
  • | Building a Craft Brewery from the Ground Up with DC Reeves
    Nov 17 2020

    DC Reeves, Owner and Co-Founder of Perfect Plain Brewing Co is in the studio today sharing what launched him into the craft beer world and how craft beer can impact a community.

    Michael wraps up the interview with rapid-fire questions where DC tells how much budget he would plan if he were rebuilding Perfect Plain today, and gives a budget breakdown on how he keeps his establishment profitable.

    Join Michael Carro, host of The Restaurant Realty in 10, for this engaging interview with entrepreneur DC Reeves of Perfect Plain Brewing Co. and learn about how craft beer made it's way to Pensacola, FL.

    Learn more about opening a microbrewery in The Microbrewery Handbook or at microbreweryhandbook.com. For more information on The Restaurant Realty in 10 or to get the show notes from today's show head over to TheRestaurantRealty.com

    Subscribe to get new episodes that provide uncensored straight talk geared to answer your restaurant and restaurant real estate questions.

    Looking to lease, sell, or purchase a restaurant? We can help with that too!
    Let's Connect!

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    12 mins
  • | Getting Funding for Your Restaurant When You Lease
    Oct 20 2020

    Today Michael is joined by Alan Nickelsen, Executive VP and Commercial Banking Manager of Synovus Bank in Pensacola, FL.

    Alan shares the challenges that restaurants face to receive loans for building out and purchasing equipment for spaces that they lease.  He shares which loans typically work for this type of restaurant owner, and what you can expect during the loan application process.

    Episode Highlights:

    • SBA loans are government-backed loans that can help restaurant owners who lease their restaurant spaces and need funding for equipment or building out their restaurant.
    • Talk to your lender about an SBA 7a loan 
    • Since SBA loans are government-related loans the process can take time, so patience is key to being successful in getting the funding you need.
    • Finding a trusted lender can help you navigate the process and assist in helping you keep up with the necessary deadlines.

    For more information on The Restaurant Realty in 10 or to get the show notes from today's show head over to TheRestaurantRealty.com

    Subscribe to get new episodes that provide uncensored straight talk geared to answer your restaurant and restaurant real estate questions.

    Looking to lease, sell, or purchase a restaurant? We can help with that too!
    Let's Connect!

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    9 mins
  • | Restaurant Video, Audio, and Lighting System Controls
    Sep 29 2020

    Creating a consistant customer experience is all about the details.  In this episode of The Restaurant Realty in 10, Will Shaw from Integrated Surroundings shares why automated system controls can enhance your customer experience.  He discusses how these systems work and which brands he recommends the most to restaurant owners.

    For more information on The Restaurant Realty in 10 or to get the show notes head over to TheRestaurantRealty.com 

    Subscribe to get new episodes that provide uncensored straight talk geared to answer your restaurant and restaurant real estate questions. 

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    5 mins
  • | Atmosphere Lighting for Your Restaurant
    Sep 22 2020

    Lighting Expert, Will Shaw of Integrated Surroundings jumps into this episode of The Restaurant Realty in 10 to share his insight on using lighting to create the perfect atmosphere in your restaurant.

    What's in this Episode:

    • Find out how to balance lighting across your restaurant
    • Discussion on how many lumens create a nice dining environment
    • Details on how to transition your restaurant from a brighter lunch-time lighting to nice dinner lighting. 
      • PRO-TIP: Avoid a harsh manual transition!

    For more information on The Restaurant Realty in 10 or to get the show notes head over to TheRestaurantRealty.com

    Subscribe to get new episodes that provide uncensored straight talk geared to answer your restaurant and restaurant real estate questions.

    Looking to lease, sell, or purchase a restaurant? We can help with that too!
    Let's Connect!

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    10 mins
  • | How to Close a Restaurant
    Sep 1 2020

    Closing a restaurant is not an easy decision. Today's episode of The Restaurant Realty in 10 host, Michael Carro, walks you through the steps you should take to make the process as simple as possible.

    • When and How to Tell Your Staff That The Restaurant Is Closing
    • How to Handle Subscriptions and Vendor Contracts
    • How to Properly Shut Down the Building to Avoid Damage

    PRO-TIP: If you are considering closing your restaurant make sure to reach out to your restaurant broker. You may be able to find a way out through sub-leasing your restaurant space or even leasing some of your restaurant equipment to reduce your financial loss.

    For more information on The Restaurant Realty in 10 or to get the show notes & BONUS TIPS from today's show head over to TheRestaurantRealty.com 

    Subscribe to get new episodes that provide uncensored straight talk geared to answer your restaurant and restaurant real estate questions. 

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    9 mins
  • | Optimize Your Labor Schedule
    Aug 25 2020

    In today's episode of The Restaurant Realty in 10 our host, Michael Carro has Greg Hazard back to discuss how you can optimize labor schedule at your restaurant.

    Greg has over 30 years of experience streamlining restaurant expenses to capitalize on opportunities to improve profit margins. Today Greg shares his tips for ensuring you have all hands on deck when you need it most, and how employee training time can impact a restaurant budget in unexpected ways.

    Episode Highlights

    4 key areas where you can control labor costs:

    1. Track Sales per Labor Hour
    2.  Scheduling 
    3. Training
    4. Pre-Opening and Closing Scheduling

    PRO-TIP: Good training on food prepping and closing procedures can make those working more efficient and assist in controlling labor expenses. 

    Head over to TheRestaurantRealty.com for today's show notes and Subscribe to get new episodes that provide uncensored straight talk geared to answer your restaurant and restaurant real estate questions. 

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    9 mins
  • | Developing a Food Hall- Part 1: Is It A Good Fit?
    Aug 18 2020

    Food Hall popularity is growing quickly and you are seeing them pop up in unexpected places around the world.
    It may leave you asking if a food hall would make sense within your development?
    Or how could you maximize your unique site to serve multiple restaurant operators?

    In today's episode of The Restaurant Realty in 10 host, Michael Carro is joined by Food Hall Expert, Andy Simpson with Hospitality Design and Development to discuss what should be considered and planned for as a developer takes on a food hall.

    Andy's working definition of Food Hall is at least 8-10 restaurants in a multi-use environment.  It may or may not include other aspects such as having a bar or other retail.

    For more information on The Restaurant Realty in 10 or to get the show notes from today's show head over to TheRestaurantRealty.com

    Subscribe to get new episodes that provide uncensored straight talk geared to answer your restaurant and restaurant real estate questions. 

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    9 mins
  • | Installing a Hood System in Your Restaurant
    Aug 11 2020
    • How much does adding a hood system to a restaurant kitchen cost? 
    • How does a hood system function? 
    • What type of upkeep should you plan on to properly maintain a restaurant hood system...and avoid a fire hazard?

    All this and more in today's episode.

    Host, Michael Carro, is joined by Don Theriot, Founder, and Owner of Kesco, Kitchen Equipment & Supply Co. Don explains how a hood system works within your restaurant and how to ensure it is properly maintained.
    Episode Quick Reference Notes:

    • Plan on budgeting $1000/ foot of hood system
    • Hood systems need to extend 6 inches further on both sides of your cooking surface, so budget in an additional foot.

    If you want to eliminate fees associated with hood system installation consider finding a second-generation restaurant location.  Want learn more perks to taking on a second-generation restaurant? Here an episode you don’t want to miss! Or find out more about the process of redesigning a second-generation kitchen here!

    Subscribe to get new episodes that provide uncensored straight talk geared to answer your restaurant and restaurant real estate questions. 

    Head over to TheRestaurantRealty.com for today's show notes.

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    10 mins