• Day 38: A Dragon in the Bible? | Job responds to God | Jesus describes Judgment Day
    Feb 7 2024

    In the climax of Job's story, after enduring immense suffering and loss, Job is confronted by God, who speaks from a whirlwind, questioning Job about the mysteries of the universe and the foundations of the earth. Job humbly acknowledges his limitations and repents, leading to his restoration, with God blessing him even more than before. Will Job's faith and humility before the divine mystery change his fortunes and restore what he lost?

    In Matthew 25:14-30, Jesus tells the Parable of the Talents, where a man going on a journey entrusts his property to his servants according to their abilities. Upon his return, he rewards those who have invested and multiplied their talents but severely punishes the one who hid his talent out of fear. This parable, followed by teachings on the final judgment and the importance of compassionate action, challenges us to use our gifts wisely and serve others. Will the servants' choices in using their talents reflect their true understanding of stewardship and responsibility?

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    Job 40

    Job 41

    Job 42

    Matthew 25: 14-46

    Psalm 18: 43-50

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    21 mins
  • Day 37: God responds to Job | No one knows when The Second Coming of Christ will arrive
    Feb 6 2024

    In Job 38-40:1-2, God finally responds to Job's pleas for answers, speaking out of a whirlwind to question Job about the mysteries of the universe, challenging his understanding of the world's creation and the laws that govern nature. Through a series of rhetorical questions, God emphasizes His omnipotence and the limitations of human knowledge, leaving Job to ponder the vastness of God's wisdom. Will Job find humility and faith in God's unsearchable greatness, despite his suffering and unanswered questions?

    In Matthew 24:32-25:1-13, Jesus teaches about the importance of being prepared for His return, using the parable of the fig tree and the parables of the ten virgins to illustrate His message. He explains that just as one knows summer is near when the fig tree's leaves appear, so too will certain signs indicate His coming. Yet, the exact hour remains unknown, urging His followers to stay vigilant and ready at all times. Will the wise be distinguished from the foolish when the Bridegroom arrives, and who will be ready to enter the feast?

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    Job 38

    Job 39

    Job 40:1-2

    Matthew 24: 32-51

    Matthew 25:1-13

    Psalm 18: 37-42

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    18 mins
  • Day 36: Elihu describes God's greatness to Job | Jesus warns about the future
    Feb 5 2025

    In Job 35-37, Elihu continues to address Job, emphasizing God's greatness and justice beyond human understanding. He argues that God's actions are not influenced by human deeds, illustrating with examples of God's power in nature, such as rain and thunderstorms, to highlight the divine wisdom and authority that surpass human judgment. Elihu's speeches culminate in a portrayal of God's majesty, urging Job to consider God's wonders. Amidst the storm, will Job find the answers to his suffering, or will the mysteries of God's ways remain beyond reach?

    In Matthew 24:1-31, Jesus predicts the destruction of the temple and the signs of the end times, including false prophets, wars, natural disasters, and persecution of believers. He emphasizes the need for readiness, as these events will precede his return, which will be unmistakable like lightning across the sky. As Jesus describes the gathering of the elect from the four winds, one wonders, how will believers discern the truth amidst deception and turmoil, and will they be prepared for the Son of Man's return?

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    Job 35-37

    Matthew 24: 1-31

    Proverbs 4: 1-9

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    19 mins
  • Day 35 | Elihu says God uses pain to get our attention | Jesus condemns the Pharisees
    Feb 4 2024

    In Job 33-34, Elihu, a younger bystander in Job's trials, steps forward, challenging both Job's righteousness and his friends' wisdom. He asserts that God speaks in various ways, including through pain, to prevent man from falling into sin and to preserve his life. "Will Job recognize God's discipline and respond to His mysterious ways?"

    In Matthew 23:1-39, Jesus openly criticizes the Pharisees and teachers of the law for their hypocrisy. He condemns their practices of imposing heavy burdens on others while not lifting a finger to help, seeking honor for themselves, and focusing on minor details while neglecting justice, mercy, and faithfulness. Jesus mourns over Jerusalem, lamenting its history of rejecting prophets and those sent to her, expressing a desire to gather its children as a hen gathers her chicks under her wings. "Will the Pharisees heed Jesus' warning and change their ways, or will they continue in their hypocrisy?"

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    Job 33-34

    Matthew 23:1-39

    Psalm 18: 25-36

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    21 mins
  • Day 34: Job defends his innocence | Jesus replies to trick questions
    Feb 3 2025

    In Job 30-31, Job laments his current state of misery and rejection, contrasting it with his former glory and integrity. He passionately defends his righteousness, listing areas of life he has maintained integrity in, despite immense suffering and loss. Will Job's unwavering faith and insistence on his innocence compel God to answer his pleas for justice?

    In Matthew 22:15-46, Jesus masterfully addresses a series of challenging questions posed by the Pharisees, Herodians, Sadducees, and a lawyer, using parables and profound insights to reveal truths about God's kingdom, the greatest commandment, and His own identity. He turns their attempts at entrapment into profound teaching moments. Will His wisdom silence His critics or deepen their resolve to oppose Him?

    Support the show at Patreon. https://www.patreon.com/storymaster

    Job 30-31

    Matthew 22: 15-46

    Psalm 18: 16-24

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    22 mins
  • Day 33: Job illustrates God's power | Jesus teaches the King and the Vineyard and The Feast Invitations
    Feb 2 2025

    In Job 25-29, Job's friend Bildad speaks briefly, suggesting that no one can be righteous before God, which prompts Job to respond with a lengthy discourse on his righteousness and his longing for the days when he was respected and blessed. Job laments his current misery and insists on his innocence, expressing frustration over the lack of justice and longing for a confrontation with God to argue his case. He continues to proclaim his integrity and wisdom, which he says comes from the fear of the Lord and shunning evil. Will Job's unwavering faith and quest for justice be rewarded, or will he continue to suffer in his quest for understanding?

    In Matthew 21, Jesus tells the Parable of the Tenants, where a landowner plants a vineyard and leases it to tenants. When the time comes to collect his fruit, the tenants beat, kill, and stone the servants sent by the landowner, and eventually kill the landowner's son, thinking they would inherit the vineyard. Jesus concludes by indicating that the kingdom of God will be taken from those who reject Him and given to those producing its fruits, a direct warning to the religious leaders challenging Him. Will the tenants' defiance lead to their downfall, and how will this parable's grim warning impact those who hear it?

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    Job 25-29

    Matthew 21: 33-46

    Psalm 18: 7-15

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    21 mins
  • Day 32: Eliphaz accuses Job of inadvertent sin, Jesus teaches the story of two sons
    Feb 1 2024

    In Job 22-24, Eliphaz accuses Job of great wickedness, suggesting his suffering is a direct punishment from God, while Job maintains his innocence and questions why the wicked often prosper despite their sins. Job longs for an audience with God to present his case, expressing frustration over the apparent absence of justice in the world where the wicked thrive, and the innocent suffer. Will Job's faith endure as he seeks answers to the profound injustices of life?

    In Matthew 21:18-32, Jesus curses a fig tree for bearing no fruit, symbolizing the judgment on spiritual barrenness. He then enters the temple, overturns the tables of the money changers, and heals the blind and the lame, challenging the religious leaders' authority and priorities. The parable of the two sons illustrates the value of actions over words in serving God, questioning the religious leaders' sincerity and obedience. Will the religious leaders recognize their failure and turn back to God, or will their pride lead them astray?

    Support the show at Patreon. https://www.patreon.com/storymaster

    Job 22-24

    Matthew 21: 18-32

    Proverbs 3: 21-35

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    18 mins
  • Day 31: Zophar challenges Job, Jesus enters Jerusalem
    Jan 31 2025

    In Job 19-21, Job, stricken with despair and surrounded by friends who doubt his innocence, boldly declares his faith in a Redeemer and challenges the conventional wisdom of his time. Meanwhile, his friends continue to argue that suffering is a punishment for sin, a viewpoint Job resolutely rejects. As Job stands firm in his belief amidst ruin and loss, a compelling question arises: Will Job's unwavering faith be vindicated in the face of overwhelming adversity? In Matthew 21:1-17, Jesus makes a triumphant and humble entry into Jerusalem on a donkey, fulfilling ancient prophecy. The crowd welcomes Him with joy, spreading cloaks and palm branches in His path, proclaiming Him as the son of David. Yet, as Jesus enters the temple and overturns the tables of the money changers, a question emerges: How will the authorities react to this bold challenge to their power and practices?

    Support the show at Patreon. https://www.patreon.com/storymaster

    Job 19-21

    Matthew 21: 1-17

    Psalm 18: 1-6

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    20 mins