• UndercoverTrucker 12
    Sep 10 2010

    In Episode #12, the final episode, Billy Big Rig has been captured by Coalition Forces, who mistake him for an American Taliban.  After months and months in captivity, he is finally freed by a most unlikely source. 

    WARNING!  His experiences in Afghanistan and Guantanamo Bay have done nothing to soften Billy's attitudes or overall demeanor.  If you are easily offended and you download this anyway, it's your fault.  Not Billy's!



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    40 mins
  • UndercoverTrucker 11
    Sep 10 2010

    In Episode #11, Billy Big Rig finally has to deal with the ardorous advances of Qaboos.  America invades Afghanistan, so Billy and Rafa have to accompany the Taliban to Tora Bora.  Rafa gets her ultimate revenge, Billy gets HIS ultimate revenge, then something bad happens!

    WARNING!  Billy has something of a potty mouth with neanderthal attitudes about politics and cultural diversity.  If you are without an appreciation for satirical humor, go pet a kitty and knit a doily.  If you download this and are offended, it's your fault.  Not Billy's!

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    41 mins
  • UndercoverTrucker 10
    Sep 10 2010

    In Episode #10, Billy Big Rig gains even MORE respect for his Israeli assigned operative.  And he reveals the truth about what REALLY happened to Saddam Hussein -- and how the government has been lying to us for years!

    WARNING!  Billy's language and political views would make Rush Limbaugh blush -- if Rush were, in fact, capable of shame.  If you are without a satire bone, leave this one alone.  If you download this and are offended, it's your fault -- not Billy's!

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    25 mins
  • UndercoverTrucker 09
    Sep 10 2010

    In Episode #9, Billy Big Rig starts his new job with the Taliban -- taking dirty laundry to a laundry in Kabul.  His operative, one of the Taliban leader's wives, has been assigned to go with him since she speaks some English.  In fact, Rafa is an Israeli agent who speaks better English than Billy does.  It's Billy's job to find out what he can find out, convey the info to Rafa, who gets the info to HER operative in Kabul during the laundry delivery.  Billy gains a new respect for her, and they are together when they learn the horrible truth of what Al Qaeda had planned for September 11.

    WARNING:  Billy's views on important things might be considered less than enlightened.  And that's being kind.  So, if you have no concept of satire or sense of humor, you might consider moving on to the next book.  If you download this and are offended, it's your fault, not Billy's.

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    31 mins
  • UndercoverTrucker 08
    Sep 10 2010

    In Episode #8, Billy Big Rig meets his covert, undercover operative in Afghanistan.  He goes through the ritual procedures to become an actual Muslim.  And he gets to meet the head of the Taliban.

    WARNING:  Billy has been called "uncouth," and that is by people who LIKE him.  If you have no sense of humor, no sense of satire, then you probably don't want to listen to this.  If you download this and are offended, that's YOUR fault, not Billy's!

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    27 mins
  • UndercoverTrucker 07
    Sep 10 2010

    In Episode #7, Billy Big Rig and the Islamic Extremists travel to Afghanistan, and Billy shares the details of his brief time in the Navy.  This will be an important part of the story -- later.

    WARNING:  Billy is a rough and salty individual.  He uses language (except for the "F" Bomb) that some might find offensive and his views about politics are hardly the most enlightened.  If you've had your satire glands removed, and you download and listen to this and are offended, it's YOUR fault, not Billy's.

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    27 mins
  • UndercoverTrucker 06
    Sep 10 2010

    In Episode #6, Billy Big Rig get out of jail, quite easily in fact.  He gets a job selling pizza while awaiting orders to travel to Afghanistan, and decides to take a side trip down to DC to see if the NEW President STILL wanted him to carry out the orders of the OLD president.

    A Reminder!  Billy Big Rig is NOT the most "Politically Correct" fella you're ever going to meet.  He thinks he's the model of diplomacy and tolerance, but you are not likely to agree with that.  Therefore, if you download and listen to this episode and are offended by the language or the situations presented, it's YOUR fault, not Billy's!

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    27 mins
  • UndercoverTrucker 05
    Aug 13 2010

    After being coerced by the Warden and President Clinton into convincing Qaboos to include him in his escape plans, Billy has some time to think about past mistakes -- including his many, many marriages.  He's been stabbed, beaten with billy clubs and handcuffed naked to a light pole in a truck stop in Effingham, Ill.  But only one of his ex-wives cared enough to shoot him.  Billy confronts his cellmate about the escape plans and after a tense (and homoerotic) moment, Qaboos agrees to include Billy in the escape.

    WARNING:  If you were to ask Billy Big Rig, he would tell you that God made us all the same, and the color of our skin and the texture of our hair makes no never mind to God so it shouldn't to us neither.  (Just don't get him started about homosexuals!  That sh*t ain't right!)  You are not so likely to agree with Billy's self-appraisal.  Therefore, if you woke up this morning and someone has run off with your satire processor, if you download and listen to this episode and are offended by it, it's YOUR fault, not Billy's!

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    20 mins