Yesterday I reposted an article about how relatively well-paid pharmacists at CVS were rebelling over how they were treated. They were rebelling with their feet, as part of the “Great Resignation.
” As the Con dominated media portrays it as “People not wanting to work” It is anything but. It is within the ideology of the Cons and their Monopoly Economy.
That there is no choice. If you want the things of success then you have to play their game and there is no other choice. You must literally sell your soul to them, make a lifelong deal with the Devil to keep the car and mortgage payments being made.
There are no other options, but them. They own your retirement that you may or may not get, they own the desperation every month of paying the bills that continually go up while your pay does not.
There is a bottom-line truth here that they do better, while you do not. That is the equation of the “Trickle Down”, monopoly economy. You do as they tell you or it will all be taken away from you! . The core ideals of the Foundations are owning yourself and having choices your entire life. I know I repeat this too often but it is real at the core of how our society now works.
“Having access to capital can make a genius out of an idiot and not having it can make an idiot out of a genius.”
The Cons restrict capital and dole it out at a high cost. Hoping for a huge profit in either your success or your failure. The Foundation’s second economy is based on profit from the success of an individual.
It is a supplier of not only capital but also supports. In building an interwoven through success society, we go beyond what we are now. Not just in our technology as advancement is now measured, but also as an individual, society, and humanity. Those are the concepts behind the Foundation’s second economy. We build human beings first and then societies, then humanity as a whole. That is what human-centric capitalism is about or the Foundations Process. . I have been watching the Expanse on Prime for the last couple of days and it struck me as to how the expectations of humanity were so low and those of technology so high.
But that is the pattern of what we as Americans, at least expect.
And of course, there is the civilization-ending war, the deceptions and ploys, factional maneuvering, and the power to poverty equation we see every day, now.
There is never a good time to change things. There are always a million reasons to not. There is chaos and the breakdown of law and order as reasons to leave it all as it is.
But I hope you will consider this, as technology improves and those that use it don’t, it becomes only a matter of time until ego and greed will use it to gain power. Then other egos and greed will use it to defend themselves and we in the end destroy all that they fight for. . There is no good time but there is a time when what we have is not worth saving. What if we allow ego and greed to control who and what we are, to shut off the giant thinking machine on our necks, then it is just a matter of time…The Foundations. RC Romine