• Staycation
    Aug 5 2021

    In this last episode of season 4, Gabe and Evie talk about their last minute change up of their vacation plans. 

    Parenting Hack:
    Pizza Hut Book It Program

    The Read to Succeed Six Flags program has been suspended as of this time but here is the link for when it reopens.
    Read to Succeed Six Flags

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    25 mins
  • The Biggest Influencers In Our Children's Lives
    Jul 26 2021

    Do you know who or what the biggest influences over your children's lives are? It is you!

    Show notes below:

    1. The purpose of the family unit is to reflect the nature of God and his relationship with us in the earth. 

    A. The Parent/Child relationship is meant to be the prophetic declaration of God the Father and the Holy Spirit relationship with the Church.

    B. The spousal relationship is meant to be the prophetic declaration of God the Father and Jesus’ relationship with the Church. 

    C. By prophetic declaration I mean living natural example that gives us insight into the knowledge of God.

    D. This being said, parents have by nature the greatest influence 
    over a child’s life than anyone else on the planet. 

    2. Parental influences
    A. As parents we have the deepest and most impactful influence on our children

    B. More than sports stars, music stars, entertainers, teachers, 
    coaches, etc. 

    C. Whether we want that responsibility or not, as parents we have it automatically. 

    D. This is a tremendously weighty role in the life of another human being. Because of this weighty role there are some who, out of fear, decide to not have children.  Not only reason, but one. They don’t understand that though yes it is a tremendously weighty role to carry that type of influence over another human being, but that responsibility carries a glory and joy that cannot be found elsewhere. 

    E. Though it is a weighty issue we as parents cannot abdicate our role as influencers to others. 

    F. Many in our culture give up and abdicate our god given influence to others who either have a lesser degree of concern for our children or outright agenda to use their influence for their own gain at the expense of our children.

    G.The entertainers and music artist who promote perverted and harmful content directed at young people and then say they are not responsible for what people do with it, are literally taking your child down a path of destruction for their own personal gain.

    H. Jesus does not mince words on what he feels about taking advantage of young people to lead them down a road of destruction. Luke 17:2 

    3. As the Parents Go, So Go the Children

    A. Phrases like, “You are your mothers daughter”, Like Father, like son. Like mother, like daughter. Speak of this reality that as the parents go, so go the children, whether that’s good or bad!

    B. The saying, “Do as I say, not as I do.” Is equivalent to saying listen to a hypocrite. 

    C. If we as parents live lukewarm lives in front of our children, they will most likely end up living with a love that is cold or non-existent. 
    But if we live abandoned lives under the grace of God, then most likely our children will live more on fire and surrendered to the Lord than we are.

    D. We see this in scripture. Paul commends Timothy’s sincerity of faith and points to his grandmother Lois, and mother Eunice as the foundation of Timothy’s faith. 2 Timothy 1:5

    E. Throughout the reign of Israel’s kings we find that the vast majority of their introductions are a summarization of how their parents influenced them. If the king and queen before them followed the Lord wholeheartedly the next son to be king did likewise. If the parents turned from God and compromised their trust and faith in God, so the son would. 

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    28 mins
  • Creating "Stones" of Rememberance
    Jul 19 2021

    Gabe and Evie talk about the importance of creating "stones" of remembrance by frequently telling testimonies of how and when God intervened in our lives. In Joshua 4:6-8 the Israelites created a memorial built of 12 stones to remind them when God caused the Jordan River to dry up so they could cross into the promised land. One of the main reasons this was important was so they would remember tell their children the way God intervened in their lives. One of the key ways that our children will want to know God for themselves is by hearing what God has done in our lives. 

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    33 mins
  • Identity, Purpose, and Life-giver
    Jul 8 2021

    When God created humans he created them in His image, both male and female. Each were given a unique expression of God as a creator or life-giver (Eve) and giver of identity and purpose (Adam). Join Gabe and Evie as they dive into these two unique roles that are offered by both fathers and mothers, husbands and wives, male and female and how each role plays a significant role in the family dynamic.

    Parenting Hack: Words of Life


    If you enjoyed this show please leave a review and share with someone you love. 

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    29 mins
  • How To Take A Day Of Rest With Children
    Jun 29 2021

    It is recommended for parents to get some time alone, without kids, on a regular basis. We need to recharge and reconnect to one another as spouses. But there is also a way to take a restful day where you can recharge and have fun with children of all ages! The Bible calls it the Sabbath and with a little thought and intentionality, the whole family can enjoy a restful and enjoyable day, even if you have little ones. Join us as we share our own experience and give a few simple thoughts on how you can enhance your days off with the family.

    Parenting Hack: Work or Play

    Music by Isaiah and Samuel Palmer

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    24 mins
  • The Hiddenness in Parenting
    Jun 18 2021

    Our society thrives off of the next cool thing, the latest trend, becoming an influencer on social media, or making a significant impact in the world. Yet when it comes to parenting,  there are no accolades or fanfare. Much of what we do as parents can feel insignificant and of little value. In this episode, Gabe and Evie discuss the hidden aspects of parenting and encourage us to remain faithful to the assignment God has given us as parents.

    This weeks parenting hack, 20/20.

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    26 mins
  • Special Guests: Parenting Legends Paul and Patty Palmer
    Jun 7 2021

    In this weeks episode, we have special guests Paul and Patty Palmer who have 40 plus years of child rearing experience raising 11 children and now have (at this present moment) 37 grandchildren.  Hear their story of raising children with the unique perspective of having "been there done that" with four decades of experience. 

    You'll want to stay until the end of the episode where Patty gives a handful of parenting hacks for all parents to take hold of.

     If you are encouraged, entertained, or enjoy this podcast be sure to share it with your friends and family. We all need a little encouragement and fun while in the midst of parenting children. 

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    40 mins
  • Parenting With The Holy Spirit
    May 31 2021

    As the saying goes, "They don't give you an owners manual when you bring a new child into your family" but Jesus has given us the Holy Spirit to lean into for discernment, direction, and understanding in all things, including parenting. In this episode, Gabe and Evie share about how to follow the leading of the Holy Spirit when raising your children.

    If you enjoy this podcast please take a moment and leave a review either on our Facebook page or on the podcast platform that you use. 

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    25 mins