
  • USS Akron: When The Mighty Akron Falls
    Dec 14 2022

    Hello friends! And welcome back to The Good, The Bad and The Pure Evil. Todays episode is about the airship the USS Akron, different from others as it was filled with helium and not flammable hydrogen making it safer in a sense. But just like all big and mighty things, the bigger they are the harder they fall and that is what happened to the USS Akron. The fatal accident would kill 73 people onboard and would bring an end to the airship period.....

    #thegoodthebadandthepureevi #history #stories #didyouknow #nowyouknow #accidents #crashes #death #YouTube #youtuber #podcasts #storytelling #seacrashes #seadeaths #airships #USA #USNavy #helium

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    8 mins
  • John Wilkes Booth: A President's Assassin
    Dec 12 2022

    Hello friends! Welcome back to the Good, the Bad and the Pure Evil. Todays episode is about the assassin of President Lincoln - John Wilkes Booth an actor who was fully confederate and hated Lincoln passionately. Booths was an actor and was the sexiest man alive in his hay day but with Lincolns slaying he became the most hated man alive! After the killing Booth fled and went into hiding eventually being found and killed....

    #thegoodthebadandthepureevil #mychannel #YouTube #youtuber #history #podcast #applepodcast #crimesofhistory #crimes #presidents #killings #assassinations #death #didyouknow #nowyouknow #knowthefacts #storytelling #whoknew #civilwar #confederates #johnwilkesbooth #thefall #AbrahamLincoln #presidentLincoln

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    22 mins
  • Jimmy Hoffa: The Teamster's Disappearance
    Dec 7 2022

    Hello friends, welcome back to the good, the bad and the pure evil. Todays episode we look at Jimmy Hoffa, the man to go against Robert Kennedy in the McClellan case for corruption. He spent most of the 1960s in jail for fraud and wire tapping. Once out he wanted to regain his position as head of the teamsters but.....others had a different plan for Hoffa.....

    #thegoodthebadandthepureevil #mychannel #YouTube #youtuber #podcast #crime #crimehistory #history #stories #storytelling #jimmyhoffa #hoffa #organisedcrime #teamsters #union #corruption #fraud #kennedys #president #revenge #disappearance #unsolved #mystery

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    17 mins
  • Luis Garavito : The Columbian Beast
    Dec 4 2022

    Hello friends, welcome to the good, the bad and the pure evil.Todays's episode is about Luis Garavito known as The Beast. He was a serial killer in Columbia with kills well into the hundreds! He was arrested and sentenced to over 1000 years in jail BUT Columbia have a limit of 40 years AND if you help the police with Luis did the sentenced was halved so Luis , The Beast, who killed hundreds of children is up for parole in 22 years.... 2023......

    #mychannel #thegoodthebadandthepureevil #history #crimes #killer #death #columbia #murder #sentenced #YouTube #crimeaddict #didyouknow #nowyouknow #yourcrimefix #evil #pureevil #LuisGaravito #thebeast

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    16 mins
  • 16th Street Baptist Church Bombing
    Nov 27 2022

    Hello friends, welcome back to The Good, The Bad and The Pure Evil. Todays episode is about the 16th Street Baptist Church, happening September 15 1963. Four little girls lost their life when the church blew up from planted explosions. It would be years before the culprits were arrested and convicted of this murder. The event is said to be the catalyst for the civil rights movement and the spark that forced the signing of the civil rights act 1964.

    #YouTube #podcast #mychannel #yourchannel #thegoodthebadandthepureevil #civilrights #civilrightsmovement #change #crime #murder #death #convicted #trialed #history #didyouknow #nowyouknow #16thStreetBaptistchurch #bombing #segregation #violence #racism #racial #discrimination #martinlutherkingjr #evil

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    19 mins
  • Karen Silkwood: A Whistleblowers Mystery
    Nov 23 2022

    Hello friends, welcome back to The Good, The Bad and The Pure Evil. Todays episode is the mystery death or Karen Silkwood, Karen worked at the Kerr and McGee nuclear plant and was part of the union. Soon she would notice health and safety issues some extremely dangerous. Karen herself was also contaminated with plutonium. She had enough and was about to go public, leaving a union meeting with papers in hand, Karen was heading to meet a journalist to tell her tale. But an accident on her way meant she never made it. Suspicion is high with Karen's death, the accident scene didn't add up to reports and the documents she was seen with were gone........

    #mychannel #yourchannel #thegoodthebadandthepureevil #mystery #history #death #mysterious #whistleblower #nuclearpower #accident #didyouknow #nowyouknow #karensilkwood #killed

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    11 mins
  • Progroms: Wreaking Havoc on Others
    Nov 21 2022

    Hello friends! Welcome back to The Good, The Bad and The Pure Evil. Today we are talking about Progroms, the word comes from the Russian language and means roughly to cause or wreak havoc but the word Progrom in history escalates that into violence and killings against usually Jews but has being known to hit other groups too. The tale today looks at the history of programs from the 1800 right up to the 2000s. The word is still used today.....

    #yourchannel #mychannel #thegoodthebadandthepureevil #history #crimes #violence #mob #historytales #historystories #didyouknow #nowyouknow #storytelling #jews #jewish #russian #russia #ukraine #riots #destroying #havoc

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    12 mins
  • The Sinking of SS Athenia
    Nov 16 2022

    Hello friends! Welcome back to The Good, The Bad and The Pure Evil. Todays tale is about the sinking of SS Athenia, not the worse tale and probably a tale more mistakes than purpose but it is one of lies and cover ups. The SS Athenia was torpedoed by the German submarine U30 however it wouldn't be until the Nuremberg trials that this would be confirmed as true because the Germans would deny any involvement until then, logs were altered and cover ups were done.....

    #mychannel #yourchannel #YouTube #podcast #thegoodthebadandthepureevil #history #SSAthenia #Lies #coverups #altered #deaths #germany #worldwar2 #ww2 #submarine #torpedoed #accident #mistake #storytelling #historytelling

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    11 mins