• 41: COINTELPRO, Malcolm, Martin and Marcus! Happy Birthday El-Hajj Malik! (May 19)
    May 19 2022
    On this Malcolm X birthday you must understand why J. Edgar Hoover develop the concept of infiltration and disinformation (COINTELPO) to keep Malcolm and Martin from working together to develop a program for the liberation of the descendants of the chattel slaves of America! Melvin Ishmael Johnson: Host of the Qumran Report; dramastage-qumran.org; dramastage1@yahoo.com
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    4 mins
  • 40: The Communal verses the Competitive Economic System!
    May 5 2022
    The Qumran Report Host - Melvin Ishmael Johnson visit the "Rich Pasido Show" - May 13, 2015 to discuss - "The Communal verses the Competitive Economic System!" 

    Website: dramastage-qumran.org; 
    email: dramastage1@yahoo.com; 
    phone: 213-908-6495
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    5 mins
  • 39: The meaning of "Being Born Again"
    Apr 26 2022
    The Qumran Report Host - Melvin Ishmael Johnson visit the "Rich Pasido Show" - May 31, 2015 to discuss what the Messiah Jesus meant by "Being Born Again".
    Website: dramastage-qumran; email: dramastage1@yahoo.com; phone: 213-908-6495
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    6 mins
  • 38: The Importance of "After School Programs"!
    Apr 26 2022
    On July 9, 2013, Tony Brown, one of the founders of HOLA - Points out the key in setting up a successful "After School Program" . He is interviewed by "Qumran Report" host, Melvin Ishmael Johnson. dramastage-qumran.org; email: dramastage1@yahoo.com; 213-908-6495
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    3 mins
  • 37: Melchizedek and the Meem Factor!
    Apr 25 2022
    Mississippi is where I learned about the "Meem Factor" and it is now time for you to learn about - Melchizedek and the Meem Factor!

    “You see this hand. It has five fingers. You know why God   gave you five fingers? Because there are five kinds of people.   And you don’t want to forget anybody. There are Black people,   Brown people, White people, Red people, and Yellow people.   That’s very convenient because if you keep your hand with   you, and count on your fingers, you will never forget anybody”. 
    From the words of Lizzie W. Coleman, Principal and founder of the historic black high school in Greenville, Mississippi!

    Melvin Ishmael Johnson - Host of "The Qumran Report; dramastage-qumran.org; dramastage1@yahoo.com; 213-908-6495
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    3 mins
  • 36: Lynn Manning - Los Angeles Greatest Playwright!
    Apr 25 2022

    Lynn Manning - (April 30, 1955 - August 3, 2015) Los Angeles Greatest Playwright who created 19 plays about Los Angeles. He was an American Paralympian, playwright, poet and actor known for his autobiographical work that explores the complexities of life as a blind African-American man.
    *Lynn Manning's life was turned upside down when he was left blind after being shot in the face in a Hollywood bar in 1978, when he was 23 years old. He made a name for himself as a playwright and actor and is best known for his semi-autobiographical work Weights, which premiered in Los Angeles in 2001. The play won three NAACP Theatre Awards including Best Actor for Manning.
    Let us remember this creative giant as we celebrate his birthday on April 30th.
    Please, let us are not forget this brother. You can see last year birthday celebration
    for Lynn at the website: dramastage-qumran.org (scroll down and hit the link!
    Melvin Ishmael John, Host: The Qumran Report; email: dramastage1@yahoo.com; phone: 213-908-6495

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    11 mins
  • 35: "Convicts - Free Your Mind and the Body will Follow"!
    Apr 24 2022
    Performing artist "Tone Tone" Taylor performs "Cage The Mind" - written by Melvin Ishmael Johnson, the host of "The Qumran Report"; dramastage-qumran.org; dramastage1@yahoo.com; 213-908-6495
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    3 mins
  • 34: "Stop The Bullying - Listen to our Young People"
    Apr 24 2022
    It is time to stop the "Bullying" and listen to what our young people is saying about this serious problem. This is an interview I did at the "Antibully" Fair on the campus of USC at the Peace Center in 2012. Let us care about our young people and see how we can help them become better adults. Melvin Ishmael Johnson - Host of "The Qumran Report"; dramastage-qumran.org; dramastage1@yahoo.com; 213-908-6495.
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    9 mins