• Myth 4 - Commercial payers, claims and EHRs don’t matter
    Nov 29 2021

    MIPS is a Quality Payment Program payment track that determines how Eligible Medicare providers get reimbursed.  But can participating in this program be affected by other aspects of a medical practice that aren’t related to Medicare?  Our team of experts break down whether or not third-party payers have any impact on how practices perform in MIPS.  They also ascertain what, if any, truth there is to how claims data might be relevant to performance and what differences Electronic Health Record technology makes in achieving successful outcomes.

    Important points of view discussed are:

    • What claims data and EHR data have in common with MIPS
    • Whether or not one methodology of collecting data for MIPS is better than another
    • If and when does patients’ insurance make a difference in MIPS performance and reimbursement

    This episode features Quest Quality Consulting experts, Erika Krivenko, Julia Zieger, and Carrie Shepard

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    33 mins
  • Myth 3 - MIPS doesn‘t affect the bottom line
    Nov 29 2021

    You don’t want to miss the Quest Quality Improvement experts dialogue about the cost of participating or not participating in MIPS.  They examine when it may or may not be economically beneficial to participate in MIPS and discuss the time/value of participating to achieve the optimum results.  Together, they explore examples of when a practice may return sizable gains by participating effectively and what hurdles and setbacks practices might expect by not managing their performance well.  There may be a cost to participating in the MIPS program, but in this episode, they take a closer look at when that cost might actually be a return on investment.

    Important points of view discussed are:

    • The cost/reward of effective and ineffective time management
    • How a MIPS score can actually affect the reimbursement cost/benefit to a practice
    • When patient satisfaction plays into MIPS performance for greater reward

    This episode features Quest Quality Consulting experts, Erika Krivenko, Julia Zieger, and Carrie Shepard.

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    24 mins
  • Myth 2 - MIPS is going away in 2021
    Jul 30 2021

    "MIPS is going away” is an ongoing rumor among healthcare professionals following the tumultuous year 2020 hurled at us. Today’s podcast examines why MIPS is such a burden and causes so many different dilemmas in healthcare.  We scrutinize how the federal budget, legislation, the growing number of Medicare beneficiaries and growing number of reduced resources are confounding a system already in disarray. We address the common -that it would be easier to get rid of a program that causes so much confusion and seems to benefit so few.


    Important points of view discussed are:

    • The increase in the number of patients eligible for Medicare
    • Legislation setting the standards for performance
    • The correlation between performance and monetary resources available to eligible clinicians
    • Why investing in strong performance in MIPS will be a value in the future


    This episode features Quest Quality Consulting experts, Erika Krivenko, Julia Zieger and Carrie Shepard

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    27 mins
  • Myth 1 - The EHR does MIPS for us
    Apr 16 2021

    Today’s podcast will weigh how Electronic Health Records rely on the involvement of personnel to completely and accurately obtain the necessary information for the Merit-Based Incentive Payment System. The myth, “Our EHR does MIPS for us” examines the relationship between technology and human interaction. We address the physical attributes of data collection, personnel training, and marked improvement to understand how EHRs and clinical staff rely on each other to meet the ever-changing requirements of participating in the Quality Payment Program.



    Important points of view discussed are:

    • Selecting metrics for MIPS
    • Monitoring ongoing improvement of those metrics
    • Managing the constantly changing requirements, scoring, and deadlines
    • Clinical staff engagement in obtaining critical data for performance


    This episode features Quest Quality Consulting experts, Erika Krivenko, Julia Zeiger, and Carrie Shepard.

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    37 mins
  • What is the Myths about MIPS podcast?
    Feb 1 2021
      Welcome to The Quest podcast series Myths about MIPS, where we will be discussing the most common misconceptions the healthcare community has about the merit-based incentive payment system.  I'm Carrie Shepherd and I'm a healthcare, performance and quality improvement manager.  Hi, I'm Julia Zieger and I'm a health care quality and improvement manager.  We're glad you are interested in this podcast. We hope it helps you and your practice. ----more---- Host  Erica, I see at Quest you have taken on this wonderful role in you, and I were talking earlier about your previous involvement with one of our other hosts with Doctor Paddle Asia and how cool small world that is. I'm wondering if you can give us a brief journey of how did you end up here hosting this show?  Erika Krivenko  Well, it is an interesting journey and it's not your typical one. I had always been in the medical field in mostly a business development capacity, and I did work with Doctor Alagia at a small startup company about 10-11 years ago and it was an extremely enlightening.  Stressful experience working for such a small company trying to find their way in the market and what after that?  Erika Krivenko  Company working there really opened my eyes to how difficult it is for stand-alone medical practices to serve.  Life he was able to be really successful with the product because we were able to demonstrate how it was going to help their business and optimize how they function and maybe even generate revenue.  When I left there, I had to really decide did I want to stay in business development, or did I want to?  Take this opportunity to help providers run their businesses better. I started from Ground Zero again a whole new career and it was truly under Doctor Alagia’s direction. I wanted to go out and hit the ground running and be a consultant, then go and work for a hospital system first, or a health system. Get some operations experienced and go from there.  I ended up working with Florida Hospital in Orlando for five years, starting in acquisitions and primary care, and from there just kind of organically grew into roles that. Interestingly enough, kept aligning with quality, performance improvement, quality improvement, process improvement and looking at efficiencies and everything from inventory and money to expenses. And interestingly enough, an entity came along after those five years and asked to hire me as a consultant for their clients doing pretty much what I was doing for Florida hospital and while in that role.  Somehow it is actually through LinkedIn. Social media Quest found me and they were wanting to start this program around.  Medicare reimbursement value-based payments and really enhancing the business partnership with their clients in the healthcare community and so that was about four years ago.  There are a lot of aspects on the operations and administrative side to a medical practice that you can hear over and over and over again.  But until you actually sit in that chair and experience that experience, does it really, really dawn on you? How you can make a difference? And so being able to work in different roles in administration and in operations and in compliance really allowed me to put all those pieces together. To offer better solutions than I would have 10 or 12 years ago when I wanted to start this journey.  Carrie Shepherd  I got into the healthcare sector about 10 years ago. I went to school for medical coding and billing and while I was going to school, I was also working in a dermatology practice, and I crossed trained to learn more about the clinical side. I implemented their HR, and it got me into a position where it's helping with various programs such as meaningful use and PQRS and value-based modifier, which those three programs later became MIPS, which is what I consult on.  To this day I worked in the medical practice for about 6 1/2 years before I worked in the lab sector, and then I did that for. Two and a half three years and then moved on to Quest, and I've been here for just over a year and a half now.  Host  I believe I would think the lab part would be kind of fascinating, kind of like sleuthing to me where you're always trying to solve mysteries.  Carrie Shepherd  Definitely. There's always a curveball or a challenge, but that's what makes it fun and exciting. And being that I came from working in a medical practice, when I go into offices, I not only know, you know the clinical administrative side of things, but I also know the lab perspective as well. And it gives a “I've been there, done that” sort of feel for the clients and it really reassures them that I know what they're going through.  Julia Zieger  I know what their day-to-day is like so my journey is pretty similar to Carrie's. I started in the medical field a little over 10 years ago. I worked at a pediatric office for about a year. I switched ...
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    11 mins