Welcome to the 2nd Episode...well the 1st in the New Series...Parents, Let's Pray. I wanted to kick it off with this series, well because God said so... but because I believe most importantly I have been feeling a sense of urgency to really pray for our children, yes OUR Children ...yours included. If you are not aware they are constantly bombarded with either ideologies, morals and values that simply do not align with the Word of God. This is the simplest way I can put it. Additionally, my 14 year old started High School. And, if High School is anything of what I remembered... probably worst if you ask me, then I really need to cover my son continually as he enters this new season of his life. In this episode I share some of those ideologies in our CULTure today... I even share when (heavy on the when) God told me to start this Podcast...prepare to be surprised! My apologies if lengthy, I just had some things to share...but I promise they will not be this long moving forward... always remember that grace + love is a part of Living The Crowned Life!