contribute to youth crime and misbehavior. He highlights the importance of addressing these issues early on to prevent future problems.

    Effective Communication: The importance of open and honest communication between parents and children is emphasized. The teacher shares practical advice on how to foster a healthy dialogue that can lead to positive behavioral changes.

    Role of Education: The discussion touches on how schools can play a crucial role in shaping the behavior and attitudes of young people. The teacher shares strategies that have proven effective in his 25 years of experience.

    Legal and Social Accountability: We explore the broader societal and legal implications of youth crime. The teacher discusses the need for a balanced approach that holds young offenders accountable while providing them with opportunities for rehabilitation.


    This video is not just about a single incident but a call to action for parents, educators, and the community to come together and address the systemic issues contributing to youth crime. By sharing this retired teacher's insights, I hope to provide valuable guidance to those facing similar challenges with their children.


    I invite you all to join this important conversation. Share your thoughts and experiences in the comments below. Let's work together to create a safer and more accountable society for everyone.


    Thank you for tuning in to The Crypto Ponzi Scheme Avenger. Your support is crucial in our fight against scams and in raising awareness about critical social issues. Don't forget to like, share, and subscribe to stay updated on future videos.

    Together, we can make a difference

    Thank you for tuning in, and let's embark on this journey towards justice together.

    Buy Me a Coffee
    I’m on @buymeacoffee. If you like my work, you can buy me a coffee and share your thoughts.

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    1 hr and 39 mins
  • Antique Dealer Confessions: Secrets, Antique Scams, and Stories with Rob Woolley!
    Jul 8 2024

    Welcome to "The Crypto Ponzi Scheme Avenger" channel! I'm Danny de Hek, also known as The Crypto Ponzi Scheme Avenger. My mission is to expose and shame anyone running or promoting Ponzi schemes or scams, creating public awareness to protect mum and dad investors from losing their kids' inheritance to multilevel marketing bottom feeders.

    In this special episode, I'm thrilled to interview Rob Woolley, an antique dealer based in Christchurch, New Zealand. Rob has been selling antiques for about 20 years and is known for being a good talker with a great sense of humour.

    Despite our real jobs, Rob and I share a common interest: we both spend a lot of our time fighting crypto Ponzi schemes and scams. We thought it would be fun to interview each other to give you a better understanding of who we are and what we're all about.

    In this live recording, we'll dive into Rob's fascinating world of antiques. Here are some of the questions I'll be asking:


    - How did you first get interested in antiques?
    - What's the most unique or unusual item you've ever sold?
    - Do you have a favorite antique that you’ve ever come across?
    - Can you share a funny or memorable story from your time as an antique dealer?
    - What’s the most surprising thing you’ve learned about antiques over the years?

    Main Questions

    - What’s the difference between antiques and junk?
    - Where do you keep your antiques?
    - What type of person typically purchases antiques?
    - How do you say no to someone who’s asking too much money for their loved antiques?
    - What’s your biggest regret in the industry?
    - When did you get started in the antique business?
    - What was the first thing you ever sold, and how did you go about selling it?
    - How do you determine the value of an antique?
    - What trends have you noticed in the antique market over the past few years?
    - How do you stay knowledgeable about the value and history of different antiques?
    - What are some common misconceptions people have about antiques?
    - Have you ever had an item that you just couldn’t part with? If so, what was it?
    - How do you handle restoration or repair of antiques?
    - What advice would you give someone who’s just starting to collect antiques?
    - How has the antique business changed with the rise of online marketplaces?

    Join us for an engaging and insightful conversation with Rob Woolley. We'll explore the world of antiques and share our experiences in fighting crypto scams. Don't miss this chance to get to know the people behind the mission of exposing fraudulent schemes and protecting investors.

    Stay tuned for more content aimed at uncovering the truth behind Ponzi schemes and educating the public. Your support helps us continue our fight against financial fraud and protect innocent investors from being scammed. Thank you for being part of our community and for your continued vigilance against the scammers of the world.


    - Buy me a virtual coffee on BuyMeACoffee: Your contribution fuels my creativity and helps me produce great content. Thank you for your generosity!
    - Donate using USDT on the BNB Smart Chain network: 0x41874280aa32a2eebf29f497afba9c46b4b27650

    Buy Me a Coffee
    I’m on @buymeacoffee. If you like my work, you can buy me a coffee and share your thoughts.

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    2 hrs and 5 mins
  • How to EARN Money on YouTube: Practical Tips & Advice from Danny de Hek and Rob Woolley
    Jun 28 2024

    Welcome back to "The Crypto Ponzi Scheme Avenger" channel! I'm Danny de Hek, and today we're taking a break from our usual scam-busting content to bring you something different but incredibly valuable. Joining me is Rob Woolley, and we're diving into the world of YouTube success.

    In this video, we'll be tackling some impromptu dude questions to help you kickstart or enhance your YouTube journey. Whether you're just starting out or looking to up your game, this discussion is packed with insights and tips that will set you on the path to success.

    What We’ll Cover:

    Introduction: We'll set the stage by talking about what it means to make money on YouTube.

    Ad Revenue: Is it the best way to make money? We'll discuss the pros and cons and why diversification might be key.

    Focusing on Genre: How important is it to find your niche? We'll talk about audience targeting and how it can maximize engagement and revenue.

    The Power of a Good Title: Ever wondered why some videos get more clicks? We'll dive into how a compelling title impacts your video's success.

    Balancing Content and Analytics: Should you follow your passion or the data? We'll discuss finding the right balance between what you love and what works.

    Our Greatest Assets: We'll explore what unique strengths you can bring to your channel and how to leverage them effectively.

    Managing Weaknesses: Everyone has weaknesses. We'll talk about acknowledging and mitigating challenges like consistency and time management.

    Using AI Tools: AI is everywhere, but how can it help you on YouTube? We'll discuss tools like ChatGPT and their role in content creation.

    Video and Audio Quality: Quality matters. We'll cover why high production and audio quality are crucial for viewer retention and perception.

    Live vs. Recorded Content: Live streams or pre-recorded videos? We'll weigh the benefits and challenges of both.

    Viewer Habits: How can your own viewing habits guide your content strategy? We'll share insights on using personal preferences to drive decisions.

    Keeping Viewers Engaged: What keeps viewers watching, and why do they stop? We'll discuss strategies to maintain interest and reduce audience drop-off.

    Quantity vs. Quality: Should you focus on pumping out content or maintaining high quality? We'll help you find the right balance.

    Efficient Production: From idea to upload, we'll share strategies for streamlining your video production process.

    Building an Audience: How do you grow your audience while staying relevant? We'll discuss the balance between audience growth and content innovation.

    Monetization Beyond Ads: Ad revenue isn't the only way to make money. We'll explore other strategies like affiliate marketing, sponsored content, and more.

    Community Engagement: Building a community is crucial. We'll talk about the role of audience interaction in channel growth.

    Join us for this engaging and informative discussion, and let's unlock the potential of your YouTube journey together!

    Buy Me a Coffee
    I’m on @buymeacoffee. If you like my work, you can buy me a coffee and share your thoughts.

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    2 hrs and 29 mins
  • Daniel & Robert: Unscripted Insights on BOOMERANG - A Candid Crypto Chat
    Jun 11 2024

    - Join us for an exciting and candid podcast session on The Crypto Ponzi Scheme Avenger channel! This time, the tables are turned as Rob Woolley takes over as host and interviews Danny de Hek, aka The Crypto Ponzi Scheme Avenger. Danny’s mission is to expose and shame anyone running or promoting Ponzi schemes or scams, raising public awareness to save people from losing their hard-earned money.

    In this lively session, Rob dives deep into Danny’s journey, from his early days on YouTube to his current role as a leading voice against crypto scams. Learn about Danny’s first viral video, the highs and lows of his YouTube career, and how the COVID-19 pandemic prompted him to shift his focus. Discover the captivating story behind his battle against the notorious Hyperverse Ponzi scheme and his latest focus on Boomerang.

    *Key highlights include:*

    - Danny’s early YouTube success and the evolution of his channel
    - The impact of COVID-19 on his content creation and business networking
    - Insightful discussions about the Hyperverse Ponzi scheme and its fallout
    - Danny’s relentless pursuit of the truth behind Boomerang and other crypto scams
    - The challenges and rewards of being a full-time YouTuber and scam investigator

    This unscripted and engaging conversation also explores the ethical dilemmas Danny faces, his strategies for spreading awareness, and the community that supports him. Whether you’re a seasoned crypto enthusiast, a curious newbie, or just interested in a fascinating story, this podcast has something for everyone.

    Don’t miss out on this unique behind-the-scenes look at The Crypto Ponzi Scheme Avenger’s mission to protect and inform. Grab your favorite beverage, settle in, and join us for an unscripted journey where anything can happen.

    Hit the like button, subscribe, and ring the notification bell to stay updated on our latest videos. Your support helps us continue the fight against crypto scams!

    Buy Me a Coffee
    I’m on @buymeacoffee. If you like my work, you can buy me a coffee and share your thoughts.

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    1 hr and 14 mins
  • Building Fortunes Radio: Scott Johnson, Danny de Hek with Peter Mingils
    Jun 9 2024

    Join me, Danny de Hek, aka The Crypto Ponzi Scheme Avenger, as I appear on Building Fortunes Radio for a special live podcast. My YouTube channel, "The Crypto Ponzi Scheme Avenger," is dedicated to naming and shaming anyone running or promoting Ponzi schemes or scams, aiming to create public awareness and save people from financial ruin.

    Where to Watch:

    Date & Time: Sunday, June 9th, 2024, at 11:00 AM

    - Building Fortunes Radio http://tobtr.com/12345235
    - YouTube Live https://youtu.be/htAOg65kEwY
    - Call-in by telephone to speak with the host +1 (347) 237-4097

    In this episode, I'll be joining hosts Scott Johnson and Peter Mingils to discuss the infamous Amway Tool Scam and the latest news on MLM (Multi-Level Marketing) scams and cryptocurrency Ponzi schemes. Scott Johnson, a former Amway distributor who uncovered the deceptive practices within the network marketing business, shares his insights on the scam and its impact on distributors.

    Peter Mingils, a seasoned expert in the field, will provide valuable information on how to protect yourself from such fraudulent schemes.

    About Building Fortunes Radio:

    Building Fortunes Radio is an online platform offering valuable information, resources, and support for entrepreneurs and business owners, especially those involved in network marketing and direct selling industries.

    The network features various shows and hosts that cover topics like business development, marketing strategies, personal growth, and success stories. It aims to empower listeners with the knowledge and tools needed to build successful businesses and improve their professional and personal lives. The radio shows often include interviews with industry experts, tips for improving business practices, and discussions on trends and challenges in the business world.

    Tune in to learn about:

    - The tactics used in the Amway Tool Scam and how it affects distributors.
    - The latest updates on cryptocurrency Ponzi schemes.
    - Strategies to protect yourself from MLM and crypto scams.

    Follow Scott Johnson and Peter Mingils:


    - Scott Johnson on Facebook: https://facebook.com/scotttexjohnson
    - Scott Johnson on Building Fortunes Radio: https://www.buildingfortunesradio.com/scott-johnson
    - Scott Johnson & Peter Mingils: https://www.buildingfortunesradio.com/scott-johnson-peter-mingils/bf-3989
    - MLM News: https://mlm.news
    - MLM Charity: https://mlm.charity
    - Youmongus Ads: https://youmongusads.com

    Don't miss this enlightening episode!

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    I’m on @buymeacoffee. If you like my work, you can buy me a coffee and share your thoughts.

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    1 hr and 41 mins
  • The Inside Story of WE ARE ALL SATOSHI / BOOMERANG
    May 15 2024

    Join me, Danny de Hek, aka The Crypto Ponzi Scheme Avenger, as we uncover the truth behind the latest scandal in the cryptocurrency world on today's live stream of "The Crypto Ponzi Scheme Avenger."

    We're diving headfirst into the chaos surrounding the highly anticipated Boomerang MVP launch. Originally slated for March 1st, then postponed to April 2nd, 8th, 20th, and finally May 3rd, the constant delays have raised serious doubts about Boomerang's credibility. But that's not the only red flag.

    Recent developments have exposed troubling issues with Boomerang's development process. Despite assurances from the team, a visit to their supposed testing website, testing.app-boomerang.trade, triggers a warning from MetaMask about deceptive site warnings and phishing scams. While Boomerang brushes off these concerns, MetaMask support confirms the legitimacy of the warning, advising users to steer clear of the site and the company behind it.

    During our live stream, we'll dissect the latest communication from Boomerang's spokesperson, Shavez, examining claims of API response time improvements, UI enhancements, and scalability breakthroughs. Are these advancements genuine progress or merely a smokescreen to mask deeper problems?

    Furthermore, we'll investigate reports of a troubling lag between Boomerang's UI and Aggregator websites, potentially causing failed transactions. Is this lag solely to blame, or are there more sinister forces at play? We're demanding transparency and accountability from Boomerang as we seek answers to these critical questions.

    Support my mission to expose crypto scams by fueling my content creation with a virtual coffee on BuyMeACoffee at https://www.buymeacoffee.com/dehek. Your generosity keeps me motivated and ensures that I can continue fighting for financial justice in the crypto world.

    If you want to take a stand against crypto scams and support my work directly, please consider sending donations to the following deposit address using USDT on the BNB Smart Chain network: 0x41874280aa32a2eebf29f497afba9c46b4b27650.

    Join me live as we uncover the truth and protect fellow investors from falling victim to the next crypto Ponzi scheme. Together, we can make a difference.

    Want to create live streams like this? Check out StreamYard

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    I’m on @buymeacoffee. If you like my work, you can buy me a coffee and share your thoughts.

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    Show More Show Less
    1 hr and 18 mins