We really have to understand the intricacies of human behavior, even when it makes us feel uncomfortable. Have you ever walked into a room and felt an INSTANT connection with someone without a single word exchanged? That magnetic energy, that unspoken charisma - that's the power of seduction beyond the obvious.
I've been geeking out for a while because it's a big, big area of fascination for me.
In this episode I invite you to strip down all the sexual charge on the term seduction. You get to see that it applies in our day-to-day lives.
So when people hear the word seduction, or maybe even see the term social seduction, of course, it is about persuasion, it is about charisma, it is about charm, it is about all of these things,
understanding them within yourself, but also being able to see them in the world, and understanding them within yourself, so you can make them work for you, not against you.
It's an absolute honor and a pleasure that I get to do this, and it gets to be received. And whether it's useful or not, I just thank myself for trusting that someone out there needs to hear this.❤️
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You can even send me an email Kgmunava@gmail.com