Welcome to Twisted Energy Radio. I’m Susanna. I have been communicating with my inner being Josef since I can remember. While going through rough patches in my own human experience, I realized that I follow the same 5 steps to help me stay in alignment, every time I experience a contrast. These 5 steps help me stay in alignment, stay focused on beneficial thoughts, so I can attract the solution that I want into my life, on purpose, for a purpose and with a purpose.
Through communications with Josef, I am learning how to manipulate energy and how to use the law of attraction on purpose, for a purpose and with a purpose.
I created the LAFEM art of connecting, a new way to quiet your mind and help you stay in alignment with your desires. I want to remind you, how you intended to live the life you want, in a body that allows you to do what you want, by mastering the focus required to attract what you want, on purpose, for a purpose and with a purpose.” Let’s dip our toes into a new realm of possibilities!
LAFEM stands for Love, Appreciation, Focus, Energy and Momentum. These are the 5 steps and all you need to know, to use the law of attraction and your natural powers to control your energy flow, to create a reality based on love frequencies.
Your soul is energy particles vibrating in love based frequencies, intricately focussed on you. I call it the happy bubble. Your happy bubble is made up of particles. These particles vibrate in a very specific frequency, which you control with your thoughts. Your inner being and your physical self, is you focussed within yourself. That is why your inner being knows everything about you, feels everything with you and engages the law of attraction on your behalf and with the help of your focus.
Your inner being self and your physical self communicate best when your mental state of mind is made up of love based thoughts. Love based thoughts activate the particles in your happy bubble who now vibrate in a love based frequency, matching the frequency of your inner being and you feel good. The law of attraction matches the love based frequency by bringing you more of what you desire. It is irrelevant if you’re feeling happy or content or creative or appreciative. All you need to do is stay focussed on any love based frequency feelings and thoughts.
Use the skills of the LAFEM art of connecting to assist you with step 3 of creating your own reality. Step 1, you experience contrast, you are asking for a solution - step 2 it is immediately given - your inner being now vibrates in the love based frequency of what it feels like to have a desired outcome already in place - step 3 all you need to do is feel and think thoughts that are in alignment with your inner being and the love based frequency of the solution - any love based feeling will do, so be content, happy, excited, creative, appreciative, satisfied, curious and be in receiving mode for the solution to become part of your physical reality. Now you know all you need to know to create your own love based reality!
Check out my website at TwistedEnergy.ca or call me, Susanna at 705-321-2723 to book an Angel or Oracle Card Reading and receive focussed-on-you-guidance from your inner being and energies around you. These cards assist you with pointing to the frequencies that are active within your happy bubble. My desire is to help you connect with your inner self so you can translate guidance and have conversations with your inner being! Dip your toes into a new realm of possibilities and create your reality bathed in love and light. With much love, Susanna :-)