• Protect Your Mojo
    Sep 25 2024

    When you hear the word mojo, what comes to mind? Is it your energy? Your drive? Maybe it’s that magnetic spark that draws people to you, or the charisma that makes you unstoppable in your personal and professional life. For some, it's vitality. For others, it’s leadership. But no matter how you define it, mojo is the essence of what makes you feel alive, purposeful, and influential.

    But what happens when you lose it? When the energy that once fueled your goals and ambitions starts to fade, leaving you feeling tired, uninspired, or even burnt out? Today, we’re diving deep into what mojo truly means and how the Walker Method can help you rebuild, protect, and amplify it.

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    10 mins
  • The Truth About Feedback
    Sep 25 2024

    Today, we’re diving deep into a topic that plays a huge role in both personal growth and leadership: feedback. More specifically, how we handle feedback—whether it’s given to us or requested from others—and how it shapes the way we show up in the world. I’m standing here at Ben Buckler, with the ocean crashing behind me. There’s something powerful about this spot—something timeless about how the ocean just keeps going, no matter the storms or the waves. It’s a lesson we can all apply to how we handle feedback.

    Now, when people ask for feedback, what are they really asking for? Most of the time, it’s someone seeking validation or guidance on something they’ve done. But here’s the thing—when you give someone negative feedback, you’re putting yourself in a position that’s smaller than them. Full stop. Let me explain.

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    10 mins
  • Highlights of The Walker Method on Ben Buckler
    1 min
  • highlight Real Empowerment
    Sep 23 2024

    Thriving means being thankful, embracing wins and losses, knowing they're part of the journey. This mental mindset, this recovery, and evolution make you a bigger person, not just a bigger athlete." - Chris Walker. Embrace each step!

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    6 mins
  • Sport and the Walker Method
    Sep 23 2024

    Thriving means being thankful, embracing wins and losses, knowing they're part of the journey. This mental mindset, this mental recovery, and this mental evolution means you become a bigger person, not just a bigger athlete.

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    5 mins
  • Highlight Reel of Healing Heartbreak
    Sep 20 2024

    Healing a broken heart. It's the walk, a method for healing, a broken heart. I hope you enjoy this podcast. Welcome back to everyone, to the podcast today. We're diving deep into the topic that I know from personal experience is one of the most challenging. And yet one of the most important aspects of being a human. Healing a broken heart. Now, when we talk about heartbreak, we're not just talking about romantic relationships, although that's often where our minds go. Heartbreak can come from so many areas of life, like a failed business. A missed opportunity, a lost, loved one. Or even just the slow erosion of a dream you once held dear.

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    1 min
  • Healing Heartbreak: Steps to Emotional Recovery.
    Sep 20 2024

    Healing a broken heart. It's the walk, a method for healing, a broken heart. I hope you enjoy this podcast. Welcome back to everyone, to the podcast today. We're diving deep into the topic that I know from personal experience is one of the most challenging. And yet one of the most important aspects of being a human. Healing a broken heart. Now, when we talk about heartbreak, we're not just talking about romantic relationships, although that's often where our minds go. Heartbreak can come from so many areas of life, like a failed business. A missed opportunity, a lost, loved one. Or even just the slow erosion of a dream you once held dear.

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    12 mins
  • Grow You, Lead Better – The Foundation of True Leadership
    Sep 18 2024

    Welcome to today's podcast, where we're going to be tackling a top topic that frankly, I believe needs a serious wake up call. Think about it. How can you lead others without first leading yourself? It's an appalling abuse of privilege.   📍

    And yet we see it all the time. People in leadership positions think they can manage direct or control others without doing the hard work of growing themselves. Let me make this clear from the start. This is irrational, irresponsible, and ultimately unsustainable. Let's get into it. The myth of leadership without growth. Now for some reason, there are still leaders who believe that their title alone gives them the right to direct people. They think they can inspire guide or even command others without first working on themselves. They hold onto this myth. That that leadership is about telling others what to do while they themselves remain stagnant, fixed in their mindset, unwilling to evolve. Let me tell you. That's not leadership that's control and there's a huge difference. True leadership starts with growing yourself.

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    8 mins