• The Oracle Within ...
    Apr 26 2023

    Feat. Neo Heart Alchemy


    Join Neo and I where we talk about the Oracle within ourselves~! 

    In this in-depth, and fascinating episode, Neo introduces us to his vibrant, dynamic and downright flipping awesome Fembot Oracle. A collection of 78-piece art alchemy images and texts that can support you to cultivate a still mind, free body and wild heart.

    From there, we explore our own similarities in how we approach our work, including the Oracle creating process, and where we seek the answers to truly discover who we are and why we are here … 

    … I will give you a hint, It’s closer to you than you think~! 

    Of course, like any other episode of the Street Angel, Neo and I go off on little tangents and get lost in our own conversation together. 

    Loved it, and hope you all enjoy this episode too. 



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    1 hr and 10 mins
  • Heartlines: What brings you Joy?
    Mar 22 2023

    Feat. Sharon Schmidt 
     Join Sharon and I for this chat where we talk about Heartlines

    What are they you say? Well, they are kind of like timelines but are guided more so by what brings you joy, as opposed to outdated concepts like purpose, success, or even spirituality

    We all cannot deny the world has changed and the energy of the past few years has been absolutely hectic, muddy, chaotic and downright confusing

    As many would have experienced, timelines have collapsed, ideas of how to approach spirituality have become outdated fast, the modern day spiritual gurus are becoming desperate, and we, now more than ever, are in need of a reset!

    But that is ok~!

    Because we are all in this together and we are all feeling this need to move forward in a more soulful, heart-space aligned manner where we are guided by one simple question:

    What in your life brings you joy? 


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    1 hr and 8 mins
  • The Y Channel
    Feb 24 2023

    Do you ever wonder what I mean when I say that I have channeled a message from a certain collective such as the Dragons, Angels or other spiritual energies?


    What exactly is channeling?

    Well, it’s an amazing process of being a direct connection to Spirit, which demands upmost respect, focused intention and practice. It is something that not all of us should do, nor do we all need to do either

    So, if you are interested to know more, have a listen, sit back and let me tell you all about Channelling

    P.S. I also introduce you to a very special Energy Collective of whom I channel, and who will be a huge focus of my Spirit work moving forward

    You will not want to miss out on this one! 


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    48 mins
  • Light Codes: Inner Soul vs. Outer Sparkles
    Feb 9 2023

    Feat. Sarah from Sarah of the Light~!


    Join Sarah and I in this episode where we talk all about Light Codes … AKA Light Language, Soul Codes/Imprints, etc

    Like me, Sarah draws upon her Team of Light to channel Light Language in her own special, creative way, to create the most amazing Light Codes! Seriously, you should check out some of her incredibly digital art. 

    The way Sarah uses said Codes in various healing, inspiriting and artistic ways, is one of the most truest examples of what Star Seeds, and their role on Earth, is all about!

    However, that aside, in this episode we build on last week’s chat around “Spirit vs. Spirituality” and discuss how the ever growing, sparkly and aesthetic form of Spirituality is hijacking Light Codes.

    How so you say? 

    Well, you will have listen and find out … 


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    59 mins
  • Spirit Vs. Spirituality
    Feb 2 2023

    Feat. Donna-Myree, Intuitive Guidance 


    A long one so, grab a coffee, wine or whatever wets your whistle and get comfy, as it’s one of the most authentic espies yet.

    I wont give too much away about this episode other than how it came about.

    It is a well known fact that I have lost complete faith in “spirituality”. Especially the aesthetic, fake, hypocritical, and somewhat dangerous, version of it we are seeing on social media.

    However, I have never lost faith in Spirit! We are spirit, it is eternal and within us, and it is always my guide in life. 

    Unsure how best to articulate this idea in a post, I left it and handed it over to Spirit. I knew they would be able to assist in how best to present this topic; they always do!

    And I wasn’t wrong … but to find out why, and which spirit it was that inspired this episode, you will have to listen for yourself! 



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    1 hr and 16 mins
  • 2023 Energy Forecast - Year of the Dragon(s)
    Jan 12 2023

    Like humanity’s love/hate relationship with Dragons, throughout history, the energy of 2023, and how to navigate it, can also be described as dualistic in nature. 


    In this episode I expand upon the Energy Forecast for 2023, of which I recently posted on my social media accounts, and how the Dragons helped me in conceptualising the energy I was seeing.

    We all see energy, spirit and even every day life differently, hence why I am putting forward my visions in the hope to open an engaging, challenging and interesting conversation. 

    I would love to hear from you all around what you see for the year, what you feel is happening and whether you disagree with me or not … honestly, I am open to opposing thoughts and welcome them, as it helps us come together and see all points of view.

    On a less serious note, be sure to keep an ear out around the 12 minute mark where I get cut off by a phone call, spirit interrupts my rant, and I sound like a f**king chipmunk for a good 10 to 15 seconds.

    Good times!

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    23 mins
  • The Heart Truth Dragon
    Dec 22 2022

    A short and sweet little episode brought to you by the Heart Truth Dragon.

     Instead of reflecting and over-analysing the year that was, or wasn't for some, the Heart Truth Dragon wants you all to bring his energy into the end of 2022, and just be in your heart space.

    What does that mean?

    Well, it links back to all we have spoken about in the Street Angel podcast as of late - living a life of balance, lighting up your heart and bringing joy to your world and everyone around you.


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    24 mins
  • Contractually obligated to be YOU!
    Dec 16 2022

    With my awesome friend and special guest, Sonja of Iridium Soul*

    Soul Contracts. What are they? Why do they exist? Wait, do I even have one? ….

    So many questions, themes and ideas in such a complex space of the spiritual scape. But thats ok, you are not alone in this thinking. 

    So, join Sonja and I in this amazing episode where we dive deep into the world of Soul Contracts to answer some of your questions as well as inspire your search for answers not just about your own journey, but the bigger broader realm of Spirit. 

    You do not want to miss this one guys! 

    * Follow Sonja on Instagram - @iridiumsoul or Facebook - Iridium Soul 

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    53 mins