
  • Welcome to The Board Room - Sharing Our Vision
    Jun 21 2022

    On the very first episode of The Board Room, host Shea Dittrich introduces  listeners to the CINC team and the different roles each of the members play at the property management software company. In a day and age in which the Homeowners Association can get a bad reputation, the CINC team is here to correct the narrative. In their years working for the company, they’ve learned just how valuable the HOA is, and they plan to talk about just that. Contrary to popular belief, the HOA does so much more for our communities than most of us actually realize, and this podcast is about to shed a thorough and, at times humorous, light upon this area.

    Going forward on this podcast, they want to build a community between homeowners, board members  and management entities where one can learn to appreciate the other and vice versa. Conflict between HOA’s and homeowners has risen significantly thanks to COVID and the respective economic uncertainty that the pandemic caused, and The Board Room podcast hopes to remedy that situation. By sharing stories and advice from the industry, the CINC team wants to form a greater sense of solidarity between among all stakeholders, and have some fun along the way.

    The Finer Details of This Episode:

    • Introducing the CINC team
    • The value of the HOA
    • Respecting the job
    • HOA conflict after COVID
    • The purpose of The Board Room
    • CINC Systems
    • Uniting board members, homeowners, and management companies


    “Hey, homeowners, welcome to The Board Room, a podcast by CINC Systems focused on how homeowner associations impact your community from unwanted alligators to flower type arguments to fee increases.”

    “So that's what my biggest realization was: this is an entire industry that unfortunately people can't appreciate and respect because they don't see it every day. They don't see the behind-the-scenes of it. That's my takeaway.”

    “Management companies talk about being really a 24/7 business and they have to be on call for whatever emergency pops up and for day-to-day activities that are there.’

    “One of the biggest takeaways that is a big concern across board members is that, you know, homeowners have gone through this huge shift between the pandemic, economic uncertainty, and all that. And now they're becoming a lot more hostile if you will, than normal.”

    “So I think having an open forum like The Board Room, where we can talk about, openly and candidly, how we can work with our homeowners better, to really be focused on building community, not just you know, having back and forth arguments.”

    “Our goal in doing this is actually to help homeowners, to help board members, and help management companies all kind of unite against one common cause.”

    “We just want to take this to another level, and be able to share what those experiences are. And I think this is going to be a lot of fun.”


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    9 mins
  • The Board Room Trailer
    Jun 17 2022

    Alligator attacks. Birdbath violations. Neighbors fighting over mailbox paint colors. Living in an HOA can have some crazy stories, but at the end of the day, the goal of every association is to bring the community together. Join CINC Systems with their expert guests as they discuss the latest trends impacting the HOA industry, ways to keep homeowners engaged and involved within their community, and how to make HOA living a breeze.

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    1 min