
  • Tom & Jerry Rules!
    Feb 28 2025

    The most iconic cat and mouse duo have been ruthlessly trying to kill each other for almost a century, and there’s something timeless about good old fashioned slapstick animal violence. Join us as we dig into the history of this timeless, hilarious, often messed-up, and occasionally flat-out problematic cartoon.

    Also, friendly reminder you can help support the show on Patreon at patreon.com/thisthingrules, follow us on Bluesky and Twitter @ThisThingRules, or find our little corner of our old podcast’s Discord at discord.comedybutton.com - and of course, we’re always happy to get email from listeners at thisthingruleshow@gmail.com

    Intro contains clips from Full House, The Simpsons and of course Tom & Jerry.

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    43 mins
  • Teeth Rule!
    Feb 21 2025

    What? They do! They let us chew our food, smile, grimace, and give us something to floss in a literal, non-Fortnite dance fashion. Join as we marvel at those fascinating, slightly creepy lil’ pearly whites, their place in popular culture, and various anecdotes involving dental professionals, tooth fairies, and everything in between. Special thanks to A.C. MacKenzie for writing in and suggesting such a mundane yet bizarre subject for a podcast.

    Also, friendly reminder you can help support the show on Patreon at patreon.com/thisthingrules, follow us on Bluesky and Twitter @ThisThingRules, or find our little corner of our old podcast’s Discord at discord.comedybutton.com - and of course, we’re always happy to get email from listeners at thisthingruleshow@gmail.com

    Intro includes clips from Lady Gaga’s “Teeth,” Batman (1989), Looney Tunes, Del The Funky Homosapien’s “If You Must,” Yoshi’s Island and The Lord of the Rings: Return of the King (Extended Edition, obviously)

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    50 mins
  • Model Kits Rule!
    Feb 14 2025

    In this 1:1 scale recreation of a conversation between two friends, Max gives Brian a crash course on plastic model kits, something he had a passing interest in as a kid, but which escalated into a full-on obsession in adulthood. We discuss the origins of the hobby compared to what it’s like now, from pre-WWII models of planes that would eventually wind up in WWII to intricate replicas of very boring objects. Of course, we don't gloss over the timeless frustrations involved with cutting, building, gluing, sanding, and literally glossing over tiny plastic things, and how the desire to assemble a fun little trinket can devolve into a very weird compulsion to assemble absurdly complicated miniature realistic facsimiles of large real-world objects.

    Also, friendly reminder you can help support the show on Patreon atpatreon.com/thisthingrules, follow us on Bluesky and Twitter @ThisThingRules, or find our little corner of our old podcast’s Discord at discord.comedybutton.com - and of course, we’re always happy to get email from listeners atthisthingruleshow@gmail.com

    Intro contains clips from the Frank Grimes episode of The Simpsons, some model kit commercials, and Parks & Recreation (who is technically talking about claymation, but close enough)

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    1 hr and 2 mins
  • Mornings Rule!
    Feb 7 2025

    In what’s possibly our most divisive and controversial episode to date, we tell you why we both enjoy a particular time of day that a whole lot of people would rather spend being unconscious than doing anything else. Ironically, two guys who used to host a show called “Up At Noon” are, in fact, “morning people.” But wait, let’s talk about how we got this way, what’s keeping us this way, and why we don’t really mind that much.

    Also, friendly reminder you can help support the show on Patreon at patreon.com/thisthingrules, follow us on Bluesky and Twitter @ThisThingRules, or find our little corner of our old podcast’s Discord at discord.comedybutton.com - and of course, we’re always happy to get email from listeners at thisthingruleshow@gmail.com

    Intro contains clips from The Tick (the original Fox Kids animated series), a 1990 Folgers coffee commercial, an episode of Friends (The One With All The Haste) and probably The Beatles’ worst song off Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Heart Club Band.

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    50 mins
  • Stickers Rule!
    Jan 31 2025

    Who doesn’t love stickers? Colorful, cool, funny, shiny, informative and occasionally stinky little pictures or messages that can be used to decorate objects and surfaces, giving a personal possession (or public property) a little more personality. We run down some of the more novel places stickers have come from and where they’ve wound up, from Ray Avery’s original “Kum Kleen Price Stickers” in 1940, to the earliest political bumper stickers, to the origins of using “Hello My Name Is” labels to introduce oneself to strangers and mailboxes and of course the sudden sticker explosion in the 1970s and 80s of brands like Lisa Frank, Mrs. Grossman and Sandylion. Plus, some of our personal favorite stickers from throughout our lives and where we put them. Special thanks to Thijis Van Sise, longtime patreon supporter and friend of the show, for suggesting this week’s topic.

    Also, friendly reminder you can help support the show on Patreon at patreon.com/thisthingrules, follow us on Bluesky and Twitter @ThisThingRules, or find our little corner of our old podcast’s Discord at discord.comedybutton.com - and of course, we’re always happy to get email from listeners at thisthingruleshow@gmail.com

    Intro contains a bunch of sound effects and clips from Eminem’s “My Name Is,” a 1996 Lisa Frank commercial starring Mila Kunis, a Circle K commercial for scratch-and-sniff mother’s day stickers starring a bunch of live skunks, and The Simpsons.

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    50 mins
  • Swords Rule!
    Jan 18 2025

    Schwing! This episode is all about the S-word: SWORDS. Over the course of the next hour, you may learn a thing or two about the history of bladed weapons, but we spend most of our time goofing off and talking about our favorite swords in popular culture, from iconic movie blades in films like Lord of the Rings, Highlander, Kill Bill, and uh, Blade and also Brian’s favorite video game swords, from Ocarina of Time’s second-coolest sword to the Elden Ring sword that does bleed damage like they do on the Discovery Channel. Despite the topic at hand, we might not be the sharpest tools in the shed when it comes to rational analysis of melee weapons, but we still had a lot of fun this week.

    Also, friendly reminder you can help support the show on Patreon at patreon.com/thisthingrules, follow us on Bluesky and Twitter @ThisThingRules, or find our little corner of our old podcast’s Discord at discord.comedybutton.com - and of course, we’re always happy to get email from listeners at thisthingruleshow@gmail.com

    Intro contains clips from Highlander, Home Movies, a disastrous QVC sword infomercial and Kill Bill Vol. 1.

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    53 mins
  • Alien (The Movie) Rules!
    Jan 17 2025

    In space, no one can hear you scream, but in this episode, you can definitely hear us get real excited about Alien, the original 1979 film that started it all. Enough has been said about how it’s an undeniable classic that revolutionized cinema, etc, but it’s also a miracle it ever got made. Did you know that bringing the various forms of the iconic Xenomorph to life required actual human bones, a pile of rancid shellfish, and an industrial size oil drum full of KY Jelly - and only one of these things was at the request of H.R. Giger. Join us as we frantically gush like malfunctioning synthetic science officers about how much we adore this movie, and really try not to talk about the sequels too much (but it’s hard, because they rule too.) We also discuss our first exposure to this series, how our perspectives have changed since growing up. Also, Max would like to apologize for blanking on the names of Veronica Cartwright, who plays Lambert and falls backwards off a couch, and John Hurt, who plays chestburster victim Kane in Alien AND Spaceballs.

    Intro contains clips from an H.R. Giger in a DVD special feature, Alien (duh) and “Hello! Ma Baby” by Howard & Emerson as featured in Spaceballs.

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    44 mins
  • Monsters Rule!
    Jan 10 2025

    “Monsters!" by Brian, Age 42(?)
    Monsters are fictional (not real, we think) things that have existed (or not?) through basically all of human history, primarily as a mechanism to scare children or to provide cool things to torment or kill people in books, movies, TV shows, video games, comics, and campfire tales. There is not one under your bed or in your closet right now, probably, but the way the light hits at night, it might seem like it. Also the way your radiator sort of sounds like it's growling. Monsters usually sort of look like a guy but real fucked up like, as in he’s got horns or talons or a big tail or something. Sometimes they’re real huge and don’t look like a guy at all, like Godzilla or the monsters from Cloverfield or Nope. Sometimes they’re just awful little fuckers like the Gremlins, the weird walking things from Tremors 2: Aftershocks, or Mike Wazowski from Monsters Inc., a movie about monsters that start a company, or maybe just work there, or something.

    In 1990 a toy line called Monster In My Pocket launched and they were a collection of 200 different brightly colored little beasts, ghouls, demons, dinosaurs, and other assorted horror men that were small enough to fit in your ratty little jean jacket or hoodie. Those were easily some of the smallest monsters. They weren’t very scary but they were occasionally boxed in a way where you couldn’t see exactly who you were buying which was kind of a jump scare on its own.

    Some of the most famous monsters are the Universal Monsters which can be mostly broken into two groups: regular dudes with a weird thing (Dracula, Invisible Man, Mummy, Frankenstein’s Wife) and absolute freaks who look like shit like Frankenstein and Creature From the Black Lagoon. Wolf Man is the perfect bridge between these two groups because he’s a dude but he’s also an ugly fucker once a month so he is the glue to the whole gang, I imagine. The Munsters are also sort of monsters but they’re mostly just people, although they have a dragon living under their stairs and that’s an actual monster. Eddie Munster is mostly just an Italian kid. Speaking of TV monsters, there are also the Aaaah! Real Monsters from their show, but they’re actually not real even though they’re monsters. They’re drawings.
    Speaking of which, lots of monster stories are about a guy becoming a monster and that’s bad or they’re about a monster who has to become a guy, which is good. Shrek explored these themes. Speaking of Hollywood, monsters is also a term people use to describe a real man who did monstrous things, like Harvey Wienstein and the Menendez Brothers who have their own documentary with the word “Monster” in the title. Beauty and the Beast is the story of a guy who becomes a monster and then doesn’t and it’s also the story of singing furniture. Charlize Theron was also a monster in the movie Monster where she killed guys. Every three years a different movie comes out called Monster and they all have nothing to do with each other.

    Sometimes monsters stay monsters the whole time but it’s ok, like Chewbacca, a monster who drives with people in their space cars and sometimes rips arms off of bad guys. Half of the things on Sesame Street are also monsters, like Grover. Gonzo from Muppets isn’t really a monster but he’s sometimes in the same movie with a large monster creature muppet who has hobo shoes.

    Monsters in video games are great because you can train them, capture them, become them, or kill them, usually thanks to a large glowing weak spot on their bodies. Monsters in movies don’t really have those, though.

    Monsters get tired a lot but don’t worry, they actually have their own energy drink called Monster Energy drink which is made from guarana and taurine and other words that sound like monster names.

    Anyways, monsters are cool and we like them, mostly because they’re not real (we think)

    The End
    Intro contains clips from Dracula, The Monster Mash, Frankenstein, Monster In My Pocket, and The Monster Squad

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    57 mins