
  • How Goats are Tackling Tennessee's Kudzu Problem
    Oct 29 2021
    By now kudzu is so tied to the Tennessee landscape that it was voted one of the top ten plants to shape the state. But isn't it considered invasive? This episode dives into the history of how this emerald green plant came to blanket hillsides in Tennessee and why it has the status of "invasive." And, we talk to Keith Bridges, a farmer in Knoxville who has teamed up with a small army of leaf-munching goats to tackle the growing problem.
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    28 mins
  • The State of Agriculture
    Oct 22 2021

    Welcome to a new season of the Tennessee Magic Moments podcast. Hosts Lauren Henry and Samantha Jean take a look at how agriculture has weathered the COVID-19 pandemic. Interviews include a chat with an agriculture economist, a supply chain industry expert, and a first person account from a farmer. Listen to hear where we are headed for the future.

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    29 mins
  • Agriculture Tech … Beyond the Typical Tractor
    Nov 18 2020

    Do you have an outdated image of farming in your head? Is it just tractors and plows? If so, you haven’t seen today’s agriculture. Robots, drones, and piglet sensors are just some of the new technology being developed and tested on Tennessee farms. In this week’s podcast Samantha Jean talks Agriculture Innovation and how Tennessee is gaining international attention for being a leader in new tech. Interviews include the Executive Director of AgLaunch Innovative, an engineer building a robot for use in farming, and the farmer testing that product out.

    VIDEO about Scott Fullen and EarthSense: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RYk5xs29Aiw

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    25 mins
  • The Ladies of Craft Beer
    Nov 4 2020

    Craft beer isn't just for the men. More and more women are entering this male-driven industry. Host Lauren Vath tagged along for an all-women brew day appropriately held on International Women's Day to find out how the ladies of craft beer are expanding the industry. We also discover how the brewing process is directly linked to both traditional and nontraditional agriculture. Listen to meet the ladies of Clinch River Brewing and Alliance Brewing Company. Our journey starts pre-pandemic near the shores of Norris Lake and ends at an all-women panel discussion at the Barrelhouse by Gypsy Circus.

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    25 mins
  • Preserving Agriculture History: TN’s Unique Story
    Oct 28 2020

    Historian David McCullough said that, “History is who we are, and why we are the way we are.” So, who is Tennessee? Tennessee is Agriculture! Host Samantha Jean takes you through a history lesson of the people responsible for preserving the legacy of farming in this state. We also meet the two young women responsible for keeping that history alive today. Interviews with Tennessee Agricultural Museum Director Elaura Guttormson, Museum Curator Sarah Williams, and grand-daughter of Governor Buford Ellington, Jennifer Wagnor-Watson.

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    19 mins
  • Time Changes: Country Music and Agriculture
    Oct 21 2020

    Singer songwriter Stephanie Nash has a much earlier bedtime than her country music peers. While others croon about the virtues of the simple life on a farm in the country, Stephanie lives it. Five a.m. milking comes early, but the farm and the health of her herd always come first. Join us the second episode of the season as we explore the connection between country music and agriculture. Bradley Hanson with the Tennessee Arts Commission provides background for the legacy Stephanie finds herself following. Learn how Stephanie balances her duel careers in farming at her family's dairy just outside Nashville and music. And, discover the story behind our season theme song, "Time Changes."

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    25 mins
  • Still Farming: COVID-19
    Oct 14 2020

    In this first episode of a brand new season of Tennessee Magic Moments, Samantha Jean with the Tennessee Department of Agriculture and Lauren Vath with the UT Institute of Agriculture look at how the COVID-19 pandemic has impacted the agriculture community. Why were there meat shortages this summer, and why in the world did toilet paper fly off the shelves? How can we still support our local farmers while staying safe during a time when six feet of distance is the new normal? We tackle your questions and hear directly from the farmers, markets, government officials and others. Hear from Commission of Agriculture Charlie Hatcher, DVM, executive director of Nourish Knoxville Charlotte Tolley, Karen McCulley of Amazin' Acres of Fun, Jennie Schutte with Pilaroc Farms, and finally Tennessee logger Shane Lusk. And we debut our new theme song "Time Changes," written and performed by Stephanie Nash.

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    34 mins
  • Mackenzie Colt: Hee Haw, Chocolate, and a Different Kind of Cornfield
    Feb 3 2020

    Married at fifteen and a teenage mom, Mackenzie Colt pored over cookbooks while her husband worked. Creating in the kitchen was a hobby, but singing on the stage would soon become a career. At seventeen she started performing in lounges and not long after found herself on TV as a Hee Haw Honey. Still ... the kitchen was calling. Thirty-six years later Colts Chocolates is a Nashville treasure with customers like Dolly Parton, Adam Sandler, Robert Redford, Garth Brooks, Ethel Kennedy, Oprah, and even former presidents. Samantha Jean sits down with Mackenzie to talk about music, entrepreneurship, and how there's magic in the kitchen.

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    22 mins