• S1.E4 | The 2 Things You Need to Live a Life You Love
    Jul 19 2021

    Have you heard about my Progress Elevator?
    (I talked about it in the last episode.)

    This metaphor for progress shows that you can't reach your ultimate goal or become the best version of yourself without all of the lessons and experiences that you've gone through.

    Progress builds upon itself in an exponential way, even in times when it feels like it is stalling. Every time you start over, you're actually starting AGAIN with more clarity and alignment. It's never a failure because you're working from a higher level now.

    Don't let other people weigh down your elevator.

    When you feel stuck in your current circumstances, you may feel like giving up. You may feel like the effort to move forward isn't worth it or you may start doubting that there's any reason to try in the first place.

    If you're in this place, it's easy to let others chime in and influence how you live your life. If you don't have confidence in yourself and what you're doing and why you're doing it, you aren't able to persevere when those doubts creep in.

    So, what do you need to get to that secure place?

    1. Your Big Why

    2. Your Cosmic Truths (aka personal principles)

    These are two powerful assets in your mindset toolkit.  Tune in to learn more about them in this episode!

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    21 mins
  • S1.E3 | Progress is a Manual Elevator
    Jul 12 2021


    The journey of progress and growth is unique and personal. No one goes through it in exactly the same way, but I have found that creating clear metaphors can help us learn and understand the process better.

    So, in today’s episode, I am explaining how…

    Progress is a manual elevator.

    Not just any elevator, a MANUAL elevator. The kind that requires you to crank a lever and make the gears turn so they interlock and slowly lift you to a higher level. This kind of elevator takes time and effort. It isn’t high-speed and sometimes it will even stall out on you, but that’s okay. It’s all part of the progress journey.


    1. The Platform - This is what’s holding you up. It is the level you are currently on in your life. The platform represents the PRESENT moment.

    2. The Lever - This represents the time and effort that true growth and progress require.

    3. The Floor Levels - Each level of the Progress Elevator is an epiphany moment or a stopping point on your journey. As you move up, you move closer to your highest self and your goal.

    4. The Gears - The gears represent personal alignment because if they aren’t lined up correctly, they won’t work and your elevator will not move. Alignment happens when we make choices and take action that is in line with our values and principles.


    The Progress Elevator only goes up. You cannot come crashing down if you remain on one level for a long period of time. Every time you start to crank that lever and put in the effort to find alignment and move towards your goal, you’re starting from a higher level.

    When you feel like you’re stuck and are afraid of “starting over”, remember how many floors you’ve already passed. You can’t get to the top without first moving through these lower levels. There is no such thing as failure when you recognize that every level below brought you to where you are now and you can only go UP!


    In this episode of The Cosmic Creative Podcast, I talk about the different levels I have moved through on my Progress Elevator. Tune in and hang out with me for some inspiration and clarity!


    FOLLOW ON IG: @CosmicCreativeCircle

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    20 mins
  • S1.E2 | Appreciating the Journey
    Jul 5 2021

    Hey, friends!

    I hope you enjoyed part one of Appreciating the Journey with me and Scarlett (@thebizhippie) last week.


    We couldn't contain our excitement for growth and awe over all the magic that has happened in just one episode.

    In this second half, we are talking about...

    • Pivoting is not the same as failure
    • Everything comes back to nature
    • Epiphanies!
    • Journaling intuitive messages
    • The connection between the emotional and physical bodies
    • Childhood and how we write our own story
    • Self-care before business
    • and lots of fun in between!

    Tune in and hang with us!


    THE CCC INSTAGRAM: @cosmiccreativecircle
    SUBSCRIBE TO EMAILS: The Cosmic Creative Podcast

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    42 mins
  • S1.E1 | Appreciating the Journey
    Jun 28 2021


    Hey friends! Super excited because the podcast is back in action!

    A couple of weeks ago, I was hanging with my friend Scarlett aka The Biz Hippie (@thebizhippie) and we decided that so much had happened for us in the last couple of months that we needed to sit down and record it.

    It's funny how days seem to fly by with minimal change, but when you really look back, absolutely everything has shifted.


    We actually ended up talking for over an hour so I broke this up into 2 parts! No exaggeration, when I sat down to prep for what we were chatting about in this episode, I listed THIRTY significant life changes that have happened in only a few months.

    In part one, we talk about…

    • A magical moment that we shared while reading tarot cards together
    • Different ways we process and feel energy
    • Struggles of being an empath
    • Our friendship story
    • The significance of journaling
    • Putting yourself first
    • Handling loss and grief
    • Magic and spiritual connections
    • Validation and acceptance from family
    • Powerful mindset shifts when you release resistance
    • Growth is exponential
    • Breaking free from comfort zones
    • There is no such thing as failure


    The second part of our hang sesh will be shared in the next episode, so be sure to subscribe to the channel so you don't miss it.

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    32 mins
  • 06: Eliminating Limiting Beliefs
    Feb 15 2021


    I've been doing a bit of research and reaching out to people I know who fit my target audience for tiibii Creative and this podcast. I asked each of them the magic wand question, which I got from Amy Porterfield.

    "If I could wave a magic wand over your business and get you the exact results you want in one area, what would those results look like?"

    The responses I received were focused on the tangible numbers that most people have determined mean you're "successful". Metrics like follower count, email list size, number of leads, and sales goals. This didn't really surprise me. This is what many successful business owners will tell you to pay attention to. The key part they don't usually mention is what is required behind the scenes to make those numbers happen.

    When you first get started on your new business, it's easy to get sucked into all the things that need to be done every day and lose sight of the bigger picture.

    Often times, money is the motivator here. We've all got to eat, right? We've been trapped in the hustle culture.

    “Gotta keep working! No days off! No grind, no glory!”

    If you've been stuck in this mentality, I'm sorry to tell you that you're probably headed straight for burn-out. Do you know how many quality followers and sales leads you're likely to gain during burn-out? Zip.

    What you need to realize is that the true power behind your business is your own health and well-being. It's the QUALITY of your energy that you allow to fuel your business. If you are operating from frantic, fear-based energy, your content is going to fall flat, and you’re not going to make connections with the soulmate clients and customers that you’re after.

    If you've pushed yourself completely to the side to make space for your business, things are going to start slipping through the cracks.

    Ya know, the little things like…

    1. Proper sleep

    2. Relationships

    3. Hormonal health

    4. Nutrition


    These are the things you should be holding sacred and protecting above all else.

    If your branding and offers aren't in line with who you are on every level, you'll feel like everything is an uphill battle. This is because you're working directly against yourself without even realizing it.

    When you try to gain momentum with a brand that is not aligned, you may find that you start self-sabotaging and allow limiting beliefs to dictate your actions. You will struggle to create content for social media, you won’t know who you are trying to reach, and you’ll lack the drive and confidence to land clients and actually make some money.


    In this episode, I share the biggest game-changer for my business. Tune in to the full episode to find out what it was and learn a bit about my story!

    HINT: It wasn't one of the endless marketing or sales strategies I learned from numerous courses by industry leaders. It wasn't changing my tech or editing my photos in a certain way. It wasn't spending money on Facebook ads or finally figuring out SEO for my website.

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    20 mins
  • 05: 16 Ways to Strengthen Your Intuition
    Feb 1 2021


    Is your intuition coming in loud and clear? Or could the two of you benefit from some quality time to catch up?

    Allowing your intuition to guide the choices you make is the key to living a life of passion, purpose, and peace. It is a surefire way to create a sense of ease and flow in your business and it can have a profoundly positive impact on your quality of life.


    You already have all of the knowledge and guidance you need. You just need to learn how to tune into it! In this episode, I share 16 ways your can strengthen your intuition.

    1. Meditate

    2. Pay attention to your other senses

    3. Tune into physical and emotional responses

    4. Start a dream journal

    5. Ask questions

    6. Write down your hunches

    7. Do something creative

    8. Spend time in nature

    9. Use tarot cards

    10. Start a breathwork practice

    11. Learn from your past

    12. Engage in repetitive activities

    13. Use Amethyst crystals

    14. Release your resistance

    15. Take immediate action

    16. Trust yourself

    Listen to the full episode to learn more about each method! Which are you most excited to try?
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    21 mins
  • 04: Which inner voice are you listening to?
    Feb 1 2021


    The world lately seems so loud. With the power of the internet, everyone can share their opinions and thoughts at any time from anywhere. On one hand, this is great! It is what makes this podcast possible. But on the other hand, it can be easy to get lost and start believing that these opinions and thoughts are your own.

    This can lead to feelings of disconnection and dissociation. You may believe it is easier to do what you're told and ignore your inner voice because it’s the path of least resistance. This will only leave you feeling more stuck and more lost. If you want to live in a state of flow, you have to learn how to strengthen and trust your inner guide.


    If you do take the time to get quiet and tune into your mind, you may start feeling like there are two separate voices in there. I’m referring to your intuition and your inner critic. It may feel like you have an angel on one shoulder and a devil on the other. The inner dialogue between these two guides is SO important because it sets the stage for all of your wins and your “failures”.

    > Your Inner Critic

    When making decisions in your life and business, you may think that you are being guided in the right direction. If you really reflect on this though, it could be that your fears and doubts are taking the reigns.

    Your inner critic knows you incredibly well. It’s been with you your whole life and it isn’t afraid to use all of your insecurities against you. This is that voice that critiques everything you do and tells you that you aren’t enough. This is the voice that you have to tell to GO SCREW.

    > Your Intuition

    When you strengthen and learn how to trust your intuition, it will never lead you astray. It may terrify you and push you to dramatically step out of your comfort zone, but that is how you grow. This is the only voice that you need to be listening to.

    When you first start listening to your intuition, your inner critic is only going to get louder until you learn how to tune it out. Tell that jerk to sit down and be quiet!

    Your intuition is that sense of knowing without needing proof, logic, or reason. You can just feel it in your gut when something is right or wrong. Once you connect to your inner power, everything in your life and business will start to flow almost effortlessly.

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    17 mins
  • 03: 3 Profit-Boosting Strategies Your Business Should Be Leveraging
    Jan 18 2021

    Episode 03 opens with a little behind the scenes share regarding my recent challenges with the podcast and how visualization helped me realign my focus.

    I decided to loosely follow a structure for the episodes moving forward to ensure that I am maintaining a balance between theory and action.

    For each topic, I plan on sharing an introduction episode that discusses the idea in general followed by an episode focused specifically on why it matters for your brand and how you can take action.

    Can you guess what the 3 profit-boosting strategies your business should be leveraging are? (HINT: It's not evaluating inventory, updating your website, or reducing overhead.)

    I'm talking about those POWERFUL game-changers:
    1. Gratitude
    2. Visualization
    3. Reflection.

    You can leverage all 3 together to dramatically improve your business and overall well-being.

    DOWNLOAD THE VISUALIZATION TOOLKIT: http://bit.ly/cbpVizToolkit

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    20 mins