
  • Being a Team
    Mar 19 2020

    In today's episode, we talk about helping people become a part of a team. How do you step into leading a team and introducing new people to the team?

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  • Building a Team
    Mar 3 2020

    In today's episode, we talk about the importance of building a team. Every leader needs to be thinking, growing, and developing their team. You cannot do ministry alone.

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  • Think Big
    Feb 7 2020

    In today's episode, we're talking about the importance of thinking big as leaders. Small thinking will hold you and your team back. Big thinking opens up possibilities and unlocks the potential of your team.

    • What are some things that prevent you personally from thinking big?

    • What are some areas in your life and leadership that you need to think big about?

    • Who do you need to surround yourself with to help you think big?

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  • Prioritizing Prayer
    Jan 13 2020

    Q: When and where do you set aside time to pray?

    Q: How has your prayer life evolved?

    Q: What are you currently praying for during this season?

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  • Discerning Vision
    Dec 16 2019

    Vision is a picture of a preferred future. We don't create vision as much as we discover and discern vision.

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  • Shepherding People
    Nov 1 2019


    Q: How do you love people that you serve?

    Q: What are the things, of people you love the most, going through? Do you know?

    Q: Who are you praying for on a daily basis?

    Q: Who are you sacrificing for?

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    Less than 1 minute
  • Extreme Ownership
    Oct 1 2019


    1. In your leadership, where do you need to take responsibility? How have you shifted the blame to those under you?

    2. Have you clearly defined the standards and given the why for them? Are you able to give accountability to those you lead for the work they are doing? What standard needs to be defined?

    3. Who do you need to give credit to? How will you be intentional to give A.R.E. to your team? (Appreciation, Recognition, Encouragement

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  • Essentials For Leaders
    Sep 4 2019

    In this episode, we answer your questions about leading a small group, developing an apprentice, and growing as a leader.

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