The word is God. The entire universe is a symphony of sound current. When we make sounds like chanting mantra or reciting the poetry of realized masters, we are able to access higher realms. The Sikh Gurus were adept masters of sound and left us key codes to open up higher realms using the technology of sound current. Many people think of the Sikh path as a religion, but that's only because that's the language we have to describe it. In actuality, the Sikh path is a technology of sound and resonance which allows us to access the crystal light-mind purity of the masters. This mandala of sound was left to us in the form of the book called The Siri Guru Granth Sahib. The methodology being that anyone who reads from it, moves their mouth, their brain, and their neurons in that same pattern as the masters. Thus anyone with practice, can open the doors to the awareness, attainment and even enlightenment held by these great beings. Sound is universal and it is available to everyone. Sikhism is a doorway into the technology of this mandala of sound and can uplift anyone who chooses to explore it. Sat nam. If you like the podcast please consider leaving a positive review on Apple Podcasts, Spotify or wherever you listen to us. Thanks! LIKE AND SUBSCRIBE: Follow on TwitterInstagramFacebookTiktokLinkedinSubscribe to the Youtube channel and See This Episode on VideoSome Other Videos of interest on Youtube:1) The Three Pillars of Health: @The Kichen Table with Jai Gopal & Jamila2) Demonic Possession, Protective Mantra & Karma - @The Kitchen Table with Jamila3) Money Camp: What is Money, How is it created and How can I get more?4) Remington Donovan: Just Be You - Numerology, Astrology & Tarot#theoneflow #satnam #kundaliniyoga #lifestyleblog #meditation #kundaini #kundalinimeditation #yogibhajan #newage #power #positivity #gratitude #love #spirituality #selfhelp #ekongkar #sikh #pavanguru #shabadguru #mantra #soundcurrent #love #upwardspiraljai gopal, jaigopal, kundalini yoga teacher, kundalini yoga and meditation, ek ong kar, sat nam, lifestyle, motivation, inspiration, self help, money, energy, energy flow, the one flow, sikh, pavan guru, shabad, guru, mantra, sound current, upward spiral If you like the podcast please consider leaving a positive review on Apple Podcasts, Spotify or wherever you listen to us. Thanks! LIKE AND SUBSCRIBE: Follow on TwitterInstagramFacebookTiktokLinkedinSubscribe to the Youtube channel and See This Episode on VideoSome Other Videos of interest on Youtube:1) Demonic Possession, Protective Mantra & Karma - @The Kitchen Table with Jamila1) Money Camp: What is Money, How is it created and How can I get more?3) Remington Donovan: Just Be You - Numerology, Astrology & Tarot4) The Truth In Storytelling with Award Winning Storyteller Michael David Ker#theoneflow #satnam #kundaliniyoga #lifestyleblog #meditation #kundaini #kundalinimeditation #yogibhajan #newage #power #positivity #gratitude #love #spirituality #selfhelp #ekongkar #sikh #money #currency #fiatcurrency #centralbanks #moneyisenergy #realwealth #healthiswealth #whatismoney #energyexchange jai gopal, jaigopal, kundalini yoga teacher, kundalini yoga and meditation, ek ong kar, sat nam, lifestyle, motivation, inspiration, self help, money, energy, energy flow, the one flow