• Sharing the Creation - 180013
    Nov 22 2020

    Christians understand the basic facts of creation from the biblical record. This doctrine is foundational to the biblical worldview and all other biblical doctrines. How is this most effectively shared with those who do not believe? There is no perfect way of reaching every mind, but there are a few principles that can greatly increase the likelihood of productive engagement with those who do not yet know their Creator. Join us as we share these simple rules for reaching others with the everlasting gospel that all Christians are called to share with the world!

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    29 mins
  • Believing the Bible and Believing Science - 180012
    Nov 15 2020

    There is a myth that has been repeated over and over again, yet no amount of repetition can make it true. It says that Christians live in a world of faith that somehow denies reality and that science is only about reality. According to these twin falsehoods, Christians must put aside their faith to be scientists and science has ultimate authority when it comes to the truth about our world and our origin. Join us as we discover why many of the greatest scientists, both past and living, have been led by their Christian faith to be scientists.

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    29 mins
  • Alternative to the Biblical Creation - 180011
    Nov 9 2020

    The biblical record of a 6-day creation thousands of years ago appears to be impossible to reconcile with the Darwinian theory of evolution over billions of years. Surprisingly, this doesn’t stop people from trying to find some kind of compromise between these two very different perspectives. We will look at the most commonly embraced “compromise” position among Christians and ask whether or not it really works, either as science or theology. How does the true account of origins given in the Bible tell us about the Creator that other views contradict?

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    29 mins
  • DNA and Design - 180010
    Nov 2 2020

    DNA is amazing, but what exactly is it? What does it do in every living thing? Why is DNA just the right material for the function it performs? Why does just about everyone who studies it acknowledge that DNA at least looks designed? Are there good reasons for Darwinists to deny that DNA is evidence of design? What does DNA tell us about the Creator who wrote out the instructions for life in this remarkable molecule?

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    29 mins
  • Good Creation and Natural Evil - 180009
    Oct 25 2020

    Despite the creation’s elegance and beauty, it is clear that there is something wrong in the world. Where does all the death and suffering marring the creation come from? How does the Bible help us to understand the current state of the creation and the Creator’s solution to the problem?

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    29 mins
  • Creation and Human Relationships - 180008
    Oct 19 2020

    Where do dehumanizing political philosophies like Marxism or Fascism come from? Why do some people believe that slaughtering babies, if they are an inconvenience, is morally acceptable while Bible-believers value life and believe every human is an invaluable treasure? Understanding this is necessary if we wish to understand the world in which we live. It is also invaluable as we seek to enjoy productive relationships with each other and the God who created every human being.

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    29 mins
  • Seeing Beauty in the Creation - 180007
    Oct 12 2020

    For a Bible-believing Christian, nature is filled with beauty. We know in the depths of our hearts that the tragedy of sin has terribly damaged God’s creation, yet it still reveals breathtaking beauty everywhere we look. What does this tell us about the Creator? How does the artist Nathan Green respond to what he sees and paints from nature?

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    28 mins
  • Evidence of the Recent Creation - 180006
    Oct 5 2020

    Living things provide abundant evidence of their relatively recent creation. Claims that life, and death, are billions of years old exploit the fact that we can’t do time travel to see if they are true. All we can do is consider the record of the past we have in God’s Word and in His creation. Join us as we examine just a little of the clear evidence that life on Earth is thousands rather than millions of years old.

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    29 mins