• TB42: Interview Part 2 Growing Up Homeschooled
    Apr 14 2023

    In Part Two of this two part series Levi and Chaz discuss what life is like as an adult after being homeschooled. They give insights into what it was like:

    • Starting college
    • Getting their first jobs
    • Transitions into adulthood
    • Things they will change when homeschooling their own children
    • Things they appreciate from their own homeschool experience

    They end by giving advice to both parents and homeschoolers, from the perspective of adults who were homeschooled. 

    In Part One, Levi and Chaz focused on their homeschool experiences and perspectives during childhood and how those opinions have changed or remained the same in their adult lives. 

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    1 hr
  • TB 41: Interview Part 1 - Growing Up Homeschooled
    Mar 16 2023

    Most podcast focus on assisting homeschool parents as they navigate the homeschool adventure. Instead, our next two podcast will be focusing on what homeschooling looks like to our kids. 

    In this podcast, Chaz and Levi will be discussing what it was like growing up in the homeschool environment. What they like, what they didn't like and what they wish they had done differently. 

    They give advice to parents and their homeschooled children, encouraging children to carefully evaluate the gift they have being homeschooled and how to best use that gift to the fullest. They also give parents some insights into the unspoken concerns facing some homeschoolers as they reach the teenage years.

    In the next podcast, Chaz and Levi will be discussing what life looks like as an adult who was homeschooled. They discuss their college experiences, work opportunities, marriage and other transitions into adulthood. 

    We hope these podcast give both parents and homeschoolers insight into their homeschool journey, and assists them as they plan out their adult life after homeschooling.

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    45 mins
  • TB 40: The Funny Boy - Part 5 The Disruptive Homeschooler
    Mar 3 2023

    Disruptions in the homeschool are inevitable. But when your homeschooler is doing the disrupting things can get out of control fast. In this series we are discussing what to do when our homeschooler insists on disrupting the day, and why they do it. 

    In today's podcast, part 5 of the series, Chaz and Christie are discussing the funny child. This child brings so much joy, and light hearted good times to the classroom. But a funny child out of control can also bring frustration and choas. 

    Chaz, the funny boy, and Christie (the mom who taught him) discuss what homeschooling is like for the funny boy, and for the rest of the family.  They discuss practical ways of helping the funny child work through their natural inclinations, while still learning the control and respect for themselves and others that are necessary for their interactions with others and their adult lives. 

    They discuss:

    • The need to gain the respect of the funny child
    • Teaching the funny child to tease without hurting others
    • Training your funny child to not use jokes to draw attention to their own weaknesses or sensitive areas
    • Classroom techniques for working with your funny child.

    We hope you enjoy this podcast and check out the rest of our series on:

    The Disruptive Homeschooler

    • Part One: The Melt Down Child
    • Part Two: The Distractor
    • Part Three: The Watch Me/Look at This Child
    • Part Four: The Talker
    • Part Five: The Funny Boy

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    27 mins
  • TB 39: The Disruptive Homeschooler - Part 4 The Talker
    Feb 15 2023

    In this series, we have been discussing what to do when your homeschooler disrupts the school day.  This podcast discusses the talker. This is the child who just can't seem to stop disrupting, because they just have to tell you one more thing. 

    Chaz and Christie give tips and insights into the talker and how to help them use their natural inclination to learn and develop, while still maintaining stability in the classroom. Chaz describes what it was like being a homeschool talker and the frustrations of having to keep quiet when he had so much to share.

    He then goes on to share how his mom, Christie, used his talkative, outgoing nature to help him develop leadership skills in their homeschool environment. These skills gave him a great start into adult life and his present career. He strongly encourages parents to acknowledge their child's natural inclinations as they develop a plan for not just ending disruptions in the classroom, but also to help their child grow and mature through the homeschool experience.

    We encourage you to check out the rest of the Disruptive Homeschool series:

    Part 1: The Meltdown Child
    Part 2:  The Deflector
    Part 3: The Watch Me/Look at This Child
    Part 4: The Talker
    Part 5: The Funny Guy

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    25 mins
  • TB 38: Part 3: The Watch Me/Look at This Homeschooler - The Disruptive Homeschooler Series
    Feb 2 2023

    Disruptions in the school day. They come in many different forms, from the phone ringing, to errands that have to be run, the list is endless and constant. But the hardest is when your homeschooler is the disruptor. 

    In this series, The Disruptive Homeschooler, Chaz and Christie discuss five of the most common disruptive behaviors seen in most homeschools. Although no child has only one means of disrupting, you will see a natural inclination towards a specific means of drawing unproductive attention towards themselves. Understanding these kinds of disruptions, the motivation behind the disruptions, and ways to use your child's natural inclinations to help redirect them, will go a long ways to bringing stability back into your classroom.

    The five disruptive personalities that are discussed in the 5 part series are:

    • The Melt-down Child
    • The Deflector
    • The Watch Me/Look at This Child
    • The Talker
    • The Funny Child

    In today's podcast, Chaz and Christie will be focusing on the Watch Me/Look at This Child. This is the child who loves to show you their newest twirl, whistle or picture they drew. Great things, but not necessarily in the middle of a grammar lesson. 

    What to do when you want to encourage your child's creativity and wonder, but also need them to focus on the task at hand? This podcast will give you practical, easy to implement tips for working with your Watch Me/Look at This child.

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    27 mins
  • TB 37: Part 2 - The Deflector, The Disruptive Homeschooler Series
    Jan 17 2023

    Disruptions in the school day, everyone has them. But what do you do when your biggest disruption is your homeschooler. In this series Chaz and Christie discuss some of the most common disruptive behaviors and share tips for getting back control of your homeschool.

    Todays podcast focuses on the Deflector. These homeschoolers have a wide range of tools they can use to disassemble even the best planned school day. They ask questions that are off topic and are hard to answer, give tidbits of knowledge on subjects that have nothing to do with what you are talking about, and will argue with you over facts that are totally irrelevant to the discussion. And they can get so stuck on these facts, arguments, and questions that you can't pry their brains away from their topic of interest. 

    As an adult who was homeschooled and the mom who taught him, Chaz and Christie have a unique perspective as ones who have been where you are, both as a teacher and as a homeschooled student. Listen as they describe life with a deflector in the classroom and some of the funny and unique disruptions that it caused through their homeschool adventure. Also, hear some of the things that Christie discovered to bring order back from chaos as she learned how to work with her own deflecting homeschooler. 

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    24 mins
  • TB 36: The Disruptive Homeschooler Part 1- The Meltdown Child
    Jan 6 2023

    Disruptions, they come from everywhere - the dog, the phone, the doorbell, but the worst is when your homeschooler is the disruption. They come in many forms - the meltdown child, the distractor, the talker, just to name three. But, they all have basically the same purpose - to be noticed and to delay school. 

    For the next few podcasts, we are going to discuss different types of disruptive students, and give you some practical tips for dealing with their unique style of disrupting a school day. 

    In this podcast Chaz and Christie will be discussing the Meltdown Child. From their own personal experience as a homeschooler, and the mom who taught him, they will describe the classic meltdown situation and the two main causes of such behavior. 

    They will also give many hints and suggestions for working with your Meltdown Child, including:

    • How to train your child to handle pressures and distractions 
    • Arranging the classroom and other learning environments to accommodate your child's particular needs
    • Breaking down assignments into workable sections
    • Curriculum options for the distracted learner
    • Catching a melt down before it happens

    And finally, they will encourage you sharing with you the results of a lifetime of training for an adult homeschooler who was once a Meltdown Child. If you have a child who meltdowns in or out of the classroom, this podcast will be an encouragement, and a help in dealing with the disruption of meltdowns and give you a plan for making them a thing of the past. 

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    23 mins
  • TB 35: Part 2- Why Does Santa Wear Red? ...and Other Christmas Traditions
    Dec 21 2022

    Merry Christmas! In this podcast we will be continuing our discussion on Christmas traditions. Last week, Chaz and Christie discussed the origins and history of Santa Claus and the Christmas tree.

    This week we will be sharing the background behind:

    • Christmas cards
    • Poinsettias
    • Salvation Army Bell Ringers
    • Store Santas
    • The Ugly Christmas Sweater
    • Cookie Swaps
    • Laying out letters and cookies for Santa, and carrots for his reindeer

    We hope you enjoy the podcast and will come check us out at www.toolboxforlearning.com.

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    18 mins