• Soul Power & Mediumship with Lindsay Percival
    Sep 17 2024

    From an early age Lindsay had a sense there was more to life than met the eye. As an only child she had a rich, imaginary life, full of friends and foe, and worlds within worlds to explore. When Lindsay graduated she thought journalism was her calling, to travel and to tell the truth. She wrote and broadcast for the BBC, among others, from Spain and Slovenia, to St Petersburg and Prague. After becoming a wife and a mother of three children it brought she focus inwards to the home and she got lost on that journey. She lost my mother and grandmother in quick succession, and found herself in a dark wood, deeply unhappy and desperately alone. Lindsay set out on a spiritual quest and found herself at the feet of Tibetan Lamas and Buddhist monks, a Native American Blackfoot, a Slovakian shaman, mediums, Reiki Masters, Tai Chi and yoga teachers, Tarot readers and psychotherapists, seeking on some level what she knew that she already knew... ...that death is never the end for our loved ones just a beautiful new beginning. Lindsay joins me this week to talk about the spirit world, healing energy, and soul care. She feels we are all divinely guided and it is time to rise up to the call. You will hear the gentle wisdom of Lindsay urging each of us to get out of our own way, and welcome this time of great transition. It is Soul Power and Soul Wisdom with Lindsay Percival on The Next Room!

    Find Lindsay here: https://www.lindsaypercival.com/

    Let's Connect: https://janeasherreaney.com/

    YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/@TheNextRoomWithJaneAsher

    The Next Room Book: https://www.amazon.com/Next-Room-Jane-Asher/dp/1737435608/

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    28 mins
  • Suicide Loss Survivor Sara Rian Shares her Grief through Poetry
    Sep 10 2024

    Sara Rian is an American poet, self-published author, mother, wife, licensed therapist, and griever living in Metro Detroit. She has been drawn to grief poetry ever since her mother's death in 2018. Her mother embraced the power of words through her own love notes and poems and had always wanted to publish a book. As a mental health professional, suicide loss survivor, and grieving human, Sara shares her work with others to let them know that they are not alone in their big love or big grief. This has also been a way for her to help make her mother’s wish come true as she is the inspiration behind every poem and book. On the show today I asked Sara to talk to me about her beloved mother Susan. Sara glows when she describes her mother. Sara said that Susan spoke ALL of the love languages, she was funny, and the definition of kindness. Her mom died by suicide in 2018 after a lengthy battle with mental illness. It left Sara in shock, angry and racked with guilt. She began to express her untamed grief through writing poetry. September is Suicide Prevention Month and our hope is to open up a conversation about the struggles that our loved ones are facing so they do not have to suffer alone. There is help available. If you or someone you know is possibly having thoughts of hurting themselves please reach out. National Suicide Prevention: If you are in crisis, please call the Suicide and Crisis Lifeline at 988 or contact the Crisis Text Line by texting 741-741.

    Sara Rian Books: https://www.sararianbooks.com/books

    Suicide Hotline: Call of text 988 https://afsp.org/

    Let's Connect: https://janeasherreaney.com/

    YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/@TheNextRoomWithJaneAsher

    The Next Room Book: https://www.amazon.com/Next-Room-Jane-Asher/dp/1737435608/

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    35 mins
  • Accepting the diagnosis, not the prognosis with Jesse & Amanda
    Sep 3 2024

    I invited my friend Jesse Brisendine back on the show and asked him to see if Amanda would join us. The two are best friends and in the last four months they have been navigating a Mount Everest of a health challenge. Amanda agreed to come on the show. Amanda is an ultra endurance athlete and was in training when things started to go south. Her leg buckled and she intuitively knew something was really wrong. The two went to the E.R. and she received the news. Amanda was diagnosed with an aggressive form of brain cancer called glioblastoma. She is fully aware of and accepting of the diagnosis. She is not however, willing to accept the prognosis. The two are committed to exploring all avenues both western and non western alike to help her heal and enjoy more time with the people and animals she loves so dearly. The two decided to document this journey in hopes that they can create a blueprint so others can use their findings in the future to help them heal. On this show we talk about courage, bravery, and even health tips to stay focused on what really matters; the people she loves and staying in the moment. You will find out about "Death Cleaning" and what this term means, and how Amanda faced it with humor and grace. She even shares her on-going mantra, "what is the best thing that can happen right now?" This show is filled full of laughter, hope, and information for anyone facing a difficult time in their life. My hope is you will feel uplifted and inspired by this remarkable couple. It's your time to shine with Jesse & Amanda on The Next Room!

    Amanda's GoFund Me Campaign: https://www.gofundme.com/f/help-amanda-in-her-fight-against-cancer

    Let's Connect: https://janeasherreaney.com/

    YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/@TheNextRoomWithJaneAsher

    The Next Room Book: https://www.amazon.com/Next-Room-Jane-Asher/dp/1737435608/

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    56 mins
  • Broadcaster and Spiritual Seeker Rick Lawrence Speaks Up
    Jul 31 2024

    My guest is Rick Lawrence who is a 3rd generation San Diegan. Rick discusses the spiritual journey he has been on as far back as he can remember. He vowed to read the entire bible front to cover when he was only eleven years old. In the years following he was fascinated with the writings contained in Buddhism, Hinduism, the Koran, and the Upanishads. He has been a Bahai for 41 years, and is continually on a journey of self discovery, new spiritual awakenings, and just living a life of gratitude and service. This show is a deep dive into Spirituality rather than Religion and his beliefs that he has honed through his truth. Rick feels our greatest strength lies in our "realness." Get ready for an uplifting and eye-opening conversation with Rick Lawrence on The Next Room!

    Let's Connect: https://janeasherreaney.com/

    YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/@TheNextRoomWithJaneAsher

    The Next Room Book: https://www.amazon.com/Next-Room-Jane-Asher/dp/1737435608/

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    33 mins
  • A Hopeful Journey in Grief
    Jul 10 2024

    Kevin Alan Lamb an Author, Poet, and Journalist from Oxford, Michigan joins me on the show this week. He just finished publishing "Love Is in the Details: A Hopeful Journey in Grief." Kevin talks to me about how he navigated through his deep grief to find solace, happiness and hope again. His book "Love is in The Details" is a guidebook for helping someone grieve. It is also a guide for being a good friend as Kevin encourages individuals to look, listen, live, and learn what someone may need. Kevin feels that each of us has the opportunity to lighten the load and road for another, and grief is a great teacher, offering some of life’s most elegant curriculum.

    Let's Connect: https://janeasherreaney.com/

    YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/@TheNextRoomWithJaneAsher

    The Next Room Book: https://www.amazon.com/Next-Room-Jane-Asher/dp/1737435608/

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    32 mins
  • "What Do You Want To Do With The Time You Have Left?" with Jesse Brisendine
    Jun 10 2024

    Today's guest is author, speaker, and positive entrepreneur Jesse Brisendine. Early last week I noticed that Jesse was going through a life altering situation with his partner Amanda. I asked him to come on the show to share his story with The Next Room audience.

    Amanda recently started to have some headaches. They would come and go and they didn't seem like anything, major. As they persisted they attributed it to stress. Eventually Amanda went to the urgent care, and they said that they too thought it might be stress related and prescribed her some meds. She then started to lose almost like her spatial relationship. As she was trying to write on a whiteboard, she described it as the the pen kind of went all the way away from the whiteboard. She thought it was strange but because it went away quickly she dismissed it. On May 19th Amanda had just finished a hike and afterward as she was standing in line with groceries it felt as through her right leg was giving out. Once she made it back home, the same thing happened again with her whiteboard and pen. After discussing with close family members they knew Amanda needed to get to the E.R. Once at the hospital the doctor put Amanda through a series of tests. He ordered an MRI and a CT Scan. When the doctor came in to speak with them he explained that this was the worst part of his job. He told them that Amanda had a brain tumor. When they asked what that meant for her. The doctor said that it was the start of a very long journey and that her life would never be the same.

    Jesse and Amanda's journey will inspire you and challenge you to think differently about being in the moment. Jesse's final observation today is powerful... He said; "Time is not infinite, it is finite, but what I'm really realizing is that when we embrace the finiteness of of time, we create a space for the infinite. And that's really, I think, the magic of life. So, what do you want to do with the time you have left?"

    Help Amanda in her fight- Go Fund Me

    Let's Connect: https://janeasherreaney.com/

    YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/@TheNextRoomWithJaneAsher

    The Next Room Book: https://www.amazon.com/Next-Room-Jane-Asher/dp/1737435608/

    Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

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    32 mins
  • After Death of a Loved One The Ocean Resets your Etch a Sketch, with Steve Burrows
    May 27 2024

    I invited my friend and the extremely talented artist Steve Burrows to come on the show. I first met Steve through my beautiful friend Rose when she fell in love with him and brought him into my life. In 2006 Steve illustrated my children's book "With a Cherry on Top" and then more recently he drew several cool images for "The Next Room." (All by hand by the way) Steve's mother recently passed away and after I attended her funeral mass and celebration of life I heard her voice tell me to reach out to her son to ask him to come on the show. I did. He responded with a one word text...YES.

    Steve's connection to the afterlife will amaze you. He shares his magnificent stories of deep relation with not only his mom, but his sister Kim who recently transitioned and his pops who passed 29 years ago. His dad gave him the best advice ever after a dream visitation. Steve was distraught and trying to come to terms with running his dad's contracting business after his dad's heart attack. During the visit he asked his dad what to do about all the stress, decision making, and responsibility that came with becoming the man of the family. In his powerful message Steve's dad told him, "None of this matters." He also talks about a mic-drop moment with his mother Ardie in the hospital and her last words to each of her children (and sweet Rose) before she transitioned. The words were, "I love you." This story is about divine energy, dream visitations, messages from beyond, and visitors from nature. My guess is that you will be filled with hope after listening to my conversation with the brilliant Steve Burrows.

    See Steve Burrows art here https://burritoart.com/

    Let's Connect: https://janeasherreaney.com/

    YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/@TheNextRoomWithJaneAsher

    The Next Room Book: https://www.amazon.com/Next-Room-Jane-Asher/dp/1737435608/

    Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

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    51 mins
  • World Freestyle Frisbee Champion Chipper Bro says...You Gotta Work for Hope
    May 20 2024

    I was introduced to Chip Bell as Chipper Bro in Santa Barbara in the early 80’s. The place, East Beach. I was a 20 something DJ on KTYD, and he was a 20 something 12 time World Champion Freestyle Frisbee Champion superstar who made a BIG life out of tossing a Frisbee and surfing. Chipper has had a remarkable career, and he's just getting started. We had not really seen each other since the early days on East Beach…flash forward to last week.

    We meet again at a funeral of all places. Our mutual friend Steve’s mother Ardie passed away and here we are at a Catholic mass in Southern California seeing one another for the first time in over 30 years. He looks the same maybe a little bit more gray on his crazy head of beautiful hair, but still the same Chipper Bro, positive uplifting, honest, engaging, and present in the moment. Shout out to beautiful Ardie for reconnecting us. As we sat at the luncheon in the hall after her beautiful service, I knew within two minutes I had to have Chipper Bro on the show. This show will inspire you to continue to pivot, set goals, and embrace life as you feel the life-force energy that is Chipper Bro. As Chipper is fond of saying..."You Gotta Work for Hope."

    Surf: https://surfclass.com/

    Aloha Festival: https://www.alohabeachfestival.us/

    His story: Watch on YouTube

    Podcast: https://storiesfromthetrailer.buzzsprout.com/

    Connect with me: https://janeasherreaney.com/

    My book: https://www.amazon.com/Next-Room-Jane-Asher/dp/1737435608/

    Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

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    47 mins