Dr. Felicity Gerry QC joins us on this week's episode. We begin by talking about Felicity's path, her career, her pursuits, and her personal insights. We then talk about her work on autism and criminal justice, as well as the broader issues of complicity, intent, and defences, "trauma-informed courts," and what the criminal justice system can do to be more inclusive to all.
Transcript: https://otter.ai/u/HHNq_S3Xd7RWzkxk8jONt0xU68U
https://felicitygerry.com/ - "Professor Felicity Gerry QC is an international QC at Libertas Chambers, London and Crockett Chambers, Melbourne, largely defending in serious and complex criminal trials and appeals, often with an international element. She was Solicitor’s Journal Legal Personality of the Year 2016 and Australian Barrister of the Year 2020...Admitted to the list of counsel for the International Criminal Court and the Kosovo Specialist Chambers in The Hague and in England & Wales and in Australia (Victoria and the High Court Roll) and has had ad hoc admission in Hong Kong and Gibraltar. She led the appeal in R v Jogee in the UK Supreme Court which was described by the BBC as a ‘moment of genuine legal history’ and she led the intervention for JUSTICE in the Shamima Begum Appeals. Felicity is one of the few women silks to defend in a terrorism trial and led a team of academics and practitioners who were given leave to file an Amicus Curiae brief in the ICTY on JCEIII liability. She has also advised in relation to death penalty matters in Indonesia and the Philippines, on citizens held in Syrian camps and on complicity in international criminal cases. Felicity is Honorary Professor at Salford University in the School of Health and Society where her research focus is on Autism and criminal law, FGM law and Child Rights. She is also Professor of Legal Practice at Deakin University where she is unit chair for MLL419/MLJ728 Contemporary International Legal Challenges – topics have included Modern Slavery, Terrorism, War Crimes and Climate Change law – and is involved in the clinical programs."
"Autism Spectrum Disorder and the criminal Law" (Gerry QC, FR, Allely, CS and Rowland, AG) - https://usir.salford.ac.uk/id/eprint/61021/1/autism-spectrum-disorder-and-the-criminal-law-felicity-gerry-june-2021.pdf
Website - https://felicitygerry.com/
Libertas Chambers - https://www.libertaschambers.com/our-people/felicity-gerry-qc/
We are the city - https://wearethecity.com/inspirational-woman-professor-felicity-gerry-qc-international-queens-counsel-professor-of-legal-practice/
University of Salford - https://www.salford.ac.uk/our-staff/felicity-gerry