Anton, Rache, and Spanky talk about how the Quarantine has allowed us to get to spend more time with our families~ in particular, our Mothers, and why we consider it such an awesome privilege.
We discuss how restaurants will bounce back over the next few months, and how we can help by launching EAT MNL.
And since we already feel like Castaways after two months, we list down our favorite music: the record albums we'll take with us if we're stranded on a desert island just like Tom Hanks!
Episode Outline
00:30 : Life in the Time of Corona
- Sunday (online) Worship!
- Getting Ready for the GCQ
07:30 : Getting Healthier and Strengthening Our Immunity with YOLI and Nutritious Diets
16:15 SexyTime in the GCQ
Who is Ivana Alawi and why has she become so famous?
How will the Dating Scene change?
24:00 Happy Mother’s Day!!
How we’ll celebrate at Home
The Privilege of Taking Care of our Moms during the Quarantine
Mother’s Day Delivery Menus
37:00 How will Restaurants Bounce Back in the New Normal?
Introducing EAT MNL: a new website to support home-based entrepreneurs
42:30 Desert Island Discs
What are the 5 records you will bring if stranded as a Castaway?
The Eraserheads & True Faith lead off Anton & Spanky’s lists!
1:00:07 “Seven Weeks Later”
Our Good Vibes Editorial
Everyone is already anticipating the GCQ come May 16~
but I'm keeping a close eye on the roller coaster statistics
of the DOH. It's apparent that with more and more testing,
the hotspots will be identified, and decisions will have to
be made whether or not to continue the ECQ in the most
dangerous areas.
Metro Manila seems to have plateaued, but as I always
remind everyone, we should not relax. The virus is still
out there, so we should continue practicing the protocols
we've gotten used to these past 49 days. More than ever.
But it's time to think about what to expect in the GCQ....
I suggest that we closely monitor Tacloban and the other
cities now under GCQ, along with provinces like Albay~
so far there have been no over-the-top reports of unruly
gatherings, the LGUs seem to be in full control, and the
citizens -- most of them -- are still behaving as if they're
still under ECQ. Which is exactly how things should be.
I pray there will be no crazy stampede to the partially
opened malls in Metro Manila next Saturday. Let's
cross our fingers --- I don't buy that crap that there will
be a "second wave" because we are still in the middle
of the first wave!!!
Let's control this, and perhaps,
like New Zealand, Taiwan, and Vietnam - we can really
end the threat in the next couple of months, and have
a fighting chance to return to our usual boring normal.
Speaking of which, the term "new normal" rankles me
as much as "netizen" does.
We're in a New Abnormal,
and I refuse to concede that this is how we will live our
lives for the foreseeable future. I'm forever the optimist
after all,
and I will --- for the sake of all the children who
deserve to live a life unencumbered by masks --- hope
and pray, and believe, that someday soon, science will
succeed in eradicating this virus.
And we'll return to our
everyday routines of work and school and yes, I'm even
looking forward to being stuck in rush hour traffic again!