
  • Atlantean Temple of The Sun Transmission: Healing Light from Golden Atlantis
    Sep 24 2024

    In this transmission we call on Archangels connected to the Golden Age of Atlantis, also Ascended Beings in Spirit connected to that time and space. Together they create an octahedron of white, gold and platinum light to transport you back in time to the Temple of the Sun in Golden Atlantis.

    This journey reminds you of your training in the priestesshood of Golden Atlantis. Here, in the Temple of the Sun, you connect to the light and energy of Helios, and Helia the God and Goddess that manifests through the golden rays of the sun.

    To the Atlanteans, the path of the sun represented stability and order through the chaos of the Universe. Stability and order were important to the people of Atlantis. Chaos was recognised as having its place and was also honoured though order was worshipped as the most important force for the happiness of the Atlantean people. (Later black magicians began to invoke the forces of chaos to dispel the forces of structure and order ultimately resulting in the destruction of Atlantis.)

    Much of the spirituality from Atlantis survived in the Atlantean colony of Ancient Egypt. Though the Ancient Egyptians, over time, created more convoluted and complicated rituals. The Atlantean soul Akhenaten attempted to revive something of the original traditions but failed.

    Meditating on the rays of sunrise, then the rays of the travelling sun, then the rays of the setting sun and finally the rays of the hidden sun. You call for the blessings of power of the rays of the sun and the God and Goddess of the sun from that ancient time through your lightbody into the time and space you originate from.

    Music by Corey White (One Mind Body Soul) - Full Memory Scan Binaural Beats 285 Hz

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    40 mins
  • Pain Relief Transmission
    Sep 18 2024


    Starseeds are often very empathic and sensitive souls, and can absorb energies and influences from this 3D world that potentially manifest in pain in the physical body. This Transmission has been crafted by Steve Nobel & Liz Findlay to help release the energetic factors at play that impact upon or amplify the body’s experience of pain.

    This transmission focuses on a specific area of priority. We then invoke your Body Consciousness to release all energy there that does not belong to you, releasing programmes and blocks related to pain and suffering from your bloodlines/ancestral lines, as well as from this lifetime. All perceived benefits to creating pain and suffering are then cleared.

    We invoke the vibrations of a specific Solfeggio Frequency that has been linked to pain reduction. That frequency is also infused in the background music track by Katie Jane of VibroSound Healing. Activating Planetary and Galactic Assistance, we infuse the area of pain with the energetic vibrations of relevant essences and remedies, while also bringing healing vibrations to your central nervous system. There is a process of realigning all energetic systems within your body, followed by realigning your energy fields with your physical body. As always, the processes are guided by your Higher Selves while 6 Archangels hold the space for you.



    YouTube: www.youtube.com/@LizFindlayHealing

    Website: www.lizfindlay.com/

    Events: lizfindlay.com/events/

    Instagram: www.instagram.com/lizfindlayhealing/


    💠💠💠 “174Hz Pain Relief & Relaxation” by Katie Jane of VibroSound Healing. Katie Jane has given Liz Findlay & Steve Nobel special permission to use this track for this meditation across all platforms. Katie says “The 174 Hz frequency is known for its ability to relieve pain and promote deep relaxation. As you listen, imagine the cleansing energy of the ocean washing over you, removing stored pain and trauma from your body and mind. The soothing sounds of water and gentle synthesizers create a serene environment, allowing you to release discomfort and find a state of peace. Expect to feel a deep sense of cleansing and renewal, leaving you open and safe to be in the world once more.”

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    35 mins
  • Super Quick Travel by Plane Protection Meditation
    Sep 14 2024

    This is a meditation I have been using for some years to keep my plane travel safe and free from energetic interference. This meditation includes:

    ** Send personal elastic cords/roots from your feet deep into the earth. Asking that these cords adjust to the height of the flying plane. Keeping you grounded at all times.

    ** Call on cords from Gaia to ground the plane in ethereal white light connecting the cockpit, engines, chassis and fuel tanks/batteries to the supportive energies of the earth.

    ** Calling on Metatron to seal the chassis of the plane in White-Gold Angelic Light. Then Violet-Ultraviolet Angelic fire to clear the interior of the plane, including furnishings and electrical equipment.

    ** We call on the Higher Selves of the pilots and all plane staff to be fully connected, safely guiding them as necessary.

    **We call on the Goddess Hera to be with you during your travels. To hold the plane safely as it moves through the element of air.

    ** We call on Archangel Raphael in his form as Hermes, Greek God of Travellers, to work with the Goddess Hera, to accompany you, clearing the path ahead (also assisted by Violet-Ultraviolet Angelic fire angels) keeping you safe at every point of your travel, up to the point of landing/disembarking.

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    22 mins
  • Lyran Starseed Transmission: Clearing the Imprint of Galactic Wandering/Interference/War
    Sep 6 2024

    In this transmission Archangels from Lyra create a sphere of starlight around you and transport you to a place in the higher dimensions and from there you are led to a structure constructed of milky white and gold crystal. In this structure is a high vauilted chamber. Archangels and Ascended beings from Lyra join you along with Violet and Ultraviolet Fire Angels.

    Here a clearing is initiated clearing any programming, imprints and dense energies relating to the destruction of the home planet. Also, anything relating to being a constant wander-explorer and that nowhere felt safe to put down roots for long. Also, any agreements, programming, imprints and dense energies relating to Galactic conflict and war. Also, a clearing of all programming, imprints and dense energies relating to Lyran interference in the development of other races in different planetary systems including the earth.

    Finally, there is a transmission of light from the Archangels and Ascended beings of Lyra, reminding you that your true home is within your own being. Then home can be anywhere, any planet, any dimension. The transmission also reminds you of Stellar gifts of being a Lyran Starseed, gifts of great depth and wisdom, of seeing beyond the polarity of light versus dark.

    The Lyrans are an ancient Stellar Race and many Starseeds on earth have a connection to this race. Lyran Starseeds are extremely old and wise souls. They have experienced lives in many planes of existence though Lyra will feel like a distant home of sorts. Lyran Starseeds tend to have a powerful, magnetic aura even though this is not often recognised by the Lyran Starseeds themselves. There is an innate spiritual depth to Lyran Starseeds and they are often drawn to exploring mystical pathways in order to know the many mysteries of the universe.

    Music by Chris Collins and the track is called Absolute Infinity.

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    40 mins
  • 13 Andromedan Pillars of Light Transmission: Cleansing/Clearing Angelic Light into War Zones
    Sep 4 2024

    This transmission calls on Archangels and Ascended Beings from Andromeda as well as Archangel Michael and Archangel Metatron to assist in clearing a specific area of conflict or war that, you the meditator, chooses as your focus.

    We begin by protecting your space and asking your Team in Spirit to make your energy invisible while doing this work of service and peace.

    We then as Andromedan Archangels to create 12 columns of light around the chosen area.( Depending on the size of he area will depend on the size of each column. In larger areas they can be as much as a mile wide. Please also note that in some areas of war negative forcefields have been created by Dark magician to intensify the negative effects of war, chaos, destruction).

    Each of these columns is anchored into the Crystalline Grid and core of the earth. These columns begin to clear any old karma held within the land of ancient conflict, hate, fear and war.

    Then the Andromedans create a central column and the Ascended Beings, AA Michael close negative portals and then release earthbound souls trapped in the area to the central column. AA Metatron and AA Michael clear all negative entities in the area feeding off the energies of war, and also clear negative thoughtforms of hate, despair, fear, helplessness etc.

    The central column is released and then you must ask your angels and HS whether to leave 12 surrounding columns in place or to release for now. (If told to leave then you will need to check on them from time to time).

    Music by Cosmin Tronaru and the track is called Music for peace and feeling good (Alpha) - 10hz

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    40 mins
  • Goddess Aphrodite - Prayer To Heal (Romantic) Heartbreak
    Aug 25 2024

    While Aphrodite is most widely known as a love Goddess, when we journey deeper into her mysteries we understand she is so much more than that. She carries the energy of healing, and encouraging self-care and self-love in the wake of heartbreak. This prayer is for anyone who has suffered heartbreak and needs healing.

    "Beloved Aphrodite, Golden Blessed One, water is your chosen element of love and healing. Take my precious heart into your temple, hold my heart close to your healing waters, help to soothe my aching heart. In your healing fountains, release my heart from any desire for needless sacrifice, any need to give myself away, to give my energy away, to surrender what need not be surrendered. Heal my heart of any impulse to needlessly sacrifice my heart in the hope of finding true love...."

    Full Script - https://thesoulmatrix.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/08/Goddess-Aphrodite-%E2%80%93-Prayer-to-Heal-Heartbreak-.pdf

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    15 mins
  • Chalice of Angelic Peace Transmission
    Aug 19 2024

    In this transmission we call on Archangel Gabriel and all angels working with Gabriel to create a chamber of light around you. In this protective chamber we call on Violet and Ultraviolet angels to begin clearing your enegy fields. Clearing whatever pain is in your body, energy bodies and aura that can be cleared at this time. Anything that is not peace. Anything that disturbs your peace.

    Archangel Gabriel enters the sphere bearing a large silver chalice. The chalice burns with a bright silver white and violet light. You are invited to surrender any old grudges, old hurts, old wounds, old sorrows, old fears, old frustrations, old resentments to this angelic chalice. Allow the chalice to transform this energy and return it to pure light.

    Also, surrender any thoughts of blame, criticism and judgment surrender to this light. Anything you have received from others of a mental nature that disturbs your peace. Allow the chalice to transform of this to pure light. Also, surrender any form of internal self attack that disturbs your peace. Any self-judgement, self-blame into the chalice.

    Archangel Gabriel holds up the chalice and offers you any of this transformed light back, you wish to take. Now it has been purified. It can be called back to energise your physical and energy bodies. In the space a greater sense of peace can return to all levels of your being.

    Music by Matías Romero Acuña and the track is called Healing Improving Basically Anything Binaural Beat + Isochronic Tone

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    34 mins
  • Atlantean Law Of One Prayer (Spoken and Subliminal)
    Aug 18 2024

    Atlantis was not just one civilization, there were 3 distinct periods. The Golden Phase of Atlantis was from 40,000 BC to 18,000 BC. A time when humanity lived in harmony with many star brothers and sisters. This was a time of light. This was a time when humanity lived in a higher state of consciousness. At the end of this period there was a partial destruction where the continent broke into 5 islands and much of the people fell under the spell of a militaristic, corporate driven leadership. This group was called 'The Sons of Belial' by the great seer Edgar Cayce although their true Atlantean name is lost to us.

    The eventual destruction of Atlantis was a traumatic event for those involved. It led to the experience of a great fall from grace and a global downshift in frequency. This event was the cause of the current dense 3D matrix we collectively experience today.

    This track contains a spoken prayer and this is then repeated subliminally twice beneath the music.

    Subliminal messages are heard by our unconscious mind rather than our conscious mind as the words are spoken at an audible level that is below what our conscious awareness can pick up. The prayer is hidden within the music so it cannot be heard consciously. Your unconsciousness is able to hear and adopt the prayer without any interference from your conscious mind.

    "I call on Beloved Isis, you who were a high priestess in Ancient Atlantis. You who fled that dying land with Osiris, and many faithful servants of the Law of One to bring a new level of wisdom and civilisation to barbaric Egypt. In that Atlantean colony of shining light, Isis and Osiris became the first Pharaohs of Ancient Egypt.

    I also call on all angels, archangels and ascended beings in Spirit who are aligned with the Atlantean Law of One to come and support this prayer. I call on all souls incarnate on this physical earth-plane who have a connection with the Atlantean Law of One to hear this prayer. Those souls who lived during the Golden Age and also those who lived during the end times of Atlantis..."

    Full Script - thesoulmatrix.com/wp-content/uploa…f-One-Prayer.pdf

    Music by Chris Collins and the track is called Circle of Serenity

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    35 mins