
  • Mastering the Art of Respect with Rabbi Eitan Kupietzky
    Aug 21 2024

    We all know that we're supposed to be nice to each other. In fact, we're supposed to get along with people that upset us. If we can't do that, we'll never get past the problems that led to the destruction of the Second Temple. But that is a whole lot easier said than done.

    Fortunately, Rabbi Eitan Kupietzky has a single bit of key advice to help us with this problem.

    Rabbi Eitan Kupietzky is managing director of the Gimmel Foundation, a nonprofit organization established in 1980. The foundation administers after-school clubs and camps in the south of Israel for needy children through a unique program of informal education specially developed by the Gimmel Foundation.

    Rav Kupietzky is also strategic advisor to contemporary, ground-breaking and innovative Rabbinic authorities and institutions including: Rav Yosef Zvi Rimon's Sulamot - Halacha Education Center, the Puah Institute, and Rav Uri Sherki's Brit Olam. Rav Kupietzky has published numerous articles in leading Halachic journals covering topics in Science, Medicine, Technology, and Psychology.

    You can learn more about the Gimmel Foundation and help support their work here: https://www.gimmelfoundation.org/

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    21 mins
  • Connecting the Heart and the Mind at HoJo's with Rabbi David Katz
    Aug 7 2024

    I've been looking for inspiration. That's part of the goal of this podcast. How do we capture inspiration and bottle it?

    "That kind of inspiration is beautiful but it doesn't last," says Rabbi David Katz. Well, what kind does? How can we connect the heart and the mind in our religious lives?

    Rabbi Katz tells us how to begin. First things first: don't downplay the importance of some ice cream at a Howard Johnson's in the 1980's. It can come in handy.

    Rabbi David Katz is the Dean of Michlelet Mevaseret Yerushalayim (MMY) and has been with MMY since its inception 23 years ago. He studied at Yeshiva University in New York and Yeshivat Torat Moshe in Jerusalem. Rabbi Katz is an extremely popular teacher and has lectured extensively not only in seminary, but with teenagers and adults alike in communities and summer camps throughout the United States, the United Kingdom, South Africa and Australia. Originally from Teaneck, New Jersey, Rabbi Katz made aliya in 1989, is a father of 6 and proud grandfather of 6, and presently lives with his family in Ramat Bet Shemesh.

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    16 mins
  • Why Should I Daven? A Helpful Question (and Answer) with Rabbi Sammy Bergman
    Jul 30 2024

    In this episode, I asked Rabbi Bergman for a bit of advice in what remains a consistently difficult part of Jewish life: davening. How can we get good at prayer? You may recall that Rabbi Aryeh Lebowitz gave us an excellent and useful bit of guidance in our very first episode. We are revisiting the question now and Rabbi Bergman gives us a bit of help that works not only in davening but, in fact, in a wide variety of challenging tasks. Take a few minutes to listen.

    Rabbi Sammy Bergman is the rabbi of the Young Israel of Fort Lee, a rebbe at TABC and Heichal HaTorah, and a good friend.

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    5 mins
  • Getting Down to Business (Spiritually Speaking) with Rabbi Yaakov Wolff
    Jul 23 2024

    Is work supposed to be a religiously uplifting experience for Jewish people? What would that even look like on a day to day basis? What if I'm just a cog in a massive company where no one really takes note of my work?

    We discuss all of these questions- and more- with Yaakov Wolff, the host of the Shtark Tank podcast, which you can find here: https://open.spotify.com/show/34xll8GhTfu1BiRdhb8AyR?si=b4abjys_QiKEnaTrEJoeug%0A

    Shtark Tank is a podcast about the challenges and opportunities of being a Ben Torah in the workforce. The content is focused on profiling professionals on the ground and hearing their real experiences, successes and struggles. That is to say, he is the right person to be discussing these questions with.

    Yaakov is currently completing his rabbinical ordination at Yeshivat Kerem B'Yavneh, where he continues to study as a member of its kollel. He served in the IDF as part of the Hesder program and is studying business and marketing at Open University Israel.

    In this episode, we also discuss Yaakov's brother in law, Eli Moshe Zimbalist, who was recently killed in action in Gaza. Eli Moshe leaves behind a remarkable legacy and the podcast would be worthwhile just for the single tidbit we learn about him.

    On that note, it is worth pointing out that Eli Moshe built dozens of pieces of furniture for Rabbi Shalom Rosner's Nofei Hashemesh shul, and he dreamed of helping complete it. The Eli Moshe Zimbalist Beit Midrash will be built in his memory.

    Email Yaakov at yaakovwolff@gmail.com for more information about the beit midrash, the podcast, or the Shtark Tank whatsapp group.

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    22 mins
  • Against Passion and for Fascination (and Jerry Seinfeld) with Rabbi Moshe Kurtz
    Jul 16 2024

    What do we need to learn from Jerry Seinfeld? This is the question that the wonderful rabbi and halachist Rabbi Moshe Kurtz is asking us (surprisingly). Rabbi Kurtz is not a "chassid" of Seinfeld's - he is the consumate Litvak, for those keeping score- but he has some illuminating comments about passion, fascination, and, of course, everyone's favorite Jewish comedian.

    Rabbi Moshe Kurtz is the author of the book "Challenging Assumptions," a book that addresses contemporary issues facing Jewish society in light of both halachic and philosophical considerations. He is also the host of the "Shu"T First, Ask Questions Later" podcast, a podcast that puts the study of Torah front-and-center by inviting guest scholars to present, debate and provide listeners with a dynamic conversation regarding the responsum of their choice. His "Unpacking the Iggerot" series brings the classic letters of Rabbi Moshe Feinstein to new audiences for the Tradition Online website. Rabbi Kurtz serves as the Assistant Rabbi of Congregation Agudath Sholom.

    You can find his book here: https://www.amazon.com/Challenging-Assumptions-Rabbi-Moshe-Kurtz/dp/1957579951.

    I was a guest on Rabbi Kurtz's excellent podcast some time ago. You can find that episode, as well as all of the others, here: https://open.spotify.com/episode/2VuXw0S44V5JvDHRgL4T71?si=9XfbkSPKSsSzu08FD_YqAQ

    Take fifteen minutes to learn some very interesting lessons from Rabbi Kurtz.

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    15 mins
  • Mentoring the Next Generation of Jewish Educators with Rabbi Shmuel Hain
    Jul 10 2024

    About one million years ago, I was a fellow in the Yeshiva University-Sar High School Beit Midrash Program. I learned a ton and had an amazing and impactful experience. Part of what made my time there so special was my direct supervisor: Rabbi Shmuel Hain.

    Rabbi Hain was a fabulous mentor and boss and he made it look easy. What insight can he give us about being a great mentor, especially to young people who are thinking about choosing Jewish education as a career path and calling?

    And what does he tell young people in his shul about making that choice?

    Rabbi Shmuel Hain is the rabbi of YIOZ in of North Riverdale/Yonkers and Rosh Beit Midrash at SAR High School. As Rosh Beit Midrash at SAR High School, he directs the Beit Midrash Fellowship, teaches advanced Judaic Studies classes, and co-directs Machon Siach- a research institute for Jewish educators. During the summer he is Rav Machaneh (Camp Rabbi) of Camp Moshava- Indian Orchard.

    Maybe you know someone who you think could be a superstar educator. Take a few minutes to listen to Three Steps Forward to learn from Rabbi Hain about how to talk to them. Give some thought to how you can incorporate mentorship into your own life and work and maybe consider some young people you know who are about to make a big decision. What can you do for them?

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    6 mins
  • "Whether they Feel it Inside" with Rabbi Jeffrey Saks
    Jul 3 2024

    What does it feel like when we feel commanded? How does it relate to anxiety and fulfillment?

    And would the world be better if rabbis had pointy sticks?

    My conversation with Rabbi Saks opened up many paths, questions, and thoughts. Take a few minutes and join us for a thought provoking conversation.

    Rabbi Jeffrey Saks is the founding director of ATID – The Academy for Torah Initiatives and Directions in Jewish Education and its WebYeshiva.org program. He is the Editor of the Tradition journal. Rabbi Saks is the Series Editor of The S.Y. Agnon Library at The Toby Press, and Director of Research at the Agnon House in Jerusalem. He edited Wisdom From All My Teachers: Challenges and Initiatives in Contemporary Torah Education (Urim); To Mourn a Child: Jewish Responses to Neonatal and Childhood Death (OU Press); and authored Spiritualizing Halakhic Education (Mandel Foundation). He has published widely on Jewish thought, education, and literature.

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    13 mins
  • "Never During the Rabbi's Speech!" (Or: How to Begin Independent Torah Study) with Rabbi Dr. Shlomo Zuckier
    Jun 27 2024

    What can I do to make Torah study more accessible? Do I need to be friends with my chavrusa (study-partner)? What should I be learning when I have the time? (Side note: do patents exist?)

    Take a few minutes to listen Rabbi Shlomo Zuckier's reflections to find out and learn more!

    Rabbi Dr. Shlomo Zuckier has a very long bio!

    He recently completed a PhD in Religious Studies at Yale University as well as studies in Yeshiva University’s Kollel Elyon. Shlomo is a Founder of The Lehrhaus and was formerly Director of OU-JLIC at Yale University. He has taught at Yale Divinity School, Yeshiva University (YC and Revel), Touro’s Graduate School of Jewish Studies, and Drisha and Tikvah programs. Shlomo has held the Flegg Postdoctoral Fellowship in Jewish Studies at McGill University and the Research Fellowship at the Notre Dame Center for Philosophy of Religion, as well as the MFJC Advanced Torah Fellowship, and the Wexner and Tikvah Fellowships. He serves on the Editorial Committee of Tradition and has edited two books in contemporary Jewish theology.

    Side note: patents do exist.

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    15 mins