• 014 | What is a Kingdom Marriage? Why Your Marriage Matters to God and the World
    Mar 11 2025

    Have you ever paused to consider, that your marriage matters to more than just you and your spouse?

    In episode 4 of the podcast, our guest, Dr. John Littlejohn said this: "Marriage is about what glorifies God."

    On today's episode, we look at why our marriages, although they are for our good, also have deep kingdom significance. We'll hear:

    • How our marriages can be the best "relational apologetic"
    • Aaron confess his selfishness in his marriage to April
    • How understanding God's purpose in our marriage can pull us out of selfishness

    If you'd like to find out more and begin experimenting with a Marriage Mission Statement, here is a resource to help you get started. (We'll have more on this in future episodes.)


    To connect with us, share some thoughts or questions with us, send us an e-mail! info@livingmarriages.com

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    12 mins
  • 013 | Why You Cannot and Should Not Do Your Marriage Alone
    Mar 6 2025

    Why is it that our marriages can sometimes feel like the loneliest of places?

    On this episode, we explore God's heart and design for community and why that is so critical to us having healthy, hopeful marriages. We chat about:

    • How community is part of God's character and how Jesus had community
    • The kind of community God is inviting us into with people outside of our marriages
    • The differences between "sharing" and "vulnerability" in these friendships

    The book by Justin Whitmel Earley that we quote A LOT from in this episode can be found here:


    Get in touch and let us know how you've found community you can be vulnerable with: info@livingmarriages.com

    Our website is: www.livingmarriages.com

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    22 mins
  • 012 | God's Victory Over Shame and Addiction in Your Marriage with Matt Cline of Restored Ministries
    Mar 4 2025

    Do you struggle with the shame of sexual addiction and brokenness in your marriage? Have you been hiding a pornography addiction from your spouse, even if you know it's destroying your marriage?

    There is good news: God has not given up on you or your marriage!

    Our guest today, Matt Cline of Restored Ministries, has been given an important assignment by God: to help bring hope and healing to marriages that have been broken by sexual shame, addiction and trauma.

    In our conversation, you'll hear:

    • A story of how a prayer for God's favour in marriage led to a husband's hidden sexual sin coming into the light so that there could be healing and restoration
    • A question of whether accountability partners are everything we've made them out to be
    • The role of the Holy Spirit in putting sexual sin to death and bringing restoration and healing in a marriage

    To connect with Matt and find out more about the amazing work God is doing through Restored Ministries, check out his website: https://www.restoredministries.ca

    If you have any thoughts, questions or episode ideas, we'd love to hear from you: info@livingmarriages.com

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    33 mins
  • 011 | How Weekly Check-Ins Can Help You Move From Being Glorified Roommates to Connected Spouses
    Feb 27 2025

    Have you ever felt like you and your spouse were just glorified roommates? Like you are ships passing in the night?

    We've been there! As God breathes life into our marriages, we're grateful he gives us practices and routines to help us feel more connected and thriving with each other. One of those practices is the weekly check-in.

    On this episode, you'll learn the importance of this practice and why consistency and heart questions are key to unlocking the potential of this practice (along with God's Spirit of course!)


    "The Marriage Journal" by Jeremy and Audrey Roloff and Chris and Jamie Herb:


    Guidelines for a weekly check-in:

    1. Find a consistent time each week and stick with it

    2. Ask each other heart questions (see below)

    3. Plan the coming week together

    Here are some "heart questions" for your weekly check-in:

    “How is your heart?”

    “What brought you joy this week?”

    “What did you struggle with this week?”

    “Was there any ways in which I encouraged and blessed you this week Was there a way I hurt you this week?”

    “How can I serve you this week? How can I pray for you in the coming days?”

    Let us know how it's going! Share some of your heart questions with us: info@livingmarriages.com

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    13 mins
  • 010 | Why the First and Last Words of Your Day Matter in Your Marriage from Psalm 92
    Feb 25 2025

    When was the last time you felt "untethered" in your marriage? Lost, disconnected, alone? This happened recently to us. Thankfully, God gave us a way through and his roadmap was Psalm 92. In this episode, we'll discuss:

    • The transformative power of declaring daily God's steadfast love and faithfulness in your life and marriage
    • How a simple practice can help you feel more anchored in God's love and care
    • How this practice can also help you feel more connected as a couple and a family

    A suggestion for an evening Examen practice. Ask each other at dinner or before bed:

    What was one "rose" from your day, one "thorn" and where did you see God's faithfulness today?

    Let us know how this practice is going and how it's changing things for you and your marriage! info@livingmarriages.com

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    14 mins
  • 009 | How This Kind of Listening Can Help Free You From Marriage Drama
    Feb 20 2025

    Have you ever felt that when your spouse is listening to you, it only LOOKS like they're listening? That as soon as you're done speaking, they will unleash their advice and their opinions on you?

    On this Thursday Thoughts episode, we'll discover HOW we listen matters just as much (or more) than the fact that we are listening. We'll also learn:

    • that "listening to understand" is more important than "listening to convince"
    • how listening to understand can help us escape the drama triangle


    “In a study of two types of listening, clinical psychologist Faye Doell demonstrated how people who listen in order to understand versus listen in order to respond have higher across-the-board relationship satisfaction.”

    from "Good Inside" by Dr. Becky Kennedy


    An excellent article on the drama triangle:


    Want to get in touch with us? info@livingmarriages.com and check out our new website: www.livingmarriages.com

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    18 mins
  • 008 | Overcoming Shame with Grace in Your Marriage with Katie Skurja
    Feb 18 2025

    "Shame is the most powerful force on the planet, apart from grace."

    Katie Skurja, founder of Imago Dei Ministries, is an internationally recognized inner healing practitioner, spiritual director and marriage counsellor. We were thrilled and honoured that she could join us in this conversation exploring the devastating power of shame in our marriages and the joy and freedom available in Christ's healing work.

    Topics we explore include:

    • What are "shadow vows" and why every couple should do them
    • God's grace that is available for us to turn into and confront our shame rather than hide it
    • How, as image bearers of God, we are like "Peanut M&Ms"
    • When we understand the paradoxes of God, we understand ourselves and our spouses better
    • What the drama triangle is and how it threatens our marriages


    For Katie's incredible conversation with children regarding the image of God and "Peanut M&M's", check out this video:


    An excellent article on the "Drama Triangle":


    Where to find Katie, her resources and courses:

    Imago Dei Ministries - https://www.idmin.org

    Companying Center - https://www.companioningcenter.org

    Let us know what you think of this conversation! Contact April and Aaron at info@livingmarriages.org

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    43 mins
  • 007 | How Gratitude Can Transform Your Marriage
    Feb 13 2025

    When is the last time you thanked your spouse? For who they are or for something they did? Has it been awhile?

    On this Thursday Thought, join Aaron as he explores another tip on creating a healthy marriage with God, this time by looking at the transformative power of gratitude in your marriage.

    Topics we cover:

    • Why gratitude matters
    • How gratitude can transform your marriage along with some of the science that backs it up
    • How keeping a gratitude journal transformed one man's view of his wife and his marriage


    Gary Thomas: “Gratitude With Purpose In Marriage”


    Psychology Today


    Are you thankful for something in your marriage or your spouse? Please feel free to share! info@livingmarriages.com

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    12 mins