
  • Level up
    Oct 3 2023

    "Empowering Yourself by Leveling Up as a Great Woman in Compliance" with MaryShirley, an outstanding International Compliance Specialist and Author. Learn how to live your Best Compliance Life!

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    30 mins
  • Tax Reporting in the Sharing, Gig and Crypto Economies
    Aug 2 2023

    Policy Responses to the tax transparency and compliance challenges raised by the sharing, gig and crypto economies (OECD’s Model Rules/ EU DAC7 and the Crypto Assets Reporting Framework/EU DAC8 Proposal).

    The sharing, gig and crypto economies have grown dramatically in size and scale over the last years. Boosted by platforms like Uber, Airbnb or Amazon, as well as by crypto-assets service providers like Coinbase or Binance, the emergence of these new economic sectors have brought many benefits to our society.

    However, these phenomena have also brought several unintended side effects which have raised a common and very important challenge: the need to design balanced and fair legal frameworks to regulate them.

    Preventing tax evasion and avoidance by both sellers in the sharing and gig economy and participants in market in crypto assets is evidently an important part of this difficult task. To address these issues governments and multilateral organizations such as the OECD and the European Union are called upon to adopt and/or propose specific regulatory responses (i.e. the EU DAC7 and DAC8 proposal and their OECD’s equivalents).

    Listen to this podcast where specialists on these topics will explain you the most important aspects of this interesting subject.   

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    54 mins
  • Internal Compliance Investigations: Challenges and Benefits
    May 10 2023

    A hallmark of an effective Compliance Program is the existence of a well-functioning and adequately funded mechanism for the timely and thoroughly investigate any reported or suspected misconduct. An effective internal investigation protocol will take into account procedures for documenting the company's response, including any disciplinary or remedial actions.

    An internal investigation involves a series of procedures carried out by or on behalf of an organization, whether public or private, to discover the facts related to possible wrongdoing. Internal investigations can be a critical means of uncovering and addressing misconduct, which constitutes a reputational risk to the company, or could involve civil or criminal liability. They are also the means to restore lost trust in a person or an organization process.

    Internal investigations have become a recognized practice in an increasingly complex corporate and professional world, where actions by regulators and the judiciary –globally and locally – are more frequent and better coordinated.

    In this podcast we seek to bring the audience closer to some of the elements that usually populate the protocols for carrying out internal investigations, describing how they work—with particular focus in Latin America– when possible illegal acts were discovered or reported.

    About the speaker:

    Raúl Saccani has more than 20 years of international experience in Compliance and Financial Crimes prevention. Raul is full-time lecturer and co-director of the Governance and Transparency Centre at IAE Business School. Deloitte Partner leading the Anticorruption and Financial Crime function within Spanish Latin American countries. President of the Anticorruption Commission at the Economic Science Professional´s Council in Buenos Aires. Argentina.

    Hosted by Josefina Magyary, Vice-chair of WEC Global.

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    1 hr and 1 min
  • Ciberseguridad y compliance (Podcast en español)
    May 10 2023

    Hablamos con Luis Papagni, experto argentino en tecnología, sistemas de la información y derecho informático sobre los desafíos y oportunidades que existen actualmente en materia de ciberseguridad y seguridad de la información.

    Vimos que el compliance tiene un rol fundamental en los procesos de gestión de los activos digitales en todas las agencias, organizaciones y compañías sin importar su tamaño.  

    Ya no existen fronteras divisorias entre el sector público y el privado, gobiernos y empresas deben trabajar mancomunadamente para enfrentar las nuevas amenazas y aprovechar las oportunidades que las nuevas tecnologías presentan. En este punto, la formación del personal, la cultura organizacional y la ciberdiplomacia, entre otros factores, son claves para avanzar en este campo.


    We discuss with Luis Papagni, Argentinian expert in technology, systems of information and informatic law about the challenges and opportunities that exist in cybersecurity and security information. We concluded that the compliance matters, fundamentally in processes of management of digital goods in every agency, organization, and company despite of their size.

    There are no more divisor frontiers between public and private sectors, governments and companies should work together to address new threats and avail opportunities that new technologies bring to us.

    At this point, to train our professionals, organizational culture and cyber-diplomacy, among others, are key to advance in this field.

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    42 mins