
  • New Screen Biography "Widow Clicquot"
    Sep 10 2024
    What makes us successful as creative beings? That’s a question that scholars, philosophers and artists have been asking rhetorically for eons. Much, of course, depends on the nature of the creation. A lot also depends on the traits and temperaments of the creators. But the actual mix of attributes necessary for achieving such fulfillment may ultimately be difficult to define – or, as the French might say, a certain je ne sais quoi. Find out more in a review of the new screen biography, "Widow Clicquot," on the next edition of The Cinema Scribe.
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    16 mins
  • New Fact-Based Drama "Sing Sing"
    Aug 27 2024
    When everything gets taken away from one’s life, it must be nearly impossible to find something that provides a meaningful reason to carry on. The pervasive sense of hopelessness that sets in makes it difficult to establish a purpose in one’s existence. And so it often is for the incarcerated, individuals faced with an uncertain future of indeterminate duration. One can’t help but wonder whether even the prospect of rehabilitation will actually pan out as a viable option. But, for some, there's hope nevertheless. Find out more in a review of the new, fact-based drama, "Sing Sing," on the next edition of The Cinema Scribe.
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    14 mins
  • Indie Comedy-Drama "Late Bloomers"
    Aug 13 2024
    In an age where personal accountability has become increasingly hard to come by, it’s comforting to know that it’s never too late to grow up. Granted, willingly assuming responsibility for our actions and attitudes may not always be easy, pleasant or fun, but it’s something we all must ultimately do, no matter how much we may not want to. Once we do, however, we may discover aspects of ourselves that we never knew about. Find out more in a review of the new indie comedy-drama, "Late Bloomers," on the next edition of The Cinema Scribe.
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    18 mins
  • New Romantic Mystery "Touch" Movie Review
    Jul 23 2024
    No matter how well life may treat us, almost everyone undergoes a memorable, fulfilling experience that, unfortunately, doesn’t last as long as we thought (or hoped) it would. These scenarios – usually romantic in nature – leave such profound, enduring impressions on us that we can’t shake them when they end, often abruptly and somewhat unceremoniously. We tend to look back upon them fondly, but we also can’t help but feel saddled with a certain measure of ennui that they didn’t endure. Indeed, what might have been. Find out more in a review of the new romantic mystery, "Touch," on the next edition of The Cinema Scribe.
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    15 mins
  • New Comedy-Drama-Action Thriller "Thelma"
    Jul 9 2024
    According to playwright David Mamet, “Age and treachery will always beat youth and exuberance.” The kind of wisdom that comes from life experience can be tapped and put to use in many ways, particularly when others try to pull the wool over the eyes of those who’ve been around for a while and have had ample opportunity to stockpile such seasoned and shrewd sagacity. And, when that aptitude is combined with the personal confidence necessary to make a difference in situations where justice is clearly called for, the wrongdoers should take heed. Find out more in a review of the new comedy-drama-action thriller, "Thelma," on the next edition of The Cinema Scribe.
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    18 mins
  • New Cinematic Fable "Tuesday"
    Jun 25 2024
    Death. It’s a subject that many of us don’t want to deal with, let alone feel comfortable talking about. It can be especially difficult when it involves someone we care deeply about. Yet death is the one fate we all ultimately share, so it’s not something we can conveniently try to avoid. Given that, then, this is an eventuality that we must all find a way to accept. Find out more in a review of the new cinematic fable, "Tuesday," on the next edition of The Cinema Scribe.
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    20 mins
  • Heartwarming Comedy-Drama "The Miracle Club”
    Jun 11 2024
    When answers are elusive, we often become frustrated that we can’t find them. That can be especially aggravating when the sought-after solutions are meant to address particularly difficult questions. We’re thus left wondering what to do. However, at times like these, we often resort to embarking on physical or spiritual journeys to tangible or metaphorical destinations that are believed to possess special qualities that serve as sources of inspiration and enlightenment. Find out more in a review of the heartwarming comedy-drama, "The Miracle Club," on the next edition of The Cinema Scribe.
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    16 mins
  • Freud's Last Session
    May 28 2024
    In all truthfulness, how often do most of us take the time to contemplate life’s “big issues”? Given the importance and impact they have on us, one might think they’re something we should all examine in greater detail and on a more frequent basis than we probably do. Yet we often find ourselves distracted by the comparatively inconsequential minutiae of everyday life, setting aside those grand questions that we must all ultimately address for ourselves. And, as the number of days ahead of us begins to dwindle, we’re frequently forced to scramble for insights. Find out more in a review of the engaging philosophical drama, "Freud's Last Session," on the next edition of The Cinema Scribe.
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    17 mins