• The Juice with Jeff #277
    Mar 7 2025

    On this episode Jon Odell, Skye Giordano, Erik Bilstad, and Brad Dunn co-produce a fantastic, superb, and really conversational interview with me thru Zoom. This is Skye's second time and the debut/first time for Jon, Erik, and Brad.

    This particular episode is the second of a super special Three-Part series we're producing this year called The Basement Dwellers, which involve me and multiple friends from my J-School days at Drake. Like me all of them majored in the Electronic Media (Broadcast News or Radio/TV Production) section at Drake during the 1990's. A very special thanks and shout out goes out to Todd Evans for coming up with the idea and concept of this really special Basement Dwellers series for the podcast!!

    After our introductory comments, we have a five way conversation where we talk about things like stuff about these Juice with Jeff podcasts, what I've been doing since graduation from Drake since 1998, memories of our special highlights and favorite moments from our Drake J-School years as well as the times we spent in the Meredith Hall Basement both for coursework and extracurricular Drake Broadcasting System productions.

    This episode of the podcast was recorded on March 5, 2025 and it runs 1 hour and 12 minutes long. Our opening and closing theme music is provided by Oleg Kyrylkovv courtesy of Pixabay. Funding for this podcast is provided by RandomKid, Ann Kaatz LoBue, Fran Parr, Sarah Stokes, and Renee Whisnant. Enjoy!!

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    1 hr and 12 mins
  • The Juice with Jeff #276
    Feb 23 2025

    On this episode of the podcast Fabiola Carlin conducts and co-produces a fantastic and conversational interview with me in person. This is Fabiola's second time on the podcast. We recorded this episode at the West Des Moines Public Library in a study room.

    I usually sound much more passionate and energetic when we do the in person interviews, but since this episode was recorded in public library (with the door shut) we had to try to keep our voices down.

    Fabiola and I have a conversation on the following topics: Saturday Night Live, SNL celebrating its 50th Anniversary, and films. Again, it wasn't easy for me to sound as passionate and fiery as I usually am while having to keep my voice down, but I tried my best.

    This episode of the podcast was recorded on February 21, 2025 and it runs 47 minutes long. Our opening and closing theme music is provided by Oleg Kyrylkovv courtesy of Pixabay. Funding for this podcast is provided by RandomKid, Ann Kaatz LoBue, Fran Parr, Sarah Stokes, and Renee Whisnant. Enjoy!!

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    47 mins
  • The Juice with Jeff #275
    Feb 14 2025

    On this episode of the podcast Rachel Graham conducts and co-produces a excellent and conversational interview with me thru Zoom. This is Rachel's third time on the podcast.

    Rachel and I have a conversation on the following topics along with side topics which relate to the questions:

    1. Talk about your social media presence.

    2. How the podcast has really come a long long way over the last several years and I recap the super amazing 2024 Season that we had. I also talk about the goals we have for the 2025 Season.

    3. What are the essential pieces of technology someone needs to make sure they have to do something like a podcast?

    4. I perform a medley of Simpsons voice impersonations for Rachel.

    5. I give a Reader's Digest summary for Rachel of what my passions are.

    6. I ask Rachel to share what's new with her since we last talked several years ago along with any exciting or unique things she wants to share about herself.

    7. I also ask Rachel what memories she has of fun and special places she went to during the years she lived in Des Moines during our childhood and teenage years. And I share my thoughts on some of the things she says.

    This episode of the podcast was recorded on February 12, 2025 and it runs 57 minutes long. Our opening and closing theme music is provided by Oleg Kyrylkovv courtesy of Pixabay. Funding for this podcast is provided by RandomKid, Ann Kaatz LoBue, Fran Parr, Sarah Stokes, and Renee Whisnant. Enjoy!!

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    57 mins
  • The Juice with Jeff #274
    Feb 6 2025

    On this episode of the podcast Ann Kaatz LoBue, James Alsup, Debbie LaCroix, and John Robinson co-produce a fantastic, superb, and really conversational interview with me thru Zoom. This is Ann's seventh time, James' third time, and the debut/first time for John and Debbie on the podcast.

    This particular episode is the first of a super special Three-Part series we're producing this year called The Basement Dwellers, which involve me and multiple friends from my J-School days at Drake. Like me all of them majored in the Electronic Media (Broadcast News or Radio/TV Production) section at Drake during the 1990's. A very special thanks and shout out goes out to Todd Evans for coming up with the idea and concept of this really special Basement Dwellers series for the podcast!!

    Ann facilitates the beginning of the interview, and we start with all of us introducing ourselves, what we do nowadays, and other introductory comments.

    I bring up stuff about the podcast and touch a bit on the historic and super amazing season we had with the podcast last year with the multiple milestones. Debbie asks me what inspired me to start the whole entire Juice with Jeff podcast series, so I go over the history on how the podcast came to be what it is.

    Then each of us shares our favorite memories and special moments from the times we spent in the basement facilities at Meredith Hall for both J-School coursework and for extracurricular activities.

    There is a point during the podcast where I talk about how certain films were initially designed to be shown as Roadshow Theatrical Presentations and my intense passion for Roadshow type movies, and how The Blues Brothers 1980 movie was originally intended to be a nearly three hour Roadshow style film with an intermission.

    Before we wrap up the super lengthy interview recording session, I talk about how the audio/video production facilities in the Meredith Basement are significantly different today than they were during the 1990's.

    This episode of the podcast was recorded on February 2, 2025 and it runs an EPIC 2 hour and 11 minutes long. This is the SECOND LENGTHIEST episode of the entire podcast series to date!! Our opening and closing theme music is provided by Oleg Kyrylkovv courtesy of Pixabay. Funding for this podcast is provided by RandomKid, Ann Kaatz LoBue, Fran Parr, Sarah Stokes, and Renee Whisnant. Enjoy!!

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    2 hrs and 12 mins
  • The Juice with Jeff #273
    Jan 30 2025

    On this episode of the podcast, Melanie Wehrmacher conducts and co-produces a fantastic and conversational interview with me thru Zoom. This is Melanie's third time on the podcast.

    After introductory comments from both of us, Melanie asked me the following questions:

    Do you remember what your first film in a movie theater was and if so, what movie was it? Later on during the podcast, Melanie shares what her first film was in a movie theater.

    I share how for the third year in a row I'm watching everything in my TV Show and Movie DVD/Blu-Ray Collection in the A to Z alphabetical order way during my spare time at night. This began December 29th of last year and will run thru I'm guessing sometime in late spring or early summer.

    Is there anything that popped up even as a general interest story or some story in the news that made you happy you were reading the news? What sources of independent/non-corporate news would you recommend? How are you navigating using social media in today's more polarizing world with everything going on in society?

    Are there other podcasts you like to listen to that you would recommend? What is your daily routine be and how do you set it up so that you can have the best possible day and night? After I answer the question, I ask Melanie to share how she would answer this same question.

    Since both Melanie and I brought up a Disney movie for the very first films we ever saw in a movie theater, I talk a little bit about the Disney 1967 musical film The Happiest Millionaire, how I've had the full original Roadshow version of this movie on DVD since last September, and what I love about it.

    What Jewish holiday(s)are the most important to you? Do you have one or more Jewish holidays that you enjoy the most?

    Tell me about your family history and where your family came from.

    Do you have a favorite vacation you've ever been on or a favorite place you've traveled to? I then ask Melanie the same question.

    Do you have any other collections or things you collect besides your TV Show and Movie DVD/ Blu-Ray Collection?

    This episode of the podcast was recorded on January 26, 2025 and it runs 1 hour and 11 minutes long. Our opening and closing theme music is provided by Oleg Kyrylkovv courtesy of Pixabay. Funding for this podcast is provided by RandomKid, Ann Kaatz LoBue, Fran Parr, Sarah Stokes, and Renee Whisnant. Enjoy!!

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    1 hr and 11 mins
  • TheJuice with Jeff #272
    Jan 26 2025

    On this episode of the podcast, Teeg Stouffer conducts and co-produces a fantastic, superb, and conversational interview with me thru Zoom. This is Teeg's debut/first time on the podcast.

    Teeg and I had a really conversational interview involving the following topics:

    How 2025 has been going for me so far.

    Multiple things about the podcasts including how super passionate I am about Juice with Jeff, the milestone record breaking year we had last year, my Top 25 favorite episodes from last year (I mention the names of all of you who were involved with those episodes in question), and how the show has come a long long way over the last several years.

    How Judaism plays an extremely important role in my daily life and what led me to make the decision to become a halakhically observant Jew to the best of my ability

    Memories and favorite moments from the years both of us were part of the KWDM radio family during our VHS years.

    Teeg shared his thoughts on all of the topics we brought up and we ended the interview with Teeg sharing a few things about himself.

    This episode of the podcast was recorded on January 24, 2025 and it runs 1 hour and 9 minutes long. Our opening and closing theme music is provided by Oleg Kyrylkovv courtesy of Pixabay. Funding for this podcast is provided by RandomKid, Ann Kaatz LoBue, Fran Parr, Sarah Stokes, and Renee Whisnant. Enjoy!!

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    1 hr and 9 mins
  • The Juice with Jeff #271
    Jan 22 2025

    On this episode of the podcast, Russell Braman conducts and co-produces a great interview with me thru Zoom. This is Russell's debut/first time on the podcast.

    Russell asked me to talk about the following things: The things that I do for self care, the history on how The Juice with Jeff podcasts got started along with a variety of things about the show, my love of audio, my favorite types of music or musical groups, my favorite films plus more about my impressive TV Show and Movie DVD/Blu-Ray Collection, and Neurodiversity.

    There are moments where Russell and I share short stories relevant to the topics brought up and Russell shares his thoughts on some of the things I said. We then wrap up the show with Russell sharing a couple interesting and unique things about himself.

    This episode of the podcast was recorded on January 19, 2025 and it runs 51 minutes long. Our opening and closing theme music is provided by Oleg Kyrylkovv courtesy of Pixabay. Funding for this podcast is provided by RandomKid, Ann Kaatz LoBue, Fran Parr, Sarah Stokes, and Renee Whisnant. Enjoy!!

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    51 mins
  • The Juice with Jeff #270
    Jan 15 2025

    On this episode of the podcast, Angela Becker conducts and co-produces her fantastic and superb interview with me thru Zoom. This is Angie's second time on the podcast, and this episode is the Premiere/Kick-Off episode for the 2025 Season.

    We started off this episode with my giving a synopsis on how the VERY BEST Juicys Awards Event EVER (so far anyway) went that was held a few weeks ago on December 5th. I recap all of the many winners for last year's awards and then Angie and I shared our thoughts on just how special the 2024 Juicys Awards event was.

    Then Angie asks me the following questions:

    1. What are your goals for the 2025 Season?

    2. Do you believe in aliens? If so, do you think they're already here?

    3. Would you rather be wealthy or would you rather be famous?

    4. If you don't have a lot of money and you can only choose three foods to eat for the rest of your life, what three foods would you choose? We happen to get into a side discussion on AE cottage cheese and dairy products during this part.

    5. If we were in a movie and it was the Zombie Apocalypse, what things do you think would best help you survive?

    6. What are the best books you read during 2024?

    7. If you could live in a different time than what we are in now, what time would you choose to live in?

    8. If you could raise people from the dead from the past and meet them, who would you want to meet?

    Angie also provided her thoughts on some of the questions. After she finished asking her questions, I asked her to share anything new and exciting that's happened in her life since she made her debut in April 2024.

    We then wrap up the show with me telling Angie about really cool outdoor locations the friends interviewing me and I went to for five of last year's in person interviews that I've never been to before.

    This episode of the podcast was recorded on January 13, 2025 and it runs 57 minutes long. Our opening and closing theme music is provided by Oleg Kyrylkovv courtesy of Pixabay. Funding for this podcast is provided by RandomKid, Ann Kaatz LoBue, Fran Parr, Sarah Stokes, and Renee Whisnant. Enjoy!!

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    57 mins