• Ep. 9: Courtney Graham- Navigating Life with Strength, Courage & Positivity
    Mar 26 2024

    From Mrs. Colorado to Award-Winning Global Tech Executive, Courtney Graham has always lived a life of hard work and determination birthing success. When life threw her a series of curve balls, she tapped on another strength: mindset.

    We discuss her journey through divorce and cancer, and she proves that even with life's unfathomable challenges, you can meet it head-on with humor, positivity and grace.

    Courtney Graham defines what it is to live a life of inspiration to herself and all those who come across her.





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    1 hr
  • Ep. 8: Gilad Janklowicsz: Bodies in Motion
    Mar 12 2024

    Gilad Janklowicz joins the podcast. Janklowicz is an Isreali-born fitness personality best known for Bodies in Motion, the longest-running fitness show in the United States, and for his show Total Body Sculpt with Gilad.

    Raised in Israel, Janklowicz has been an athlete devoted to fitness since his high school days. He became a renowned Olympic hopeful in the decathlon, and a fitness instructor in the Israeli military.

    Janklowicz later moved to Los Angeles to attend the UCLA film school. In Los Angeles he built up a following as a fitness instructor. Janklowicz is the creator of more than 30 workout video titles.

    In March 2007 Janklowicz he was inducted into the National Fitness Hall of Fame.

    Over the years, Bodies in Motion ran on ESPN, Fox Sports, the Health Channel, and Fit TV. It is still running several times a day on TBS, and in 80 countries around the world.

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    39 mins
  • Ep. 7: Tracy Stayton: The B4tunate Movement
    Feb 28 2024

    Tracy Stayton joins the podcast to talk about the time she traveled the globe for a year to perform 34 acts of service upon turning 34 (in, as she calls it, her "34tunate" year of life.)

    She also discusses her life today, and the "4tunate movement" she created upon her return that reminds everyone to focus on "the have" instead of "the have not" and to pay it forward through service work.

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    44 mins
  • Ep. 6: Cara Farley: Host & Lifestyle Specialist for the Emmy Nominated TV Show The American Dream
    Dec 5 2023

    Meet Cara Farley: Host & Lifestyle Expert with the Emmy Nominated Television Show, The American Dream and Residential Real Estate Broker Associate with The Agency in Orange County, CA.

    We discuss her journey to real estate, how the opportunity to audition for The American Dream came about, some funny moments of hers while filming the show and much more!

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    38 mins
  • Ep. 5: Caroline Fogarty: Don't Make This Ginger Snap
    Nov 21 2023

    Welcome to Part 2 of my interview with Caroline Fogarty. If you have yet to listen to Part 1 -check it out. Our conversation in Part 1 touched on multiple topics- as did this once again.

    In this episode- We talk about the impetus for Caroline's styling company and the journey of letting things go, the struggles of aging parents, and the decisions we as adults must make on their behalf, as well as the lessons Fogarty has learned in life thus far... and so much more.

    So please enjoy my conversation with the red-headed wonder herself, Caroline Fogarty.

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    46 mins
  • Ep. 4: BB Maboby: Smile On U
    Nov 7 2023

    It’s always an inspiration to talk with my friend BB Maboby, the Founder + CEO of SmileOnU - a humanitarian organization that donates dental care worldwide- all made possible by volunteer dental professionals. 

    She was born in a refugee camp in Thailand to parents of Pakistani and Cambodian descent. At ten months old, BB and her family moved to the States for a better life. She wakes up every day knowing that she is one of the lucky ones, and this daily gratitude for her life drives her to give back.

    For more information, visit:


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    24 mins
  • Ep. 3: Caroline Fogarty: Saving the World- One Ginger at a Time
    Oct 24 2023

    Caroline Fogarty is a hilarious actress known for her roles in films like Clockstoppers, Con Man, Out of Time with Mario Lopez, and Waitress with Kerri Rusell. She's also had numerous roles in TV shows such as Parks & Recreation, The Young & The Restless, and Desperate Housewives. Not to mention- commercials ranging from Skittles to Hot Pockets to Jersey Mikes.

    She's also a Stylist, Shopping Cart Cop, and Ginger Saver. 

    "Caroline! It's Caroline!" is how we have always addressed each other for yeeears, being that we're both- you know, "Caroline". We reconnect today after a couple of decades and couldn't stop talking. In fact, I had to make this a two-parter. I apologize ahead of time if we (and when I say we, I mean I) talk over each other. I'm starting to get my sea legs with this whole podcasting thing and promise to stick a post-it note on my computer screen to slow down when I'm excited. And I was super excited to connect with Fogarty! 

    Our conversation ran the gambit. We discussed her obsession with multiple hashtags, her love of vintage emails, and the affectionately given nickname Crazy Caroline.

    We pondered the meaning of introverted-extroverts and extroverted-introverts, our families, the rawness of being a new mother, struggling with prenatal anxiety, and the pre-grieving of declining parents.

    We also talk about her organizing her March of the Gingers to benefit not only the redheads of the world but also the Sag-Aftra strike.

    Enjoy! See why she is a redhead to be reckoned with. And feel the energy that is... Fogarty.

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    and #DrivingMissDinny

    To keep up to date on all of our shows, including Fogarty's next episode on The Interesting Life Podcast, follow me @carolinenadinehelsing

    or direct at @theinteresting_lifepodcast



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    48 mins
  • Ep: 2: The Simpson's Pamela Hayden: Jailhouse to Milhouse
    Oct 10 2023

    Pamela Hayden, voice of THE SIMPSONS' Milhouse joins The Interesting Life Podcast.

    We discuss Pamela navigating through her challenging childhood and how, today, she speaks to young girls about her journey and how one can turn their life around despite seemingly insurmountable obstacles.

    We talk about our shared desire to take crazy risks, our love for dogs, her jaunt at standup, how she got the job doing voicework for THE SIMPSONS & even how she relates to THE SIMPSONS character, Milhouse.  

    We laugh, we get deep, and Pamela even does a couple of quick Milhouse impressions.

    You can find Pamela Hayden on instagram @pamelaahayden and more information about her documentary, Jailhouse to Milhouse at https://nbff23.eventive.org/films/64ee52316f33b8001ff7d2c2 

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    36 mins