
  • Episode 13 - The Song of Source
    Dec 25 2022
    This is the final episode-chapter of the Translating Infinity Podcast. I had a different episode that was almost complete. Then I had an experience this Christmas morning that changed it all. I didn’t write this podcast. It is me, streaming consciousness as I wrap up this 13-episode map to transformation. I sincerely hope it makes sense, but it's not about translating into words anymore. It's about the felt experience now. Quote from this episode: “To those that hear the song – not only hear it but respond to it – that is the song of Source. And that’s the song and the music that will carry them Home.” These episodes are sequential - a hybrid podcast/audiobook. If this is the first episode you hear and you’d like to know more about how it evolved, you may want to start back at Episode 1. Thank you. Read more about the new community platform referenced in this episode. All who resonate are welcome: https://community.lightdialogic.com/ Sound of Gold Files in this episode: SoulTriggers.050717 Eileen’s Book on Amazon (Koyopa Contact Within): https://amzn.to/2Y8MaD7 Youtube TI/SOG: @TranslatingInfinity https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCEicUOvHCBmRHvoEvbT3udA Eileen Meyer Music on iTunes https://itunes.apple.com/us/artist/eileen-meyer/id128980783
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    28 mins
  • Episode 12 - The Great Mother Disrupt
    Oct 29 2022
    I first learned of Disrupt technologies in my internet startup days. I was pointed to this recently as a way to frame what is happening in human consciousness. I was shown that those of us who have the courage to take this trauma-healing journey all the way, will completely disrupt this existing paradigm. And this is when we know, first hand, what true freedom is. Quote from this episode: "This life has given me plenty to uncover and heal. But underneath the trauma of our lifetime is the ancient, multi-generational trauma of our disconnect with the Mother. What I have learned in relation to this inner cosmic intelligence is that we must continue to excavate through these shadow areas of our consciousness, that are so buried that most of us have no conscious awareness that we have gone along with the regular programming to keep Her imprisoned. The ultimate Disrupt is when she ignites in our core. Call it Kundalini. Call it Koyopa. As I’ve stated so many times, names and labels mean nothing. It is the direct bioenergetic experience that will bring you back online with the Unified Field." These episodes are sequential - a hybrid podcast/audiobook. If this is the first episode you hear and you’d like to know more about how it evolved, you may want to start back at Episode 1. Thank you. Read more about the new community platform referenced in this episode: https://community.lightdialogic.com/ Sound of Gold Files in this episode: Mother.TheLightTheWay.091622 Adjustments.082822 Source of internet quote: https://www.investopedia.com/terms/d/disruptive-technology.asp Eileen’s Book on Amazon (Koyopa Contact Within): https://amzn.to/2Y8MaD7 Youtube TI/SOG: @TranslatingInfinity https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCEicUOvHCBmRHvoEvbT3udA Eileen Meyer Music on iTunes https://itunes.apple.com/us/artist/eileen-meyer/id128980783
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    1 hr and 1 min
  • Episode 11 – Emerging Light Warriors
    Sep 8 2022
    Are you a Light Warrior? This term has been coming through the transmissions since July of this year. Along with this is a palpable urgency about the need to support and encourage these courageous souls – the ones who came here to radiate and demonstrate our natural state of Love. You know who you are. And if you don’t, you soon will. Quote from this episode: "We are Light Warriors and we are stationed beyond the construct and developing these lines of LIGHT through those who incarnate at this time. To send these messages to, to lift them, and to help them be these demonstrators, these Light Warriors. And you would be surprised at how many there are. Some have switched on to some degree. Some have not yet switched on …there are many here who do not need to go through a lengthy adjustment. Their switch can be turned on and they are instantaneously active as a Light Warrior. All that they need to know is restored within their being." Sound of Gold Files: Why We are Here.070322 These episodes are sequential - a hybrid podcast/audiobook. If this is the first episode you hear and you’d like to know more about how it evolved, you may want to start back at Episode 1. Thank you. Read more about the new community platform referenced in Episode 11. Launching Fall 2022. If you’d like to be notified before the date of launch, you may add your name to a list. (Scroll down to the bottom of the landing page.) https://community.lightdialogic.com/ Sound of Gold Files in this episode: Shalumai.091006 TruthFrequency.082210 WhyWeAreHere.070322 Eileen’s Book on Amazon (Koyopa Contact Within): https://amzn.to/2Y8MaD7 Youtube TI/SOG: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCEicUOvHCBmRHvoEvbT3udA Eileen Meyer Music on iTunes https://itunes.apple.com/us/artist/eileen-meyer/id128980783
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    56 mins
  • Episode 10 – The Rush of the Cosmic River
    Aug 12 2022
    Whether we refer to ourselves as an experiencer or not, some of us humans are witnessing a pronounced metamorphosis in consciousness. In this episode, I will speak from my experience. Future episodes may include other friends as we begin a conscious navigation in flow with the cosmic river, reclaiming our natural inner authority, and expanding into the Great Unknown. A quote from this episode: “Essentially, experiencers or even just those who haven’t quite found their footing here, have had to navigate a world that we either never felt we belonged in, or at some point, we realized it was grossly incompatible with who we are. We knew, instinctually, that this world that seemed so real to most, wasn’t so real to us. We’ve been exposed to, or carry within us, something More than what is available on the limited menu here.” These episodes are sequential - a hybrid podcast/audiobook. If this is the first episode you hear and you’d like to know more about how it evolved, you may want to start back at Episode 1. Thank you. Music: “Lillie Got Mad” and “Dive In”, written & performed by Eileen Meyer. Co-write w/Larry Mitchell (Lillie) Sound of Gold Files in this episode: Light.Sentinels.061222 TranscendingTheWall.050519 - additional clip on YouTube: https://youtu.be/hRN2oCAscYA The River:062517 Website: https://community.lightdialogic.com/ Eileen’s Book on Amazon (Koyopa Contact Within): https://amzn.to/2Y8MaD7 Youtube TI/SOG: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCEicUOvHCBmRHvoEvbT3udA Eileen Meyer Music on iTunes https://itunes.apple.com/us/artist/eileen-meyer/id128980783
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    58 mins
  • Episode 9 - Belejeb: Power of the Feminine
    Jul 8 2022
    This is what it's like to be an experiencer who engages with the “Others.” I responded to their call to return to Chaco Canyon. For three days, we were fully immersed, surrounded by stunning beauty and ancient ruins. We camped inside a wild vortex that played host to our Mayan ceremonies and revealed the magic and wisdom of number 9 - Mother Jaguar; along with the shadow people, night terrors, panic attacks, downloads, and a major pep talk from my lifelong visitors. Can I sell you a ticket to our next camping trip? (Lol) A quote from this episode: "So what happened during our stay at Chaco? Why was I called to be there again? I was shown that it was mainly about the Mayan fire ceremony. We were physically there, reorienting to the land and sky with little interference from light or electromagnetic pollution. And along with other guests, we were consciously connecting with the portal or dimensional intersection that Chaco Canyon is, and is known for. It’s one thing to read about it or watch something on the history channel. It’s quite another to consciously and fearlessly engage with these powerful forces." Title: Belejeb: Power of the Feminine These episodes are sequential - a hybrid podcast/audiobook. If this is the first episode you hear and you’d like to know more about how it evolved, you may want to start back at Episode 1. Thank you. Music: Ancient.Now Chant 2, Eileen Meyer Thank you to Eduardo Griego Gonzales (Mayan Aj Q’ij) for your contribution to our 2022 journey to Chaco Canyon and to this episode. https://www.11batz.com/ Sound of Gold Files in this episode: DoorwayToSource031719 ForwardMomentum.060522 LoveisAll.122919 Full version on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-z0kwt9EDj8 Chaco Canyon National Historical Park https://www.nps.gov/chcu/index.htm Website: https://community.lightdialogic.com/ Eileen’s Book on Amazon (Koyopa Contact Within): https://amzn.to/2Y8MaD7 Youtube TI/SOG: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCEicUOvHCBmRHvoEvbT3udA Eileen Meyer Music on iTunes https://itunes.apple.com/us/artist/eileen-meyer/id128980783
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    53 mins
  • Episode 8 - Chaco Canyon Gateway
    Jun 1 2022
    Welcome to the non-linear, timeless reality of contact. A 2013 account of time travel, portals, downloads, UAP, lucid dreams, frequency communion, and other intersections in consciousness with Gaia and nonhuman intelligence. A quote from this episode: “If we are only using a fraction of our available bio-technologies, we will only see what the construct, or limited parts of our brain, dictate that we read or see on the screen. When we’re willing to step back and perceive just the feeling essence of things, without grabbing onto one of the given answers, I have found that a whole new way of seeing, hearing, and understanding emerges to meet this incoming data …It’s taken many years of practice, to not just immediately conform, and for me, this willingness to be with the discomfort of not knowing, and being willing to be alone with this, has paid off immensely. I began to learn their language in an accelerated way.” These episodes are sequential - a hybrid podcast/audiobook. If this is the first episode you hear and you’d like to know more about how it evolved, you may want to start back at Episode 1. Thank you. Links: National Park Secrets and Legends: Season 2/Ep 7. Chaco Culture National Historical Park: Cosmic Gateway https://www.amazon.com/gp/video/detail/B07WMZRDGX/ref=atv_yv_hom_c_unkc_1_1 Short Clip of above on Translating Infinity YouTube: https://youtu.be/Fc7uAQwLWww Website: https://community.lightdialogic.com/ Eileen’s Book on Amazon (Koyopa Contact Within): https://amzn.to/2Y8MaD7 Youtube TI/SOG: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCEicUOvHCBmRHvoEvbT3udA Eileen Meyer Music on iTunes https://itunes.apple.com/us/artist/eileen-meyer/id128980783
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    56 mins
  • Episode 7 - The Dialogue and Attunement
    Apr 25 2022
    The Dialogue is a tool, an accelerated practice to connect with the Self and the Field. I learned this non-linear emotional-awareness approach through contact. They asked me to share it with you. A quote from this episode: “I can see why other-worldly beings have difficulty reaching us. I get it. First hand. But I like to think they had some success in reaching me, teaching me this way of connecting to the field, through feeling and resonance. They had to change me, throughout my life, through visitations, and Kundalini… to change me enough to feel resonance communication. As a fellow human, I can’t visit you in the night and scare you awake, like they did for me. I can only demonstrate.” These episodes are sequential - a hybrid podcast/audiobook. If this is the first episode you hear and you’d like to know more about how it evolved, you may want to start back at Episode 1. Thank you. Website: https://community.lightdialogic.com/ Bonus track added to Youtube on May 15, 2022: https://youtu.be/rLF45gaeAFk Eileen’s Book on Amazon (Koyopa Contact Within): https://amzn.to/2Y8MaD7 Youtube TI/SOG: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCEicUOvHCBmRHvoEvbT3udA Eileen Meyer Music on iTunes https://itunes.apple.com/us/artist/eileen-meyer/id128980783 Music: “Shine,” written and performed by Eileen Meyer
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    55 mins
  • Episode 6 - Awakening Our Dormant Tech
    Apr 3 2022
    A life of reorienting to a feeling-based language through contact, and discovering that the body is designed to connect us to the Infinite Field. Presence and attention to our emotions are key to awakening the dormant tech within. Then comes the near-impossible task of translating energy into linear messages. A quote from an early 2021 message, included in this episode: “What purpose would it serve if we were to describe this story of how humanity came to be in this limited bandwidth? This would be a distraction. Things are accelerating now, and they will accelerate daily, more rapidly, and your mind will not know how to keep up. This is why, together, we remember how to connect with the Field and stay in harmony with this Field because this is where you get your truth. This is where you get your data. If you think things are confusing now in what is occurring on your political platforms, religious, globally, nationally… things will continue to be chaotic. But you do not have to be affected by that if you find your core within…” Website: https://community.lightdialogic.com/ Eileen’s Book on Amazon (Koyopa Contact Within): https://amzn.to/2Y8MaD7 Youtube TI/SOG: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCEicUOvHCBmRHvoEvbT3udA Las Vegas Talk, October 2017 Video https://youtu.be/MucMdyJEvb8 Eileen Meyer Music on iTunes https://itunes.apple.com/us/artist/eileen-meyer/id128980783
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    51 mins