• Narcissism Round Table Discussion Part 2
    Feb 5 2024
    Welcome to The Healthy Happy Hour, a podcast for Christian women, where you become empowered to take back your health authority! Who knew a happy hour could equip you with the wisdom to walk in health and wellness as God intended.  

    This episode is part 2 of a 2 part round table discussion on narcissism from a Christian perspective. With our 3 special guests we go into the spiritual root side, as well as share ways on how to move towards healing. 

    Links For All the Things:

    • Dr. Terri's links: click here for website, social media, and all the good things!

    • Yesenia's links: click here for website, social media, and all the good things!

    Guest links: 

    • You are Worthy Ministries: https://www.youareworthyministry.com/
    • Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/youareworthyministries
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    39 mins
  • Narcissism Round Table Discussion Part 1
    Jan 15 2024
    Welcome to The Healthy Happy Hour, a podcast for Christian women, where you become empowered to take back your health authority! Who knew a happy hour could equip you with the wisdom to walk in health and wellness as God intended.  

    This episode is part 1 of a 2 part round table discussion on narcissism from a Christian perspective. We have 3 special guests who cover the spectrum from being a healing victim, to inner healing and deliverance minister, to someone who has had to walk alongside many loved ones dealing with narcissistic relationships. This episode covers our "why" behind doing this round table discussion, defining what narcissism is, and common characteristics of both a narcissist and the target. Part 2 goes into the spiritual root side, as well as how to move towards healing. 

    Links For All the Things:

    • Dr. Terri's links: click here for website, social media, and all the good things!

    • Yesenia's links: click here for website, social media, and all the good things!

    Guest links: 

    • You are Worthy Ministries: https://www.youareworthyministry.com/
    • Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/youareworthyministries


    Coquito - A Family Recipe (from Yesenia's Aunt!) 

    • Ingredients: 2 cans condensed milk 2 cans evaporated milk 3 cans coconut milk 3 cans cream of coconut 1 small bag of cloves 3 bags of cinnamon sticks Lemon White Bacardi rum
    • Instructions: make a tea of the cloves, cinnamon sticks and lemon peels. Only the green or yellow part none of the white. While that is boiling and cooling down. You blend one of the evaporated milk, condensed milk, coconut milk and cream. Pour it in a big container and blend the rest that same way. When the tea has cooled down pour it in and the Bacardi. Done

    Lifeboost Coffee - get $15 off your order when using this link: https://prz.io/jok61kPtg


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    30 mins
  • Nitey-Night and Sweet Dreams! An Episode On Sleep.
    Dec 16 2023
    Welcome to The Healthy Happy Hour, a podcast for Christian women, where you become empowered to take back your health authority! Who knew a happy hour could equip you with the wisdom to walk in health and wellness as God intended.  

    This episode spotlights Yesenia and her robust sleep coaching program. Sleep is designed by God for our health benefit, yet the enemy does so much to compromise it. Not only do we touch on this during the episode, but Yesenia shares all the valuable things you get to help you RESTore your sleep (and with God) in her coaching program! 

    Link to learn more about the Sleep Coaching Program: https://coachyesi.com/sleep-program-intropage

    Links For All the Things:

    • Dr. Terri's links: click here for website, social media, and all the good things!

    • Yesenia's links: click here for website, social media, and all the good things!

    Link to Drinking Chcolate: https://www.zotterusa.com/

    (if you want $15 off your order, shoot me an email and I will get that sent to you!)

    Link to Magnesium ER: https://www.motherearthlabs.com/ref/fitbeinghealthandwellness/


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    32 mins
  • Having Biblical Authority
    Nov 24 2023
    Welcome to The Healthy Happy Hour, a podcast for Christian women, where you become empowered to take back your health authority! Who knew a happy hour could equip you with the wisdom to walk in health and wellness as God intended.  

    This episode focuses on what it means to have biblical authority. The ability to make good health choices and to live a healthy kingdom life is based on our understanding and ability to exercise our authority as God has given to us.

    Links For All the Things:

    • Dr. Terri's links: click here for website, social media, and all the good things!

    • Yesenia's links: click here for website, social media, and all the good things!

    Recipe For This Episode:

    Yesenia's essential oil blended drink - sweet cherry smoothie:

    • 1 cup almond or cashew milk

    • 1 scoop of Vanilla doTerra Protein powder (or vanilla protein powder of choice)

    • 1 cup frozen cherries without the pits

    • 1 drop of doTerra lime essential oil

    • I used the white grapefruit oil cause I ran out of lime so any doTerra citrus oil will work

    Terri's morning Arise natural energy drink: https://www.herbalalchemy.com/collections/nutritionals/products/arise-am-booster?ref=ashleykissler

    Follow the show and never miss an episode!
    • Amazon

    • Spotify

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    31 mins
  • Welcome Yesenia Rosario - Happy Hour Co-"Server"!
    Oct 30 2023

    I’m Dr. Terri Truesdale and NOW CO-SERVING (hosting) YESENIA ROSARIO! Welcome to The Healthy Happy Hour, a podcast for Christian women, where you become empowered to take back your health authority! Who knew a happy hour could equip you with the wisdom to walk in health and wellness as God intended.  

    Welcome Yesenia as we talk about her health background, discuss deep issues like making healthy choices, warm weather, and London Fog! If you are not sure what all that means, take a listen and get to know your new co-host!

    Links For All the Things:

    • Dr. Terri's links: click here for website, social media, and all the good things!
    • Yesenia's links: https://sleek.bio/strengthrenewed 

    Recipe For This Episode:

    Who has tried a "London Fog"? 

    From the Healthy Maven website:

    For those of you who don’t know, a London Fog is an earl grey tea latte with foamy milk and vanilla. The most important factors are these:

    • The right kind of tea- good quality Earl Grey Tea is essential. It adds that bergamot flavor that is quintessential for a London Fog. You could also reach for lavender earl grey which is a nice variation.
    • Hot, foamy milk – you can use whatever kind of milk you like but I prefer almond or oat milk in my lattes
    • Vanilla – Starbucks uses their pumps of vanilla syrup but vanilla extract will work just fine.
    • Sweetener – you can opt out of sweetener but I do find a little bit of raw honey builds out the flavor of this London Fog

     How to Make a London Fog

    1. Make the Tea – Boil water in a kettle. Steep your tea bag in 1/2 cup of hot water for 3-5 mins (depending on strength preference)
    2. Froth Your Milk – Mix together almond milk and vanilla extract and steam or froth depending on what tools you have.*
    3. Sweeten – Stir sweetener in with steeped hot tea and top with frothed milk.

    *If you don’t have a milk frother, heat up milk on stove top. It won’t get foamy but it does the trick!

    Link to her site: https://www.thehealthymaven.com/how-to-make-a-london-fog/


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    31 mins
  • Get Dressed For Victory with Charlotte Barton
    Sep 12 2023

    I’m Dr. Terri Truesdale and Welcome to The Healthy Happy Hour, a podcast for Christian women, where you become empowered to take back your health authority! Who knew a happy hour could equip you with the wisdom to walk in health and wellness as God intended.

    As we know, in warfare, battles are fought for various reasons, on different fronts or locations, and with varying levels of intensity. The same is true in spiritual warfare. On a daily basis as Christians, we are in a spiritual battle of some kind. Even though we cannot physically see the attacker, our spiritual warfare and battles are real. 

    2 Corinthians 10:3-5: For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war according to the flesh. For the weapons of our warfare are not [a]carnal but mighty in God for pulling down strongholds, casting down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ.

    To understand what we are up against or deal with on a daily basis, we can learn on how the battles are fought, how they impact our lives on a daily basis, and how to engage in the spiritual battles and experience victory. 

    We tend to see our problems and struggles in physical terms as non-spiritual. And because of that, we tend to seek non-spiritual solutions…we deal with things in the natural on our own.

    Charlotte Barton has a free ministry called Get Dressed for Victory to help Christian women learn more about getting equipped to battle! Listen to her journey and hear more about she can help you with yours!

    For more information click here!

    Links For All the Things: website, social media, and all the good things!

    Don’t forget to sign up for The Well-Street Journal - a health and wellness newsletter from Dr. Terri Truesdale. Don't worry about it inundating your inbox (and I never share your info).  Click Here to sign up!

    Recipe For This Episode:

    This one is simple - Macha and Spearmint tea! You can add a little honey (or stevia to it)

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    49 mins
  • Fix Fatigue F.A.S.T.
    Aug 11 2023

    I’m Dr. Terri Truesdale and Welcome to The Healthy Happy Hour, a podcast for Christian women, where you become empowered to take back your health authority! Who knew a happy hour could equip you with the wisdom to walk in health and wellness as God intended.  

    This episode is an audio replay of an online event I hosted called FIX FATIGUE F.A.S.T.

    Fatigue is indeed an epidemic. God's children, His army, is suffering day in and day out with just trying to get through the day, through the week, through the month, and before you know it, years have gone by without living life to the fullest - missing out on the abundant life and calling God has for you. This is exactly where the enemy wants you - falling short of your purpose.  

    In this short time you will learn the approach:

    • Find: What has been draining your energy over time? where are your hidden energy leaks?
    • Asses: all body systems, what body system(s) are the primary ones that are affecting the whole body, and what is the severity of these systems?!
    • Shore up: take a a holistic approach to fixing these root issues!
    • Test: God's promises for rest

    This episode goes over a worksheet used during the event, so to get the most out of your time I would suggest you download the worksheet here! Fill it out first, then listen. 


    Sign up for The Wellstreet Journal - a health and wellness newsletter from Dr. Terri Truesdale. Don't worry about it inundating your inbox (and I never share your info). Click here to sign up!

    Links For All the Things:

    • All MY links: click here for website, social media, and all the good things!


    Recipe For This Episode:

    We did not discuss a recipe during the episode (as it is a replay), but I would love to share a recent discovery! Who has tried a "London Fog"? 

    From the Healthy Maven website:

    For those of you who don’t know, a London Fog is an earl grey tea latte with foamy milk and vanilla. The most important factors are these:

    • The right kind of tea- good quality Earl Grey Tea is essential. It adds that bergamot flavor that is quintessential for a London Fog. You could also reach for lavender earl grey which is a nice variation.
    • Hot, foamy milk – you can use whatever kind of milk you like but I prefer almond or oat milk in my lattes
    • Vanilla – Starbucks uses their pumps of vanilla syrup but vanilla extract will work just fine.
    • Sweetener – you can opt out of sweetener but I do find a little bit of raw honey builds out the flavor of this London Fog

     How to Make a London Fog

    1. Make the Tea – Boil water in a kettle. Steep your tea bag in 1/2 cup of hot water for 3-5 mins (depending on strength preference)
    2. Froth Your Milk – Mix together almond milk and vanilla extract and steam or froth depending on what tools you have.*
    3. Sweeten – Stir sweetener in with steeped hot tea and top with frothed milk.

    *If you don’t have a milk frother, heat up milk on stove top. It won’t get foamy but it does the trick!

    Link to her site: https://www.thehealthymaven.com/how-to-make-a-london-fog/

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    38 mins
  • Emotional Healing from Miscarriage with Maria Hansen
    Jul 10 2023

    I’m Dr. Terri Truesdale and Welcome to The Healthy Happy Hour, a podcast for Christian women, where you become empowered to take back your health authority! Who knew a happy hour could equip you with the wisdom to walk in health and wellness as God intended.  

    Although Maria Hanson is a friend and colleague of mine, she is sharing something personal and really is one our "Everyday Health Heroes!" Having gone through the emotional (and physical) crisis of a miscarriage, Maria shares how she was able to bring her body and emotions back into balance using a little known, but powerful tool (but should be well known).


    Sign up for The Wellstreet Journal - a health and wellness newsletter from Dr. Terri Truesdale. Don't worry about it inundating your inbox (and I never share your info). Click here to sign up!

    Links For All the Things:

    • Learn more about the Inner Voice: click here or watch this video that I made
    • To order an AO Scanner (which will come with a ton of support once you do): click here!
    • Maria's links can be found on her LinkTree: click here
    • All MY links: click here for website, social media, and all the good things!

    Recipe For This Episode:

    Moroccan Mint Tea ~ super super yummy

    • NUMA
    • A few teaspoons sugar or honey (organic of course!)
    • Add in 1 tablespoons of rose water mix and then serve
    • Can add chocolate mint garnish


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    37 mins