• Clarity, Connection, Growth, and Contribution
    Oct 1 2024
    We all have basic human needs that when not met, can cause confusion in our lives. I'm not talking about food, shelter, etc. I'm talking about human needs that help us calm our thinking, create a path forward and allow us to thrive in a way that when they aren't being met, we grow stagnant.

    Learn how to create certainty in your business and life. Connect in ways that you haven't done in a long time. Strategize about your growth opportunities and contribute on a BIG level.

    When we take a proactive stance on these human needs, we are truly creating the space for greatness.

    Join me to learn more!
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    25 mins
  • Your Future IS your Property
    Sep 24 2024
    How much time do you spend allowing yourself to live in your future? If you are like most, it is very little. Less than 10% and I'd venture to say, less than 5% of your time is spent LIVING in your future. This is one of the greater obstacles of your future than anything else that you do.

    Most of us who are business owners or here to master their lives, only think of their future when it is time to do your annual planning. You know, you dig into your goals, allow yourself to dream about that goal and what it will do for you. Getting a rush of positive emotions around it and all the "feel goods" that come with it. THEN, we go to implementation and return to only focusing on our RIGHT NOW and perhaps our past failures. We get caught in that space and when we do, we create a repeat performance of past years. If you are not achieving different results every year and feel like you are on rinse and repeat, I promise you, it is because you are not spending enough time in your future!

    When you treat your future as if it has already happened and "FEEL" all the feels associated with that, you are opening new pathways to success. AND, when you allow yourself to feel the achievement and make that your true result, you get to create your new circumstance.

    Take a listen to this twist on the thought flow model and how you can and do, create the circumstances of your business and life that are molding y our future!

    This is one of my favorite teachings! This is the thing that changed my business and life and I am thrilled to share this strategy with you!

    I firmly believe you can have whatever you want. If you want to earn a million, you can. If you want a relationship, you can have it. There are NO limits, and everyone has the same rights to the future they desire. You can have anything you desire.
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    41 mins
  • Pain is good????
    Sep 17 2024
    As humans, we tend to move away from pain and move toward pleasure. I mean, who wants to experience pain, right? Now, I'm not talking about physical pain (burning hand, cut, hit, etc), I'm talking about perceived emotional pain. The pain that you imagine will occur if you do something or fail.

    The truth is, so many valuable lessons lie in the pain. And when you brush it off and move toward pleasure, you are truly just delaying the lessons or missing them completely. Pushing down/away pain is like trying to push a beachball under water. As hard as you try, the ball will eventually come out from under the water with some force and typically smacks you in the face!!! This is exactly what happens to "pain" when we brush it off.

    You know I am a HUGE fan of the thought flow model (Episode #1 of The Mindset Architect Podcast) as; we know thoughts create feelings/emotions/energy and the model teaches us that we can change our thoughts. The emotion/feeling/energy of Pain is one that I wouldn't rush to change. Let it process and let it work through your system. Here is what I recommend doing when you experience pain:

    1 - Acknowledge it - do a "pain download each day"
    2 - Name it (fear, anger, frustration, anxiety, etc.)
    3 - Sit with it and ask yourself, why you are experiencing this pain
    4 - What positive things could the pain do (motivate you, drive you, push you)
    5 - Thank the pain - take a moment and thank yourself for allowing the experience of that pain

    Take a listen and learn how to navigate this incredibly powerful tool.

    Book a free coaching call: https://calendly.com/tony-rethinkcoaching/30min?month=2023-10

    To get more information about Tony and reTHINK Coaching - http://www.rethinkcoaching.com/
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    19 mins
  • You Resist What You Need Most
    Sep 10 2024
    When you feel stuck or uncertain of what to do next, simple spend a moment and reflect on what you are resisting.

    Resistance is simply resisting change or transformation. Often, it is doing something that you do not see the immediate benefit of yet, over time, it moves you forward! Or it may simply be something that you do not enjoy based upon the story you have crafted around it.

    Much like all thoughts, resistance is simply a thought. It is a thought about change or transformation. you might be assigning it a story that is no longer true, never was true and, feels good as a wayto "justify" your resistance.

    What you resist persist and is usually your biggest "clue" as to what must be done to achieve results.

    Take a listen and let me know if you need any support. This is a BIG one to break through and you may need some additional guidance.

    Book a free coaching call: https://calendly.com/tony-rethinkcoaching/30min?month=2023-10

    To get more information about Tony and reTHINK Coaching - http://www.rethinkcoaching.com/
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    18 mins
  • What Mask Are You Wearing?
    Sep 3 2024
    Are you being your authentic self? Are you "modeling" someone else and showing up in your business and someone else? Are you reaching your limits because you have tapped out on "pretending" to be someone else? Are you hiding behind a mask and pretending to be something you aren't for the sake of success?

    This is a tough realization to reach yet, many times, we have morphed into someone that we are not simply because we compared ourselves to someone else that is successful, and we mimic them. We alter our persona to be more like the "successful" person as, we feel this is the only way to achieve success.

    What happens when we do this is we create an "imposter" syndrome. We are out of alignment with who we truly are and who we are showing up as in our business and life. THIS IS SO limiting and so dangerous. You may find yourself in the midst of a business that you feel very detached. A business that doesn't "feel" good to you and one that you could give or take! You may avoid having any kind of true connection with the people you provide service for as; you do not want them to see the "true" you for fear that the "true you" can't be successful. If you allow this to go on for too long it becomes challenging to correct.

    This can also lead you to maxing out your success. To actually creating a goal ceiling that you can't break through because you have maxed out your "copying" and aren't able to be creative and masterful at new strategies.

    Take a listen to learn how to be YOU.

    Book a free coaching call: https://calendly.com/tony-rethinkcoaching/30min?month=2023-10

    To get more information about Tony and reTHINK Coaching - http://www.rethinkcoaching.com/
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    21 mins
  • Attitude
    Aug 27 2024
    When is the last time you stopped and checked your attitude? What I have become painfully aware of over the last few months is that the clients that have a business that is not thriving, also have an attitude that is not thriving. There is a direct correlation between your attitude and your success. So if things are not what you want them to be, it could be a simple attitude adjustment. I know it sounds basic yet, it is so much more than that.

    Think about this. The attitude you have, sets the energy or vibration you have off! It is how you get to show up in life. Your vibration 100% attracts what you get in life and repels all else. If your attitude is in the tank, you are going to only attract less than things!

    If you are finding yourself frustrated, disappointed, stressed, or ready to "give up", chances are that is your attitude as well.

    For example, if I hold a negative attitude about coaching, do you think I'm going to attract ready, willing and able clients? NO, I'm going to attract people that are negative and do not want to "change" but, want to have me join in on their misery journey! My attitude will impact my thoughts. A negative attitude is going to generate negative thoughts "no one wants to coach anymore. The market sucks and no one can afford to coach. Only a SUPER Small group of people want to coach anymore, and they are already working with coaches......". EEEK. I can guarantee that with the negative attitude and thoughts, I am going to REPEL anyone that actually wants to coach. I'm going to attract broke people that only want FREE and will "dispute" the content to prove it wrong.

    Join me to learn how to identify the signs that you may have an attitude issue and how to fix it at gradually versus SUDDENLY.

    Book a free coaching call: https://calendly.com/tony-rethinkcoaching/30min?month=2023-10

    To get more information about Tony and reTHINK Coaching - http://www.rethinkcoaching.com/
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    23 mins
  • Reset & Restart
    Aug 20 2024
    What if you could hit your internal "reset" button and have a completely different outcome in 30 days?? Make more money, secure more clients, build a healthy pipeline, have fun, etc. The reset you do on yourself is much like the one you do with your computer when it is bogged down, running slow and not responding....CNTRL, ALT Delete. Now learn how to CNTRL, ALT, Delete your actions/thoughts that are bogging you down, making you run slow and potentially unresponsive.

    Resetting is a practice that I use in my business and life. It is a great way to gain clarity, move into momentum and gain results.

    The first time I did this, I felt like a new person in 30 Short days. I had clarity like never before and started seeing results change quickly! I quickly identified my reality, refreshed on who I wanted to be when I started the year, leaned into the power that I must make change in very short amounts of time, extracted the disempowering thoughts, and then created an amazing strategy. This 30-day sprint led to amazing discoveries, re-engaged my motivation, and allowed me to see rewards quickly. It also provided the path forward to my success and it not just being a 30-day flash.

    Join me to learn of the 5 phases of a "reset" and how this reset can be an amazing restart to you!

    Book a free coaching call: https://calendly.com/tony-rethinkcoaching/30min?month=2023-10

    To get more information about Tony and reTHINK Coaching - http://www.rethinkcoaching.com/
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    25 mins
  • I Am...Worthy
    Aug 13 2024
    Would it surprise you to know that you most likely speak to yourself in a manner that you would never to a friend, loved one or peer! The thoughts that flood our mind on what seems to be an "automatic" program can be the thoughts that prevent you from achieving success.

    The words "I am" are truly the most powerful words. Whatever you say after, "I am", will be what you receive! So, if you say something like "I am an idiot", "I am not worthy", "I am a failure", "I am never going to make it", or, "I am less than others", you are placing that into motion and this is what you are going to receive.

    You can change your "I am" statements to make them empowering. "I am powerful", "I am successful", "I am worthy of all great things", or "I am amazing", you will put that into motion, and you will start to receive.

    Yes, some can see that this is just an affirmation yet when you combine it with the "Thought Flow Model" (ep. 1) you can make it more than an affirmation!

    In doing this, you will also impact your worthiness. You will become someone that you maybe haven't been in a long time or ever.

    Remember, we have approximately 60,000 thoughts a day and 80% of those are negative. So, it makes sense that our "I am" statements left unnoticed will most likely be negative!

    Listen to this powerful episode about Who you can be and creating your worth.
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    21 mins