• Invocation of the Entire Heavenly Court
    Jan 14 2025

    Invocation of the Entire Heavenly Court

    O Glorious Queen of Heaven and Earth, Virgin Most Powerful, you who have the power to crush the head of the ancient serpent with your heel, come and exercise this power flowing from the grace of your Immaculate Conception.

    Shield us under the mantle of your purity and love, draw us into the sweet refuge of your heart, and annihilate and render powerless the forces bent on destroying us.

    Come, Most Sovereign Mistress of the Holy Angels and Mistress of the Most Holy Rosary, you who from the very beginning received from God the power and the mission to crush the head of Satan.

    We humbly beseech you, send forth your holy legions, that under your command and by your power they may pursue the evil spirits, confront them on every side, resist their bold attacks, and drive them far from us, harming no one along the way.

    Bind them immobile to the foot of the Cross to be judged and sentenced by Jesus Christ, your Son, to be disposed of by Him as He wills.

    St. Joseph, Patron of the Universal Church, come to our aid in this grave battle against the forces of darkness.

    Repel the attacks of the devil and free us from the stronghold the enemy has upon our souls.

    St. Michael, summon the entire heavenly court to engage their forces in this fierce battle against the powers of hell.

    Come, O Prince of Heaven, with your mighty sword, and thrust into hell Satan and all the other evil spirits.

    O Guardian Angels, guide and protect us.

    In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.



    From Deliverance Prayers for Use by the Laity by ⁠⁠⁠Fr. Chad Ripperger⁠⁠⁠ (Sensus Traditionis Press, 2018).

    This podcast is created and published by A Little Pilgrim. To explore more podcast platforms and listen to my other podcast Contemplation and Castanets — a series of reflections on Carmelite spirituality—visit ⁠⁠⁠⁠https://bit.ly/m/alittlepilgrim⁠⁠⁠⁠ or find it on ⁠⁠⁠⁠Spotify⁠⁠⁠⁠.

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    2 mins
  • St. Thérèse Morning Offering and Oblation of the Little Flower
    Jan 13 2025

    O my God! I offer You all my actions of this day for the intentions and for the glory of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. I desire to sanctify every beat of my heart, my every thought, my simplest works, by uniting them to Its Infinite merits; and I wish to make reparations for my sins by casting them into the furnace of Its Merciful Love.

    O my God! I ask of You for myself and for those whom I hold dear, the grace to know You, and to know and fulfill perfectly Your Holy Will, to accept for love of You the joys and sorrows of this passing life, so that we may one day be united together in Heaven for all Eternity. Amen.

    O My God, I return You thanks for all You have done, for what You are doing, and for everything You will do for me and all mankind. I ask Your pardon for all that I have done wrong. I resolve to do better in the future. I hereby revoke consent to everything displeasing to You, desiring to die rather than to offend You. Give me Your Holy Grace. Mary my Mother, pray for me.

    Eternal Father, I offer You the Precious Blood of Jesus in satisfaction for my sins and the needs of the Holy Church. I intend to gain all the indulgences I can this day and throughout my life, and I offer them, together with myself, to Jesus, thru the Immaculate Heart of Mary..


    From ⁠The Little Flower Prayerbook: A Carmelite Manual of Prayer⁠. Edited by Rev. Albert H. Dolan, O. Carm., TAN Books, 2012.


    Podcast created and published by A Little Pilgrim. I invite you to visit ⁠https://bit.ly/m/alittlepilgrim⁠ for more available podcast platforms and to listen to the podcast, “⁠Contemplation and Castanets⁠” for reflections on Carmelite Spirituality.

    For more information about the Discalced Carmelite Order, visit: ⁠⁠⁠⁠carmelitaniscalzi.com⁠⁠⁠

    Music by Denis Pavlov from Pixabay

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    3 mins
  • Prayer for Protection Against Curses, Harm and Accidents
    Jan 13 2025

    #catholicprayer #deliveranceprayer #innerhealing #spiritualprotection #prayerministry --- Prayer for Protection Against Curses, Harm and Accidents

    Lord Jesus, I ask Thee to protect my family from sickness, from all harm and from accidents.

    If any of us has been subjected to any curses, hexes or spells, I beg Thee to declare these curses, hexes or spells null and void.

    If any evil spirits have been sent against us, I ask Christ to decommission you and I ask that you be sent to the foot of His Cross to be dealt with as He will.

    Then, Lord, I ask Thee to send Thy holy Angels to guard and protect all of us.

    in the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.

    Amen --- From Deliverance Prayers for Use by the Laity by Fr. Chad Ripperger⁠⁠ (Sensus Traditionis Press, 2018).


    --- This podcast is produced by A Little Pilgrim. To explore more platforms and listen to Contemplation and Castanets—a series of reflections on Carmelite spirituality—visit https://bit.ly/m/alittlepilgrim to find all the available publication platforms. Music by Jesse Quinn from Pixabay

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    1 min
  • Prayer of Authority
    Jan 12 2025

    Prayer of Authority

    Lord Jesus Christ, in Thy Name, I ask Thee to bind and silence all powers and forces that do not accept Thee as Lord and King, in the air, in the water, in the ground, the netherworld and nature and the spiritual world.

    I ask Thee to bind all demonic action and demonic communication. Lord, seal this whole place, all of us here and all our intentions in the Precious Blood of Jesus Christ.

    Mary, we ask thee to surround us with thy mantle of protection and crush Satan's power in our lives.

    Saint Michael the Archangel, we ask you and all our Guardian Angels to defend us in battle against Satan and the powers of darkness,



    Deliverance Prayers for Use by the Laity by ⁠⁠Fr. Chad Ripperger⁠⁠ (Sensus Traditionis Press, 2018).

    This podcast is created and published by A Little Pilgrim. To explore more podcast platforms and listen to my other podcast Contemplation and Castanets — a series of reflections on Carmelite spirituality—visit ⁠⁠⁠⁠https://bit.ly/m/alittlepilgrim⁠⁠⁠⁠ or find it on ⁠⁠⁠⁠Spotify⁠⁠⁠⁠.

    Music by Jesse Quinn from Pixabay

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    1 min
  • Prayer for the Gifts of the Holy Spirit
    Jan 11 2025

    Prayer for the Gifts of the Holy Spirit

    Holy Spirit, divine Consoler, I adore You as my true God, with God the Father and God the Son. I adore You and unite myself to the adoration You receive from the angels and saints.

    I give You my heart and I offer my ardent thanksgiving for all the grace which You never cease to bestow on me.

    O Giver of all supernatural gifts, who filled the soul of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of God, with such immense favours, I beg You to visit me with Your grace and Your love and to grant me the gift of holy fear, so that it may act on me as a check to prevent me from falling back into my past sins, for which I beg pardon.

    Grant me the gift of piety, so that I may serve You for the future with increased fervour, follow with more promptness Your holy inspirations, and observe your divine precepts with greater fidelity.

    Grant me the gift of knowledge, so that I may know the things of God and, enlightened by Your holy teaching, may walk, without deviation, in the path of eternal salvation.

    Grant me the gift of fortitude, so that I may overcome courageously all the assaults of the devil, and all the dangers of this world which threaten the salvation of my soul.

    Grant me the gift of counsel, so that I may choose what is more conducive to my spiritual advancement and may discover the wiles and snares of the tempter.

    Grant me the gift of understanding, so that I may apprehend the divine mysteries and by contemplation of heavenly things, detach my thoughts and affections from the vain things of this miserable world.

    Grant me the gift of wisdom, so that I may rightly direct all my actions, referring them to God as my last end; so that, having loved Him and served Him in this life, I may have the happiness of possessing Him eternally in the next.


    This podcast is created and published by A Little Pilgrim. To explore more podcast platforms and listen to my other podcast Contemplation and Castanets — a series of reflections on Carmelite spirituality—visit ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠https://bit.ly/m/alittlepilgrim⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ or find it on ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠Spotify⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠.

    Music by Jesse Quinn from Pixabay

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    4 mins
  • Invocation To The Nine Choirs Of The Holy Angels
    Jan 8 2025

    Prayer by OpusAngelorum

    This podcast is created and published by A Little Pilgrim. To explore more podcast platforms and listen to my other podcast Contemplation and Castanets — a series of reflections on Carmelite spirituality—visit ⁠⁠⁠⁠https://bit.ly/m/alittlepilgrim⁠⁠⁠⁠ or find it on ⁠⁠⁠⁠Spotify⁠⁠⁠⁠.

    by Denis Pavlov from Pixabay

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    12 mins
  • Prayer to Remove Generational Spirits
    Jan 7 2025

    Lord Jesus Christ

    Incarnate Son of God the Father

    Thou who hast chosen to enter into human history

    by being carried in the womb of Thy Blessed Mother Mary

    grant, I beseech Thee

    that any demons that may have been introduced into my generational line by any one of my ancestors

    may be blocked from passing to the subsequent generations.

    I ask Thee that if the evil spirit entered the generational line by the sin of one or more of my ancestors

    that Thou wouldst pardon the temporal punishment due to their sin

    and free us from the demon's involvement in our lives.

    Blessed Virgin

    we ask thee to offer the Precious Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity

    of thy Son, to God the Father

    in reparation for the sins of those ancestors who may have introduced any evil spirits into my generational line

    as well as any subsequent sins that may have resulted from the evil spirits affecting those of the generational line.

    If any evil spirit has been introduced into my generational line

    as a result of a curse or malefice done by someone outside my family

    I ask thee to give me the grace to forgive them wholeheartedly

    and I ask Thee, Jesus,

    to break the curse or malefice, if it is still in place.

    God the Father,

    I forgive them for any of the effects of their sin that they may have committed against my family line and for any damage it may have caused


    I ask Thee to forgive me of any sins that may be the result of any generational spirits in my family

    and I ask Thee to block any power the evil spirits may have gained in my generational line as a result of my own sin.

    Heal any damage in the lives of the members of my family as a result of the generational spirit.

    I bind and completely and utterly reject with the full force of my will

    any sin or spiritual defect of mine as well as any temptation, allurements or power that any generational spirit may have over me

    as a result of my sin or the sin of any other person.

    I do this in the Holy Names of Jesus and Mary

    and in the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.



    From Deliverance Prayers for Use by the Laity by ⁠⁠Fr. Chad Ripperger⁠⁠ (Sensus Traditionis Press, 2018).

    This podcast is created and published by A Little Pilgrim. To explore more podcast platforms and listen to my other podcast Contemplation and Castanets — a series of reflections on Carmelite spirituality—visit ⁠⁠⁠⁠https://bit.ly/m/alittlepilgrim⁠⁠⁠⁠ or find it on ⁠⁠⁠⁠Spotify⁠⁠⁠⁠.

    Music by Denis Pavlov from Pixabay

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    4 mins
  • Perimeter and Technology Prayer (With Music)
    Jan 6 2025

    Heavenly Father, I ask that You establish a perimeter of protection around us, immersing all of us, our loved ones, our associates, our property, possessions, resources, and all in our lives that is provided by Your Paternal goodness. I further ask, Heavenly Father, through the intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary and Saint Michael the Archangel, that You would send Your angels and saints to stand guard over us, our works, our ministries, and all that is done in the Name of Your Beloved Son, preserving us from all evil influence and demonic retaliation, including any and all curses and occult actions sent against us. I especially ask that You preserve us from all that we may be especially susceptible to in our lives, barring the demons or any of Satan’s minions from harming or harassing us in any way, rendering them all spiritually deaf, dumb, blind, and completely powerless. I ask that You disempower and remove all evil influences that seek to empower, aid, or strengthen the demons or their minions seeking to harm us.

    Lord Jesus Christ, Sovereign King enthroned in Heaven, in Your love and mercy establish a perimeter of protection with Your Precious Blood around our communication devices and all technology, including cameras or webcams, microphones, speakers, displays, any and all software, WiFi connections in the air, our routers, the optic cables involved in the transmission of data, and the light waves being used to transfer data. Cleanse them with Your Precious Blood and drive from them any satanic influence. Establish around them a sanctuary of Your mercy where Satan and any other evil spirit or human agency cannot interfere.

    Heavenly Father, I further ask that You send Your angels and saints to stand guard over all these instruments and grant them the protection of the Blessed Mother, St. Michael the Archangel, and all the Holy Angels. I also ask that You grant an abundance of blessings to us, our family members near and far, our priests, and all our loved ones. I ask that You block, bind, rebuke, and render impotent any assault of the evil one in any way. Father, so long as these instruments are utilized for your purpose, I ask You to allow them to enjoy Your divine protection.

    We ask all this in the Name of Jesus, Your Beloved Son, trusting in His Divine Mercy, and through the intercession of His Most Blessed Mother. Amen.


    This podcast is created and published by A Little Pilgrim. To explore more podcast platforms and listen to my other podcast Contemplation and Castanets — a series of reflections on Carmelite spirituality—visit ⁠⁠⁠⁠https://bit.ly/m/alittlepilgrim⁠⁠⁠⁠ or find it on ⁠⁠⁠⁠Spotify⁠⁠⁠⁠.

    Music by Denis Pavlov from Pixabay

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    4 mins