
  • Doing Business In Poland with Kevin Foglar
    Aug 19 2022

    Welcome to a bonus episode talking about doing business in Poland. My guest is Kevin Foglar, a lawyer at DKLAW Law Firm &

    Sworn Translator In Poland. 

    In this episode, you will learn more about: 

    • Why should anyone short-list Poland as a place to do business? 
    • How hard/easy to run a business in Poland?
    • Let’s talk about the legalities of starting a business; what are the key things to be aware of?          
    • Let’s talk about digital assets, whether that is crypto or NFT, 
    • If I am a foreigner coming to invest in Poland and looking at a legal office to help me out, where should I look, and what should I look for to determine if I have found the right partner? 


    If you are an entrepreneur that thinks about doing business in Poland, I highly recommend reaching out to Kevin and DKLAW crew.

    Kevin email, DKLAW Website 

    For suggestions, comments, and feedback. you can email Ben 

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    43 mins
  • PR In Business with Matt Phillips
    Aug 18 2022

    In this episode, you will learn more about:

    • Presentations, a quick debate on the question: Are the look and feel of a presentation (or) the business's quality and reputation play an essential role in accomplishing satisfaction?
    • PR, how could it go wrong? Matt shares his thoughts on Boris Johnson's story and how he and his team managed the birthday scandal. Spoiler, there is a checklist to avoid doing a lousy PR!
    • For a startup, what is the right time for a startup? What to start investing in PR? And how much media attention should a company get relative to its peers? Matt shared great insights that I think should be considered as a blueprint for any business - it is given for free!
    • Tech-enabled PR, how would that look like? Matt told the story of how technology doesn't matter but thinking about how the materials have been consumed is critical.
    • There are many channels to be used for PR; are there underrated (or) overrated? Matt was controversial in his answer!
    • What is the best way to build personal branding? Matt again brilliantly shared an excellent blueprint to follow!
    • What does Matt do, and how can he help your business?


    You can follow and check Matt's work on LinkedIn  Matt's website, make sure you check his newsletter or email him

    You also can reach out to Ben

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    45 mins
  • Trust To Thrive with Marie-Claire Ross
    Aug 4 2022

    Welcome to a new episode of THE B. Podcast, and this time our host Ben Esmael will be talking to Marie-Claire Ross. A Trust Leadership Speaker, Facilitator, and Mastermind Mentor is also the author of Trust To Thrive, How leaders create connected and accountable teams. 

    In this episode, you will hear us talking about how crucial it is to build trust through the organization for the organization to be ready and face various challenges head-on. This episode's choice came from the belief that trust & faith in each other have been neglected or taken for granted when working in the same space. Still, mistrust started to surface when all went online, disrupting business and forcing leaders to scramble to find a solution. 

    Listening to this interview, you will learn more about: 

    • 👉 Great resignation, or what you called it, a time for imagination. Are we asking the right questions?
    • 👉 Trust, what does that means in a workplace, and how important is it for businesses to thrive? 
    • 👉 How do we build a culture of trust throughout the organization? What are the key enablers? 
    • 👉 How can leaders create accountable teams mainly in a remote working environment? 
    • 👉 What are the critical enablers to enhancing leadership visibility? 
    • 👉 Tell me about the stages of executive team building. 


     Check out Marie-Claire's work at Link.

    If you'd like to be a guest or suggest a guest, please reach out to Ben at Link - also, visit Ben's website at Link.

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    32 mins
  • Coordinated Discovery Markets "CDM" with Noah Healy
    Jul 21 2022

    Welcome to a new episode of THE B. Podcast; in this episode, Ben Esmael is talking technology with his guest Noah Healy. By watching the interview, 

    you'll learn more about:

    • The role of mathematics, data scientist, and technology 
    • What is the problem of our world? Is it a broken system or a bad technology? 
    • Digital currencies are not solving the right problem 
    • What is happening to UST? The crash isn't the first lie 
    • Privacy and social scorecard, reciprocity is the problem! 
    • CDM, a new invention, the impact is massive! 
    • Have we learned the lesson? 
    • Technology can be nasty!
    • NFT is mostly a Ponzi scheme; the technology has potential but is not without limitations. 


    You can reach out to Noah on his LinkedIn profile. 

    Check out Ben's website: 

    If you'd like to be a guest or have Ben as a guest, reach out 

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    41 mins
  • Purposeful Life With Michael S. Seaver
    Jun 23 2022

    Watching this session, you'll learn more about: 

    👉 What is happiness? 

    👉 How could anyone develop self-awareness? 

    👉 How could anyone navigate ambiguity, see through all that noise, and focus on what matters? 

    👉 As humans, we would face psychological pressure and wrong or even traumatic experiences. What is the best thing to do for healing? 

    👉 Is doing what you love (or) doing what fulfills your purpose the definition of success?


    Feel free to reach Michael S. Seaver on: 

    LinkedIn  |  Instagram  |  Website 

    Also, check out his book, which is one of my favorite reads this summer: Apple books:  

    Audiobooks (it is just fantastic to listen to this while training) 


    If you want to be a guest or talk to Ben, check the link



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    48 mins
  • Energy Market Talking To Emmanuel Clair, Investor, Energy Expert and Non Executive Director at Saietta, Rac
    Jun 9 2022

    At the date of releasing this episode, Goldman Sachs forecasted that Brent crude oil price might reach $135 per barrel in the second half of the year, Goldman Sachs bank predicts. This is $10 more than analysts expected in their previous forecast. The biggest problem, which can influence the growth of oil prices, is the growing deficit of this raw material on world markets. 

    According to the same report, Goldman Sachs analysts enumerate several reasons for changing the oil price forecast. Firstly, a record sale of the Strategic Petroleum Reserve, i.e., emergency oil stocks belonging to the United States, was recorded. This means that U.S. oil inventories have declined.

    The second major factor is the changing economic situation in China. Covid restrictions in that country have led the oil market to its first surplus since June 2020. However, Beijing's low number of new Covid-19 cases allowed the capital on Monday to back away from the tight restrictions. As a result, Chinese demand will grow, and oil surpluses will run out.

    According to the report, the future oil price will also be influenced by the situation in Russia. There were relatively small declines in oil exports from Russia in April and May, but the country will reduce production. Russian oil production will fall by 0.5 million barrels per day after the European Union embargo.

    BUT: is it that true? Are we doing the right thing or the easy thing?

    Emmanuel and I spent some time talking about the different factors that influenced the energy market and took a bit of a different approach to tackling the problem. We both believe that starving oil companies is the easy solution that isn't working and that achieving efficiency is the way to go. 

    Disclaimer: non of the content in this video constitutes investment advice.

    To reach & find out more about Emmanuel:

    LinkedIn - Twitter 

    To get in touch with Ben - Link

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    47 mins
  • Marketing Talking To Olga Nesterova, founder of the Onest Network, New York
    May 26 2022

    A new episode with Olga Nesterova, founder of Onest Network, a marketing consulting company and a game-changer in content creation and monetization space as we know it today,

    She will be talking with BEN ESMAEL about marketing strategy and how it changed after COVID? How could leaders drive more value from their marketing strategy in 2022, technology-enabled marketing and the Recession's impact on marketing, and how to navigate that challenge? ⁣ 

    To get in touch with Olga:



    To join the content creator network on Onest Network

    To get in touch with Ben. 





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    21 mins
  • Investment with Greg Dupont The Founder of Dupont Trading
    May 12 2022

    To get in touch with Greg,



    4X4 course: 

    To get in touch with Ben.




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    18 mins