• Heroes HELP and Bullies HURT, Therefore a Bully Is the OPPOSITE of a HERO
    Nov 19 2021

    Please visit us at www.Patreon.com/TheCharacterNetwork to help support TCN and help us keep providing these unique and extremely effective research based Bully and Violence Prevention and Character Education Programs to schools around the world, and help more kids who desperately need special intervention. Go to www.TheCharacterNetwork.org to learn more and get involved. Thank you! Public use in schools requires a site license, please visit The Character Network to find out how your school can get these life changing program as a part of the TCN METHOD for school violence and bully prevention.

    Go HERE for a Free Copy of Jim Lord's Life Changing Breakthrough Novel, Mr. Delaney's Mirror, A Reflection of Your Futurehttps://bit.ly/GetDelaneysMirrorHere


    A HERO is someone who does something special to HELP OTHERS. Every hero STARTS as a CHILD, and every Child can CHOOSE to become a Hero... And I Know that YOU Can Be a HERO TOO!

    Well, it’s a Friday morning, and it’s the 22nd day of October. 

    So, do you know what today is?  It’s National NUT Day!!  And I’m SO excited!  It looks like I finally got my OWN National Day of Recognition!!  What?  What?  NO... so your saying it’s not THAT kind of nut?  Oh, you’re saying it’s the kind you eat?  Here, give me that...  Okay, it says here, “Nuts are a highly prized food and energy source and some are a primary source of nutrients for both humans and wildlife.  Many nuts are excellent sources of vitamins E and B2. 

    They are also rich in protein, fiber, and essential minerals such as magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, copper, and selenium.”  Hmmm. 

    So, Happy National Nut Day to you! 

    Even though it isn’t about me...


    Well, the upcoming story doesn’t have ANYTHING to do with nuts, but it is another story involving MY favorite teacher, Mr. Delaney.  Mr. Delaney always talked a LOT with his class about becoming HEROES by HELPING others, you know, instead of hurting others. 

    And in this story, he talks about the IMPORTANCE of HELPING.  So, here we go!  The story is called The End of the Year Discussion, and it starts right now.


    The End of the Year Discussion

    Toward the end of every school year, after all the testing is done, Mr. Delaney likes having discussions with his class. And of course, one of his favorite subjects is that of HELPING others instead of hurting them. “Why should we all be HELPERS,” he asked his class. One girl said, “It makes the world a better place.”

    Another student said, “It makes life easier for someone having a hard time.” Someone else said, “It makes everybody friendlier.”

    But there was a new kid in the class who had just moved from another city. He spent a lot of his time picking on other kids. He said, “Life is not always JUST about HELPING, you know.”

    “Really” said Mr. Delaney, “Then what is it all about?” The boy thought—for longer than just a moment and finally said proudly, “It’s about having fun!” Mr. Delaney started...

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    12 mins
  • National "Get Smart About Credit Day," and The Hundred Dollar Bill
    Nov 19 2021
    Go HERE for a Free Copy of Jim Lord's Life Changing Breakthrough Novel, Mr. Delaney's Mirror, A Reflection of Your Futurehttps://bit.ly/GetDelaneysMirrorHere

    Please visit us at www.Patreon.com/TheCharacterNetwork to help support TCN and help us keep providing these unique and extremely effective research based Bully and Violence Prevention and Character Education Programs to schools around the world, and help more kids who desperately need special intervention. Go to www.TheCharacterNetwork.org to learn more and get involved. Thank you! Public use in schools requires a site license, please visit The Character Network to find out how your school can get these life changing program as a part of the TCN METHOD for school violence and bully prevention.


    A HERO is someone who does something special to HELP OTHERS. Every hero STARTS as a CHILD, and every Child can CHOOSE to become a Hero... And I Know that YOU Can Be a HERO TOO!

    Good morning kids and

    parents!  It’s a THURSDAY...the 21st

    day of October.   And, today is National

    Get Smart About Credit Day.  It’s a national campaign where volunteer bankers help counsel young people on responsible credit habits.  We talked a few days ago about SAVING money.  Well learning about credit and how to handle it responsibly is certainly an important part of money management.  Now, you may be too young to have a line of credit with a bank, but you are CERTAINLY not too young to learn about how credit works and how to be responsible with it.  So, happy National Get Smart About Credit Day.

    And along those lines of thinking, coming up is a story about a moment of honesty where money is concerned.  I hope you like it.  It’s called simply, “The Hundred Dollar Bill,” and it starts right now!


    “Oh my goodness, look! That lady just dropped a hundred dollar bill, and she doesn’t even know it!” Dana and her two friends were at the convenience store when they saw the whole thing. One of Dana’s friends picked it up, and the other friend said, “Now we can buy anything we want!”

    “No,” said Dana, “it’s not right.”

    “What’s wrong with you,” said one of the other girls?

    “Do you remember when Mrs. McBride talked to us about seeing ourselves in the future, all grown up and everything?” Mrs. McBride was the school principal, and she was always talking about personal vision. “What kind of person do you want to be when you’re an adult? Do you want to be a person who is respected, who has integrity, who is responsible?” She would say that, and a lot more, too. Dana told her friends, “When I’m 30, I don’t want to look back and realize that I was a thief.”

    Well, the other girls didn’t really have a response for that—not anything that sounded intelligent, anyway. “Besides,” Dana said, “the lady probably worked hard for that money, and I know I would be hurt if someone took money from me, even if I thought I just lost it.

    So, the other two girls now had a choice. They could keep the money, they could drop it back on the floor where they found it, OR they...

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    10 mins
  • It's National YOUTH CONFIDENCE DAY and the Mickey Mantle Story
    Nov 19 2021
    Go HERE for a Free Copy of Jim Lord's Life Changing Breakthrough Novel, Mr. Delaney's Mirror, A Reflection of Your Futurehttps://bit.ly/GetDelaneysMirrorHere

    Please visit us at www.Patreon.com/TheCharacterNetwork to help support TCN and help us keep providing these unique and extremely effective research based Bully and Violence Prevention and Character Education Programs to schools around the world, and help more kids who desperately need special intervention. Go to www.TheCharacterNetwork.org to learn more and get involved. Thank you! Public use in schools requires a site license, please visit The Character Network to find out how your school can get these life changing program as a part of the TCN METHOD for school violence and bully prevention.


    A HERO is someone who does something special to HELP OTHERS. Every hero STARTS as a CHILD, and every Child can CHOOSE to become a Hero... And I Know that YOU Can Be a HERO TOO!

    TCN Mornings Episode 251 -

    Wednesday, October 20, 2021

    Hey kids!  Hey parents! 

    It's Wednesday, the 20th day of October.  AND...... It is National Youth Confidence Day!  I’m quoting now from the National Day Calendar website: “Building a framework of positive role models is vital to developing responsible, confident young adults. Incidentally, National Youth Confidence Day, on October 20, encourages us to connect and inspire today’s youth for tomorrow’s success.”  Wait a minute!  Isn’t that what we do EVERY DAY here at TCN Mornings?  Well, at any rate, welcome into National Youth Confidence Day!!

    AND... if today, happens to be your birthday, HAPPY BIRTHDAY to you! 

    Someone else who was born on this day was a man named Mickey.  What? 

    NO...I said a MAN, not a mouse...Come on!!  His name is Mickey Mantle, and you know when I was your age, Mickey Mantle was REALLY big stuff in baseball!  He was one of the greatest baseball players of all time.  His story is called The Mickey Mantle Story, and it starts right now.


    So, did you notice it started when Mickey Mantle was a kid.  And not just a kid, a LITTLE kid.

    Now, does that mean if YOU start seriously practicing baseball (or whatever sport) as a kid, YOU will become one of the GREAT athletes someday? 

    Well, maybe.  But maybe not.  Some people’s natural talents ARE in sports.  But for most of us, that’s not the case.  HOWEVER, there IS SOMETHING that you CAN be REALLY REALLY good at. 

    Something that, if you discover what it is and develop it, it will serve you well!  So, keep your eyes and ears open.  Look for what interests you and learn all you can about it. Look for those things you are good at doing.

    Develop your talent to the best it can possibly be.  Then use that talent to help yourself, your family, AND (and this is important, too!) Use your talent to HELP others.  And you, too, can become a hero! Oh, and this being YOUTH CONFIDENCE Day... there

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    12 mins
  • It's Our 250th EPISODE! National KENTUCKY Day, and THUMPER gets STOPPED
    Nov 19 2021

    Please visit us at www.Patreon.com/TheCharacterNetwork to help support TCN and help us keep providing these unique and extremely effective research based Bully and Violence Prevention and Character Education Programs to schools around the world, and help more kids who desperately need special intervention. Go to www.TheCharacterNetwork.org to learn more and get involved. Thank you! Public use in schools requires a site license, please visit The Character Network to find out how your school can get these life changing program as a part of the TCN METHOD for school violence and bully prevention.

    Go HERE for a Free Copy of Jim Lord's Life Changing Breakthrough Novel, Mr. Delaney's Mirror, A Reflection of Your Futurehttps://bit.ly/GetDelaneysMirrorHere


    A HERO is someone who does something special to HELP OTHERS. Every hero STARTS as a CHILD, and every Child can CHOOSE to become a Hero... And I Know that YOU Can Be a HERO TOO!

    TCN Mornings Episode 250 - Transcript for Tuesday, October 19, 2021

    Hey kids, welcome into your Tuesday, the 19th day of October, AND this is episode number 250 for TCN Mornings, so how about that?! Today is also National Kentucky Day! Yeah! It seems that October 19th, is when we recognize Kentucky for becoming the 15th state in the United States. (But, actually, Kentucky became a state on June 1st, 1792...so why is October 19th the day we recognize and celebrate that? Well, your guess is as good as mine. Maybe it’s because June 1st had already been taken for National Go Barefoot Day? Mhm, that’s a thing, and come June 1st, WE will be celebrating that!!) Anyway, Kentucky is known as the Bluegrass State, and also home to the Kentucky Derby, and Fort Knox. It’s also the birthplace of one the nation’s most beloved presidents. So, happy National Kentucky Day!

    Okay! Let’s get going with this Tuesday edition of TCN Mornings.

    So, have you ever been in a situation where somebody was just relentless in trying to make your life miserable? Well, don’t feel alone. There are indeed those people out there who seem to have nothing better to do than to torment someone else. A kid named Anthony was the recipient of his own daily torment in the story coming up. He tried to remain quiet about it, but one day, he just couldn’t. The story is called “Thumper Gets Stopped!” And it starts right now:

    Thumper Gets Stopped.

    And there it is! So, have you ever let someone hurt you repeatedly without reporting it to an adult? If you have, why? And maybe this is a good time to talking about “reporting.” You know, nobody wants to be a tattle-tale or a snitch, or whatever you want to call it. But that’s a lot different from “REPORTING.” Tattling is like when you “tell on” somebody for ... what ...chewing gum when they’re not supposed to ... or something like that. And that’s something you really never want to do. Because, well, it’s not your business, and that’s just their own character flaw that they need to deal with. BUT...when someone is causing HARM to someone else, or damaging someone’s property, TELLING an adult about it is not tattling. That’s reporting. And when any...

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    12 mins
  • It's National Chocolate Cupcake Day and... HERO cookies?
    Nov 19 2021

    Please visit us at www.Patreon.com/TheCharacterNetwork to help support TCN and help us keep providing these unique and extremely effective research based Bully and Violence Prevention and Character Education Programs to schools around the world, and help more kids who desperately need special intervention. Go to www.TheCharacterNetwork.org to learn more and get involved. Thank you! Public use in schools requires a site license, please visit The Character Network to find out how your school can get these life changing program as a part of the TCN METHOD for school violence and bully prevention.

    Go HERE for a Free Copy of Jim Lord's Life Changing Breakthrough Novel, Mr. Delaney's Mirror, A Reflection of Your Futurehttps://bit.ly/GetDelaneysMirrorHere


    A HERO is someone who does something special to HELP OTHERS. Every hero STARTS as a CHILD, and every Child can CHOOSE to become a Hero... And I Know that YOU Can Be a HERO TOO!

    TCN Mornings Episode 249 - Monday, October 18, 2021

    Hey kids, welcome into your Monday, the 18th day of October. Today is National Chocolate Cupcake Day! Yep, National Chocolate Cupcake Day. Now, first of all, while I think this is GREAT, I wonder if the National Cupcake Day thing is just a little over done. For example, there actually IS a National Cupcake Day... It’s on November 15th. AND, there’s a National Vanilla Cupcake Day on November 10th, not to mention National Chocolate Day on October 28th. But it is what it is, I guess, and TODAY, we celebrate National CHOCOLATE Cupcake Day. So, if you’re gonna do it, you might as well do it right! Do you remember last Friday when Krista from Glen Rose Texas gave us the recipe for Chocolate Chip Pudding Cake? Well WE did some baking here at the Lord household, AND a little experimenting, and THAT cake recipe makes AMAZING cupcakes, too!! So, try it for yourself! Go back into Archives at TCNmornings.com, and just look for Friday’s episode wherever you get your podcasts and get recipe!

    Well, speaking of cupcake recipes... the story coming up is about just that... It’s called ... wait, what? ..... OH...okay, okay. It isn’t about making cupcakes, it’s about making cookies! Yeah. Well, anyway, it was ALMOST a perfect segue, and I think it’s a pretty good story, too. It’s called I Can’t Go, and it starts right now.

    I Can’t Go.

    So, have you ever had to turn friends down because your parents wouldn’t let you go somewhere with them? How did that make you feel? Also, why do you think Anna’s parents didn’t want her to go to some of these places? And finally, why do you think the girl called the cookies “HERO cookies?” Just some things to think about on this Monday morning.

    Well, coming up just around the corner, another quote from My Old Irish Pappy, The question of the Day, and A Reflection of Your Future...it’s all straight ahead on this Monday edition of TCN Mornings.

    But right now, this: If you’ve been with us a while, you’ve undoubtedly been hearing me talk about listening every weekday morning to TCN Mornings, and that you can simply go to TCNmornings.com and play each daily episode from there OR...

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    11 mins
  • National STOP BULLYING Day + Nicholas and the Three Tormentors
    Nov 19 2021
    Go HERE for a Free Copy of Jim Lord's Life Changing Breakthrough Novel, Mr. Delaney's Mirror, A Reflection of Your Futurehttps://bit.ly/GetDelaneysMirrorHere

    Please visit us at www.Patreon.com/TheCharacterNetwork to help support TCN and help us keep providing these unique and extremely effective research based Bully and Violence Prevention and Character Education Programs to schools around the world, and help more kids who desperately need special intervention. Go to www.TheCharacterNetwork.org to learn more and get involved. Thank you! Public use in schools requires a site license, please visit The Character Network to find out how your school can get these life changing program as a part of the TCN METHOD for school violence and bully prevention.


    A HERO is someone who does something special to HELP OTHERS. Every hero STARTS as a CHILD, and every Child can CHOOSE to become a Hero... And I Know that YOU Can Be a HERO TOO!

    TCN Mornings Episode 246 - Transcript for Wednesday, October 13, 2021

    Good morning kids and parents! It’s WEDNESDAY...the 13th day of October. So, we’re exactly half-way through the week. And ALMOST halfway through the month. Today is National Stop Bullying Day! So, since we talk about and promote being a HERO on this program, THAT, in fact, is just OPPOSITE of being a bully! How’s that, you say? Well, HEROES do what? They HELP others. And bullies do what? They HURT others. And, hurting is the opposite of HELPING, so therefore, a bully is the OPPOSITE of a HERO. I say we should work our hardest to FULFILL National Stop Bullying Day. What say YOU about that?

    Okay, so here’s a story that actually deals with a bullying incident involving 3 boys, and how a neighborhood GIRL took care of the situation! The story is called, “Nicholas and the Three Tormenters,” and it starts right now...

    Nicholas and the Three Tormenters

    Nicholas always knew he could be a better student, so at the beginning of this school year he decided he would start doing his best at everything. His class had a history project due on Friday, and he had been working on it for over three weeks now. When Friday came, his was the best one in the class!

    On the way home that day, a boy from his class and two boys from another class called him over to talk with him. They started making fun of him. That’s when the boy from his class grabbed Nicholas’ backpack and began taking things out of it. He started throwing the things in different directions as hard as he could. The other boys just laughed.

    Across the street from where all this was taking place was another classmate, Rachel, who had just gotten home and saw the whole thing from her living room window. That’s when she quickly but calmly went outside and just stood there looking at the boys. “How much of your lives are you going to waste by being losers,” she asked? “Losers!? We’re not losers,” said one of the boys! “Then name one thing” she said, “just one, that doesn’t spell loser.” You know what, they couldn’t. They couldn’t think of an answer at all! “Okay, so why don’t start thinking of ways to HELP other...

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    10 mins
  • Happy National SAVINGS Day and the Warren Buffet Hero Story
    Nov 19 2021

    Please visit us at www.Patreon.com/TheCharacterNetwork to help support TCN and help us keep providing these unique and extremely effective research based Bully and Violence Prevention and Character Education Programs to schools around the world, and help more kids who desperately need special intervention. Go to www.TheCharacterNetwork.org to learn more and get involved. Thank you! Public use in schools requires a site license, please visit The Character Network to find out how your school can get these life changing program as a part of the TCN METHOD for school violence and bully prevention.

    Go HERE for a Free Copy of Jim Lord's Life Changing Breakthrough Novel, Mr. Delaney's Mirror, A Reflection of Your Futurehttps://bit.ly/GetDelaneysMirrorHere


    A HERO is someone who does something special to HELP OTHERS. Every hero STARTS as a CHILD, and every Child can CHOOSE to become a Hero... And I Know that YOU Can Be a HERO TOO!

    Hey kids and parents, welcome into your Tuesday, the 12th day of October. 

    Today is National SAVINGS Day! 

    And what a great day to start a SAVINGS account, if you don’t already have one.  Sometimes, it’s hard to even think about saving money, but we have no problem saving other things!  Some people save...baseballs.  Some people save...stamps.  Others save action figures, dolls, books, video games...all kinds of stuff!  I know, we call that “Collecting,” but it’s the same thing isn’t it?  So, if saving MONEY is hard to wrap your head around, just call it Collecting Money!! 

    And what a great time to start, here on National Savings Day!!  And one more quick point about that before we move on.  An easy way to do that is anytime you have a dollar, set back 20 cents before you spend that dollar.  Just pretend you DON’T HAVE that 20 cents.  If you have 5 dollars, set back a dollar.  Put it in a special place (a bank, if you can) and NEVER touch it. 

    When you have enough, INVEST it, and let IT make more money FOR you.  Talk to an investment professional and get some more good advice about that!! 

    And, yes, even KIDS can start saving and investing money!!  Your future self will thank you immensely!!


    The Beginning of a HERO: The Warren Buffet Story

    It was August 30, 1930 in Omaha, Nebraska that Mr. and Mrs. Buffet had their second child and named him Warren. Even as a very young child, Warren had a great interest in working to earn money. He would go door-to-door selling chewing gum, Coca-Cola, and weekly magazines. He was only ten years old when he visited the New York Stock exchange. The next year, he began investing his money. By the time he graduated from high school, he had accumulated many thousands of dollars! Over time, Warren Buffett would continue to work, invest his money, and buy stock in many, many companies. In 2008, he became the richest man in the world, owning very large parts of dozens of well-known companies, including Coca-Cola and American Express.

    But, now that he has earned SO MUCH MONEY, what does he do with it?...

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    11 mins
  • The Burger Battle Story, and, Always THINK Before you ACT, Y'Think?
    Nov 19 2021

    Please visit us at www.Patreon.com/TheCharacterNetwork to help support TCN and help us keep providing these unique and extremely effective research based Bully and Violence Prevention and Character Education Programs to schools around the world, and help more kids who desperately need special intervention. Go to www.TheCharacterNetwork.org to learn more and get involved. Thank you! Public use in schools requires a site license, please visit The Character Network to find out how your school can get these life changing program as a part of the TCN METHOD for school violence and bully prevention.

    Go HERE for a Free Copy of Jim Lord's Life Changing Breakthrough Novel, Mr. Delaney's Mirror, A Reflection of Your Futurehttps://bit.ly/GetDelaneysMirrorHere


    A HERO is someone who does something special to HELP OTHERS. Every hero STARTS as a CHILD, and every Child can CHOOSE to become a Hero... And I Know that YOU Can Be a HERO TOO!

    TCN Mornings Episode 244 - Monday, October 11, 2021

    Hey kids, welcome into your Monday, the 11th day of October. Today, of course it Columbus Day. It’s a national holiday—all banks and government offices are closed today, along with other businesses, too, and some schools. Columbus Day is always on the second Monday in October every year in the United States. And observance of Columbus Day signifies the day Columbus arrived in the Americas on October 12, 1492.

    For a long time, Christopher Columbus was given credit for actually discovering North America. However, long before Columbus was born, Leif Erikson landed on here. Christopher Columbus WAS and explorer, though, and he did sail across the Atlantic, more than once. In fact, he made four voyages across the Atlantic.

    But on his first voyage, he was looking for Asia. He and his crew landed their three ships somewhere near the modern-day Bahamas. While he may not have discovered an already populated continent, he did create an interest in exploring and colonizing North America.

    By the way, it was in 1937, that Columbus Day became a federal holiday in the United States. And it was in 1971 that it came to be observed on the second MONDAY in October instead of actually on October 12th.

    Okay! Well let’s get going with today’s Monday edition or TCN Mornings. It wasn’t on Columbus Day, and it wasn’t even on a Monday, but on a Saturday that the story coming up happened. It’s called The Burger Battle, and it starts right now.

    The Burger Battle Story

    Jamie and his dad were standing in line waiting for the lady at the register to take their order. It was something they had always done—a father and son day one Saturday a month, rain or shine. The man in front of them had just ordered two grilled chicken sandwiches and two orders of fries. When the lady repeated back the order, the man became angry, and said, “ONE order of fries, ONE order of fries, don’t you listen?!” And then he said some other things that brought tears to her eyes. “Dad, that man said two orders of fries, I heard him,” said Jamie. “I know, I heard him, too.”

    “But, Dad, he’s treating her horribly!” “OH yeah,” said his dad. “Yes he is.” Well, it was now...

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    12 mins