• The 5 Landmines on becoming Rich and Wealthy with Money
    Jun 11 2022

    There are 5 landmines to becoming wealthy that nearly took me off the millionaire road and i wanted to go over those today.

    Many people give up on their dream of wealth as they are not informed nor prepared for certain things that can happen. This podcast will help you with 5 of them.

    a. It is always harder than you think.

    And it can take longer than you believe. it is just the way it is to the place of Wealth and owning a business and dream.

    Yes there are those quick online millionaires out there, but they are the exception not the rule. Those quick millionaires are less than 2% of the wealthy population.

    b. You will question yourself.

    And doubt yourself. All part of the growth process. You must KNOW you will achieve this dream.

    c. Getting distracted.

    is not a luxury you can afford. social media biggest distraction. Make your dream a PRIORITY and work it daily.

    d. Lack of COD.

    Consistent Ongoing Discipline.

    Sun comes up sun goes down. you must be that consistent. the last word in DISCILPINE is LINE. it is the shortest line between you and your dream.

    e. WRONG Results.

    If you keep getting mainly the wrong results- ones you do not want- SOMETHING IS WRONG.

    Find it Fix it. Fire it up.

    yes you will always get Nos but not all the time. This must be corrected.

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    21 mins
  • The Number One Way to Become a Millionaire
    May 26 2022

    Do you know the number one way to becoming a Millionaire?

    There is one way above all others.

    Requires a vehicle that will give you the 7 Figure revenues that eventually creates a 7 Figure net worth.

    Thomas Stanley's book The Millionaire Next Door, he interviewed hundreds of Millionaires and discovered some amazing things. How a millionaire thinks, believes, lives, etc.

    All millionaires have one thing in common.

    It is the number one way to become a millionaire.

    Owning your own business.

    83% of all millionaires own their own business.

    But it takes a 7 Figure Mindset to be able to build one.

    Richard Branson owns 400 businesses.

    Can you start ONE?

    Your own business give you;

    More Control.


    True Security.


    Energy for your dreams.

    A better self image.


    Increased cash flow and more.

    What are you passionate about? What do you have a knack for? What comes easily for you?

    These are clues to a business you can start.

    Out of every dollar of value you bring to a company, you are paid about 25 pennies of every dollar and the company keeps the other 75 pennies of the dollar.

    With your own business, you KEEP ALL THE PENNIES - ALL 100 pennies of every dollar vs a company keeping the majority of them.

    Hewlett Packard started out of a garage.

    Microsoft started out of a dorm room.

    Apple started out of a garage.

    Netjets started out of a small hangar at a desk.

    Spanx started out of a bedroom.

    Amazon started out of a garage.

    Papa Johns started out of a broom closet.

    What kind of business can you start out of your home?

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    20 mins
  • Becoming a Force for Wealth and the 5 Elements
    May 22 2022

    Becoming a Millionaire takes a lot of work, power, and patience.

    But also understanding.

    Understanding what happens with money and what happens with money when you have it.

    There are 5 Wealth Forces when DRIVING down the Millionaire Road.

    These are factors that are a FORCE in building a 7 Figure life and Business. If these are not a part of your life, you probably will not ever see a 7 Figure Life.

    a. Life Changing Decision.

    Nothing Significant has ever been achieved without a DECISION that rocks the status quo.

    Decide to start a business. Decide to Invest some money. Decide to write a best seller. Decide to build your dream.

    b. Your Imagination / Mindset.

    The Wealthy imagine their future before it ever shows up.

    It is a blank slate. It is a blank canvass. You paint the future on it.

    You constantly look to the future and are planning it and seeing it as if it was happening now.

    Your mind pulls you towards that vivid picture.

    c. Your Marketplace Value.

    What value do you bring to the marketplace?

    Thinking. Business. Products, Ideas,. Software. Books. Looking Younger. Looking skinny. Looking great in apparel. Solutions. Answers. Benefits.

    What is the biggest Value you bring that the masses will accept your idea or product and pay money to obtain it continually?

    You thinking and leadership also are a large part of your value in the marketplace as well as network and determination.

    d. Your Emotions.

    Your emotions drive you or stall you.

    You must be excited, energized, relentless, No Other Possible Outcome, convinced, locked on like a heat seeking missile.

    Your emotions DRIVE the motion and momentum.

    e. Starving Hunger.

    If you have a dream how bad do you want it.

    Are you thinking and imagining it? Is it a DONE DEAL and MUST HAPPEN as the hunger must be satisfied?

    What does a starving person do?

    They go find food and water no matter what. Period. End of story. They just make it happen.

    That is what a Millionaire Road Lifer does and does not look back.

    They just become such a force that their actions start producing the results they dream of.

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    21 mins
  • The Single Biggest Influence on You Becoming a Millionaire
    May 8 2022

    The Single Biggest Influence on You Becoming a Millionaire

    What is the single biggest Influence?

    Do you know?

    I have studied the Psychology and Emotional aspects of Wealth for 30 years and have found that one thing initially has the greatest impact and influence on your possibility of Wealth:


    What you have been exposed to and currently are being exposed to will carry a huge impact and influence on your chances of becoming Wealthy. Exposure can program you for Wealth or struggle.

    Most people live traditional lives. The wealthy live a non traditional life and make their own traditions.

    Lets take a look at what you have been exposed to.

    a. What did you SEE growing up? In school? With friends? handling of money? Experience in life? What else?

    b. What did your ears HEAR growing up? what type of conversations did you hear and what were the size of them? What did you hear about money and wealth growing up? What else?

    c. What did you SENSE growing up about life? What did you learn from your parents and was it struggle? Stress? Worry? Life was limited? Or overflowing? What else?

    d. What did your emotions FEEL growing up? Excitement? Fear? Sadness? Joy? All things are possible? What else?

    e. What did you EXPERIENCE growing up? Traditional life or non-traditional life? Money struggles? Overflowing blessings? What else?

    Change your Exposure--> Changes your Frame of Reference and Perspective--> Changes your life.

    "What you have been exposed to determines what you will grow to." DF

    Your exposure in life has either been a prison or a prism.

    The last word in Exposure is SURE. The surest way to accelerating wealth in your life or stopping it is exposure.

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    20 mins
  • The 5 Major Differences in Millionaire Thinking
    May 3 2022

    Millionaires just think different. Either they grew up with that thinking or they developed it themselves. It takes effort but you can develop it and it will change your life.

    Millionaire Thinking carries with it many differences but these are what I call the big 5.

    What do you think are the Big 5 Differences in Millionaire Thinking?

    a. Awareness of Possibilities around them the Average seem to Miss.

    b. Not Connected to Group Think but to their Own Dreams and success with them.

    c. The Pattern and Power of their Thinking Commands the Environment and Atmosphere of any gathering and any meeting.

    d. They think Vertically and not Horizontally.

    e. They Never participate in Negative Thinking especially with others.

    BONUS: Their Thinking carries a Never Fit In Focus as they know they never will fit in.

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    21 mins
  • The Psychology of Wealth in Business and Life
    May 3 2022

    The Psychology of Wealth is mostly determined by how we grew up and lived. What we saw as "normal." It impacted your Thinking Patterns as well as you Behavior with money and your Emotions concerning it.

    How you view and feel about money as well as your Personal Wealth Philosophy is forged in your years growing up and you take it into your adult years.

    Your Psychology of Wealth can be changed fortunately to start working FOR YOU if properly educated and guided.

    The Psychology of the Wealthy differs than the average. How?

    a. Future Millionaires and the Wealthy are Stable Thinkers and are hyper focused.

    b. Future Millionaires and the Wealthy are open to new experiences and learning from them and how they can impact their dreams and take them to higher levels.

    c. Future Millionaires and the Wealthy are more Extroverted. They take the initiative in meeting new people and connecting with them.

    d. Future Millionaires and the Wealthy are Non Conformists. They do not conform to average and only conform to their dreams.

    e. Future Millionaires and the Wealthy view Setbacks as comebacks and what they can do to correct them and not blame others.

    f. Future Millionaires and the Wealthy determine their life and not others. Only their dreams determine their life and not someone else's dreams.

    g. Future Millionaires and the Wealthy know everyone is different but try to fit in. Future Millionaires know they will never fit in.

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    21 mins
  • 7 Steps to Developing Millionaire Thinking
    Apr 15 2022

    How does Development begin?


    1. You were born into the Wealth Environment and it comes natural.
    2. You must develop it over time.

    The 7 Steps of Developing Millionaire Thinking:

    a. DECISION. Millionaire Thinking is a Decided action and embracing a philosophy of business and life that only the wealthy do.

    b. IMAGINE. Seeing and Imagining what you life could be like living with wealth and money. Imagining how that could happen.

    c. CONNECTION. You start emotionally connecting to this way of thinking and it makes sense and something clicks on the inside of you that this is your new destiny and a new energy surges through your mind and spirit.

    d. DESIRING. You start Wanting it, Desiring it, Hungering for it, and then eventually become Desperate for living the life of Wealth.

    e. STUDYING. Your curiosity grows and you start learning about Wealth and studying others that have come before you and are extremely successful. Listen to podcasts, watch videos,, read books, take courses, and more.

    f. GROWING. As you start to learn you start growing you and your thinking. Your belief and thinking starts growing and Millionaire Thinking becomes more and more a natural way to think.

    g. BECOMING. You have started becoming a Millionaire Thinker and on your way if not already there, to being a full fledged, transformed, super focused success and wealth thinker that believes, expects and knows you are going to be rich with money and means that most only dream of. And you are here to serve people with your new level of thinking and help them do the same thing.

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    20 mins
  • The Power of Wealth Thinking and It's 5 Levels
    Apr 6 2022

    The Power of Wealth Thinking and it's 5 Levels.

    The 4 L's- Lack Less Limits Lies

    How would you describe your Thinking towards Wealth?

    Is is sabotaging your Business and Life?

    a. Think Like Everyone Else.

    Conforming to Average daily.

    Average have an E- D- S mentality when it comes to money.

    b. Think of New better Possessions.

    This is Upgrade Thinking.

    What message are you sending to your prospects?

    c. Think of a new Bigger Larger Lifestyle.

    This is Upscale Thinking.

    Headed towards living the Dream Life.

    Loving life, not just living life.

    d. Think of a Larger Net Worth.

    List your assets and subtract your expenses = Net worth.

    e. Thinking of Lasting Impact and Legacy.

    Looking beyond the money and net worth.

    What impact and legacy will you leave?

    Where are you on the scale? You can be anywhere on this scale but always be moving up and higher as that is what Millionaires do with their Thinking.

    Next week- Power of Wealth Thinking Pt 2.

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    22 mins