• How to Create Your Own Life Journey Map
    Oct 28 2024

    How to Create Your Own Life Journey Map

    The metaphor that life is a journey is a popular one. Many of our favourite stories, from historical literature such as The Odyssey and The Canterbury Tales, through to modern classics including The Lord of the Rings and The Alchemist, use this premise.

    We are naturally drawn to such adventures and can relate to the idea of travelling and challenges in life (even if not faced with actual sirens or orcs!)

    When we thread together the events in our past, and the hopes for our futures, we can picture a path joining these moments together; a road that we travel along.

    Making a physical map of your own life journey is a fun reflective exercise that can be done easily.

    It helps to pull together the core questions of:

    1. Past: Where have you come from?
    2. Present: Where are you now?
    3. Future: Where are you going?

    Capturing these things visually can be powerful and inspirational, as well as very satisfying. Just follow the 5 easy steps in this podcast to make your own.

    And if you would more information to help you, follow this link to the associated post:

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    4 mins
  • How to Make Your Own CV or Résumé
    Oct 21 2024

    What is a CV or résumé?

    A résumé is a document that summarises your professional experience including your work history and qualifications. 'CV' stands for the Latin ‘Curriculum Vitae’ meaning ‘the course of my life’, and a resume is effectively a concise version of your work life.

    To create your own CV or resume, just follow these 5 steps:

    1. Content. Write out your CV in full.
    2. Tailor. Adjust your content for the specific application.
    3. Edit. Reduce the resume to under two pages of text.
    4. Format. Make the document smart and easy to read.
    5. Review. Check for errors and get someone else to check too.

    In the podcast episode, each step is explained in more detail.

    If you want further information you can also follow this link to the related post:

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    5 mins
  • The Hero’s Journey: The 12-Step Story Arc
    Oct 14 2024

    The Hero’s Journey is a structured story arc, and common template, used by storytellers, from authors of ancient mythology through to Hollywood screenwriters. If you think of tales of heroes, be that Odysseus or Luke Skywalker, Perseus or Katniss Everdeen, you can see the underlying similarities.

    A 17-step structure was proposed by Joseph Campbell in The Hero With a Thousand Faces (1949) and this was refined into a 12-step process by Christopher Vogler in The Writers Journey (2007). But both templates are based on a three-act structure of:

    1. Departure. The beginning, where the hero leaves their ordinary life.
    2. Initiation. The middle, where the hero overcomes adversity to get a prize.
    3. Return. The end, where the hero returns home but with new wisdom.

    The podcast outlines the full twelve steps that make up the 3 acts of the hero’s journey with some examples from well-known stories, taken from books and movies.

    If you would like further information then follow this link to the related post:

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    8 mins
  • Understanding Life Priorities By Examining How You Spend Your Time and Money
    Oct 7 2024

    What are your priorities in life? How does the way you use your time and money reflect your priorities?

    We all have priorities, whether we recognise them or not. We all have priorities, whether we recognise them or not. Even if we think we know our priorities, it is good to reflect on our actions to see how well our ideas and behaviours align.

    A good way to examine our priorities is to look at the evidence of how we spend our time and money.

    It is effectively an audit of our schedule and finances. This is because, as journalist and author Germany Kent points out:

    “A person’s actions will ALWAYS tell you what their priorities are. People spend their time, money, and energy on what’s important to them.”

    To do the analysis effectively you want to examine at least three months. This helps to even out any anomalies in your usual habits. If you can choose an even longer period then so much the better; the more data you use, the more accurate your conclusions are likely to be.

    This podcast takes you through the analysis with questions to help you along with way.

    If you would like to find out more about this topic then you can follow this link to the accompanying post:

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    5 mins
  • The Meaning of Vocation and How to Find Work That You Love
    Sep 30 2024

    What are your passions? What motivates and drives you? How about your job? Do you do what you love?

    Work isn’t always fun, but most people want to do a job that they are passionate about, something they can enjoy, where they feel they can make a difference, all while earning some money.

    We all have a unique blend of skills, passions, and strengths. When these are expressed in how we spend our work time, then we have a vocation.

    This episode introduces The Spark Tool that you can use to explore your passions and your potential vocation.

    You can read more by following this link:

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    5 mins
  • How to Prioritise Tasks Effectively: Doing the Most Important Thing First
    Mar 25 2024

    There are many strategies for prioritising but, if you look carefully, you will see that they all boil down to the same thing.

    The simple truth at the heart of prioritising is:

    Do the most important task first.

    So let’s look at that in more detail.

    If you want to be truly productive then you need to prioritise effectively. It is a constant decision-making process, working out what to do next.

    This episode looks at a few different ways to ensure you are putting first things first and getting your tasks in the right order.

    If you would like to find out even more then check out the accompanying article by using this link:

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    5 mins
  • What is a Mission or Success Statement (and Why Do You Need One)?
    Mar 18 2024

    A mission statement expresses what we are striving for; it should be a clear and concise statement of what success looks like.

    Being busy is not enough; it counts for nothing if there is not some deeper purpose. We need to know exactly what we are trying to achieve.

    I learnt the true importance of a mission statement in the army. For any military task, there will be a set of orders, often long and detailed, which tries to plan for every foreseeable eventuality.

    A really good mission or success statement should be memorable and measurable.

    This episode will help you create such a mission statement and if you want more information, then check out the accompanying article using this link:

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    4 mins
  • What is a Vision Statement and Why are They Important?
    Mar 11 2024

    A vision statement is a picture or dream of a better future. This is important as dreams can be powerful things if we choose to make them a reality.

    • Henry Ford had an impassioned idea of a motorcar that would be affordable for the average family and he designed the Model T Ford.
    • Edmund Hillary dreamed of climbing the highest mountain on earth and he and Tenzing Norgay were the first men to stand on top of Everest.
    • Tim Berners-Lee dreamed of a way of freely sharing information and knowledge to people all around the world, he went on to invent the World Wide Web.

    When a vision stops being a daydream and instead becomes a destination it becomes a powerful thing; something tangible that we can work towards.

    A true vision or dream stirs the heart; whether it stems from desire for a particular future or from dissatisfaction with the present it should be evocative and engaging. The vision paints the picture of a better future, it brings to life the dream of a new reality and creates a language that describes an alternative paradigm.

    This episode explains more about vision statements and includes some easy exercises that you can do to help refine your ideal future.

    If you would like more information then check out the accompanying article using this link:

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    5 mins