
  • Recording Bass at Home 099: Where to start?
    Mar 15 2022

    This episode is about what you need to get rolling with recording your bass at home. I talk about what you need to do before you play a note, what cables and gear you need, software, and some other tips and tricks. Check below for the links I mention during the podcast:

    Timestamps: 0:00 - Start 0:17 - Where i'm Coming From 0:57 - Focus on Direct Recording 1:42 - Bass, Strings, Tuners, and Cables 6:20 - Audio Interfaces 13:42 - Digital Audio Workstations/DAWs 17:50 - Extras

    If you'd like to support the podcast with a donation, this money goes directly to buying new gear for the channel, shipping/import fee for giveaways, and other items to help keep the channel afloat: https://paypal.me/hondofeldermusic?locale.x=en_US

    Don't forget to check out the video podcast and the rest of my channel over on YouTube! https://youtube.com/c/HondoFelderMusic/

    Come hang out with me at the discord... https://discord.gg/7MF6Vtj

    On IG at HondoFelderMusic... https://www.instagram.com/hondofeldermusic/

    And on twitch! https://www.twitch.tv/hondofeldermusic

    Here's the link to the intonation video by @Marcelo Feldman - The Bass Wizard : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U1fThuvYrEw&t=226s

    The following two links are for my favorite clip on, and pedal tuner's respectively



    Here's the link to the interface chart. This chart will give you a good idea where interfaces prices are for the level of features and quality you can get out of them. The name of each interface is a hyperlink to Sweetwater's site where you can check out the interfaces in more depth, and compare them against dozens of other options out there:


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    23 mins