• The Power of Videos for Human Connection
    Aug 30 2024
    The power of videos for human connection In this episode of Superstar Communicator, hosts Susan Heaton-Wright and Nick Simon delve into the power of videos for human connection. They explore how videos can be used to connect with others in a digital world, the importance of storytelling through videos, and the impact of video length on audience engagement. Nick shares insights from his experience in editing videos for clients and highlights the significance of platforms like LinkedIn and Instagram for video sharing. The conversation also touches on the use of captions in videos and provides top tips for creating impactful video content. Listeners are invited to learn more about leveraging videos for communication and marketing as the hosts wrap up with information on how to connect with Nick for video editing services. So sit back, tune in, and discover the power of videos for forging meaningful connections. Key Topics The Evolution of Visual Stimulation: "Videos are basically a storytelling device that you can use to show off or portray a story you want to tell." — Nick Simon 00:02:3400:02:41 "Podcast Content Creation": "It all differs, what you want to do, really. You can have 1 or 2 hour podcasts that, people can put on there in the background, or you can have 1 minute, snippets of a conversation or a story." — Nick Simon 00:02:4800:03:06 "The Power of Human Connection": I think there's, the human element. There's the element that you can, fully involve yourself or imagine yourself in this scenario, that helps you be able to understand what's going on in the story. — Nick Simon 00:03:2200:03:38 "Maximizing Content Creation Efforts": And the end product is 28 minutes of content that you can post whenever you want, consistently once a week or something like that. And when you do that consistently, it builds up to a following. So it's very useful. — Nick Simon 00:04:2800:04:45 Viral Topic: Content Strategy for Different Social Media Platforms Quote: "Yeah. It it depends where, what your, brand is. In this case, it was an accountancy firm, and that is, hyper business. So it would be on LinkedIn hosting on LinkedIn, with a very focused approach of career advising." — Nick Simon 00:04:5600:05:16 The Impact of TikTok on Creativity and Business: "As a composer, it is essentially the most creative and open space for music at the moment, in my opinion." — Nick Simon 00:06:3100:06:35 Captioning in Video Content: "Captions are an amazing tool for simply raising that chance of success for video to be watched over and over again." — Nick Simon 00:07:5000:07:54 Viral Topic: The Power of Video Editing Quote: "And I think that's the, in essence, what video editing is or the video making is. It's essentially creating content that can be consumed by people who have that kind of interest and want to learn more." — Nick Simon 00:09:0000:09:13 Creating a Showreel as a Creative: "It's a really important video thing that you have up your sleeve whenever you're networking or building connections." — Nick Simon 00:09:4200:09:49 Viral topic: Effective social media platforms for networking LinkedIn: "The best way for me is LinkedIn. I frequently use it every day. And that's, in my opinion, the most business like social media that you can, simply reach out to other people you're interested in working with." — Nick Simon 00:11:1200:11:30 The Power of Videos for Human Connection: "Using videos for human connection is a very, very powerful way to connect with other people." — Susan Heaton-Wright 00:01:0000:01:07 Viral Topic: Targeting Audiences on Different Social Media Platforms Quote: "It's interesting, isn't it, thinking about who you're wanting to target and what the purpose is of the video?" — Susan Heaton-Wright 00:07:0100:07:09 Viral Topic: The versatility of showcasing events Quote: "Can it also be used for showcasing a particular event like you did with the art event? Do you have anything that's coming up in your diary to edit?" — Susan Heaton-Wright 00:09:1500:09:25 Contacting the Editor for Video Editing Services: "Before we go, obviously, this is work that you do." — Susan Heaton-Wright 00:10:5200:10:55 Viral Topic: Video Marketing Quote: "If you are thinking or considering using videos as part of your marketing to either showcase your expertise or to share knowledge, do get in touch with Nick." — Susan Heaton-Wright 00:12:0300:12:18 Transcript of The power of videos for human connection SuperStar Communicator Here at SuperStar Communicator HQ Susan and Nick love sharing great content. If you like our podcast why not buy us a coffee. SuperStar Communicator Is a multi award winning international company empowering emerging leaders to speak and communicate with clarity, confidence, credibility and influence We deliver: ● Masterclasses ● facilitate workshops ● deliver speeches ● face to face and virtually ● coach individuals. Our focus is on ...
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    14 mins
  • Communicating remotely
    Aug 21 2024
    Communicating remotely when you work remotely or leading remote teams In this episode of the Superstar Communicator podcast, hosts Nick Simon and Susan Heaton-Wright delve into the world of remote work and leading remote teams. They discuss the challenges and benefits of working remotely, sharing expert insights and personal experiences. From communication tools and managing expectations to building trust and mutual respect, they provide valuable tips for both remote workers and leaders. Join them as they explore the evolving landscape of remote work and its impact on effective communication. Tune in and be inspired to enhance your remote work experience and leadership skills. Download the transcription here. Key Topics Viral Topic: Remote Collaboration Quote: "It's very useful to be able to essentially work remote with people." — Nick Simon 00:00:5700:01:03 Viral Topic: Remote Work and Commuting Quote: "And, there are solutions for that such as getting a rent renting a place or buying a place in, closer to the work. But that can be incredibly expensive." — Nick Simon 00:02:2500:02:39 "Challenges of Remote Work": "And in a way, working from home can be more distracting because there's less, you might be working in your bedroom or something like that. It's it's, not as good in terms of, being able to focus on work." — Nick Simon 00:04:2600:04:41 Viral Topic - Remote Work: "I work remotely, and I would say that there is a benefit to going to an office and having those kind of loose relationships with other coworkers because it's sort of a mutual interest and that kind of thing." — Nick Simon 00:05:1700:05:20 Remote Work: "With the Internet, it is easy to connect to people and especially tech support tech is based around the Internet and having servers." — Nick Simon 00:07:1600:07:26 Viral Topic: The Simplicity of Online Video Editing Quote: "It's quite straightforward in that way that you receive a video to edit on an online spreadsheet. You finish it and then post it. And I guess, it's quite simple to simply just communicate and give an ETA to when you'll post it." — Nick Simon 00:08:2000:08:30 Viral Topic: Remote Work Management "Remote working is relatively new as a thing, so there'll probably be a solution to that soon." — Nick Simon 00:09:5300:09:56 Viral Topic: Future of Remote Work Software Quote: "And also, I think, there could be a software, similar to Microsoft's, Teams or, if you're depending on what work you're doing. If you're doing accounting, it could be, a special remote work Microsoft Excel spreadsheet, that kind of thing that, monitors and gives a kind of history of entries, something like that that could be, created in the future, to do that kind of work." — Nick Simon 00:10:5700:11:27 Managing Expectations in Work Relations: "So I suppose, manage expectations in general. Don't be too I guess if you're work creating new work relations, it's quite difficult to manage expectations with someone who's new, and you're not aware of how long they take. But in the long run, having trusted people to do that work without having to micromanage them, that's the key to keeping a a a healthy kind of work balance." — Nick Simon 00:13:5400:14:25 Viral Topic: Meeting Your Boss in Person Quote: "And also I think, if you're working remotely and you've never met your boss before, it might be nice to actually go and meet them because that's, yeah, it's a nice kind of get together and you can have a nice, coffee." — Nick Simon 00:14:5000:15:00 Remote Work: "We obviously work remotely. We are not in the same studios, and, I know from my perspective, I work with my suppliers, of course, Nick's one of them, remotely." — Susan Heaton-Wright 00:00:3200:00:46 The Future of Work: "Business leaders are particularly keen to work remotely or have more flexibility in their work patterns." — Susan Heaton-Wright 00:01:5800:02:03 Viral Topic: Remote Work Challenges Quote: "But there is the problem. And for leaders, this is a challenge, really. How do you monitor what people are doing at work? Are they actually doing their work or are they watching films on Netflix? How can you check that people are doing the work?" — Susan Heaton-Wright 00:03:3900:03:58 Viral Topic: Minimizing Distractions in the Workplace Quote: "But do you think working at in an office where there are other people around you, you can be distracted by a conversation, you know, it's the final of the of the traitors today, there being massive conversations about who's going to win the money, which remotely you wouldn't have." — Susan Heaton-Wright 00:04:4200:05:04 Remote Work Challenges: "How does that work remotely?" — Susan Heaton-Wright 00:06:5200:06:54 "The Future of Work": Do you think that they should think of jobs, work being a series of small tasks or small projects so that they can see when they are completed? — Susan Heaton-Wright 00:08:5700:09:09 Micromanagement in the Workplace: "But ...
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    17 mins
  • Is International Women's Day Still Relevant for Young People
    Aug 14 2024
    Is International Women’s Day still relevant for young people INTRODUCTION Welcome to another episode of the Superstar Communicator podcast, where today we delve into the ongoing relevance of International Women's Day for young people. Hosted by Nick Simon and Susan Heaton-Wright, this episode explores recent events, including a controversial remark from Boris Johnson and the theme of "Inspire Inclusion" for this year's International Women's Day. Join us as we discuss the need for increased safety measures for women, the role of male allies in supporting women's empowerment, and the impact of online harassment on girls' confidence. We'll also touch on the origins of International Women's Day, global celebrations, and corporate responses to the event, all while highlighting the ongoing importance of gender equality and the historic achievements of women. Tune in for an insightful conversation that aims to shed light on the significance of International Women's Day for young people today. Viral Topic: "The Power of Spoken Communication" Quote: "We're here to create intriguing interest about spoken communication to empower you to speak and communicate with confidence, clarity, and credibility in all of your business conversations." — Nick Simon 00:00:0600:00:16 Viral Topic: International Women's Rights International Women's Rights: "So tomorrow, it's a day to shed light on those countries as well." — Nick Simon 00:04:0800:04:14 Viral Topic: Celebrating Pride in the City Pride Parade Celebrations: "I'm aware that there are, things like, similar to the the pride parades, there are, big celebrations going on in the city." — Nick Simon 00:06:5900:07:10 Diversity in Corporate Leadership: "But, really, the best way to do that is to shed light on their own, diversity within the corporate realm. So the 1% showing how their CEOs are based around a diverse leadership." — Nick Simon 00:09:3100:09:39 Viral Topic: The Psychological Impact of Internet Communication Quote: "So I think there's a kind of psychological element that people actually don't see the effects of what they're doing, or, they don't think that they're going to have repercussions as badly." — Nick Simon 00:14:1600:14:27 Viral Topic: Online Anonymity and Gender Inequality Quote: "I think it does fall down to that, Internet kind of anonymous 2 things, sir. Element that people can simply say what they want without any repercussions." — Nick Simon 00:23:1200:23:22 Viral Topic: Women's Safety Women's Safety: "I know that the women I know, especially from university, they're always looking to walk in a group, home, which is there is that fear. So I think in general, a positive mindset for output from the police as well." — Nick Simon 00:26:1400:26:19 Gender Bias in Corporate Leadership: "So I think there is a a needed discussion within the higher realms of, a CEO and, the higher roles that needs to be happening as well." — Nick Simon 00:28:2200:28:36 Viral Topic: Social Media's Role in Supporting Annual Events Quote: "So, my outlook on, on social media shows that it's still, a huge thing that goes around, a huge presence, on the day. And, I see I see last year, I saw many people posting online, showing their support. So I think it is definitely, an annual thing that will happen every year." — Nick Simon 00:29:2500:29:53 Transcript of Is International Women’s Day still relevant for young people SuperStar Communicator Here at SuperStar Communicator HQ Susan and Nick love sharing great content. If you like our podcast why not buy us a coffee. SuperStar Communicator Is a multi award winning international company empowering emerging leaders to speak and communicate with clarity, confidence, credibility and influence We deliver: ● Masterclasses ● facilitate workshops ● deliver speeches ● face to face and virtually ● coach individuals. Our focus is on emerging leaders to ensure they progress in their careers. If you would like more details of our work emailhello@superstarcommunicator.com look a tour website http://superstarcommunicator.com or why not book a call Purchase a copy of the SuperStar Communicator 30 Day Plan here We have a lovely gift for you: Grab your Career Accelerator Checklist here Thank you for listening!
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    32 mins
  • The power of mentoring with Michelle Connolly
    Jul 30 2024
    Welcome to another episode of the Superstar Communicator podcast! In this episode, we delve into the power of mentoring with our special guest, Michelle Connolly, a senior manager at Pfizer and a women's mentoring program director. Together with our hosts, Susan Heaton-Wright and Nick Simon, we explore the significant benefits of mentoring such as increasing engagement, personalized customer experiences, and team retention. We discuss the importance of women's mentoring programs in providing support and opportunities for women to become leaders. Additionally, Michelle shares insights on being a mentor, finding a mentor, and the qualities of a good mentor. Join us as we uncover the impact of mentoring and empower leaders to cultivate meaningful mentoring relationships. Speaker Bios Michelle Connolly is a passionate advocate for mentoring, bringing a fresh perspective to the conversation. She believes that mentors play a crucial role in guiding and shaping our lives, serving as experienced and trusted advisors. With a focus on Canada, she emphasizes the importance of mentoring and hopes to inspire others to see it in a new light. Michelle believes that mentors, whether formal or informal, help individuals see themselves in a different way and are essential for personal and professional growth. She is excited to share her insights and make a difference in the world of mentoring. Key Topics Viral Topic: Mentoring "Mentoring, to me, is about being a good listener, providing advice when asked, and supporting people to accomplish their goals.": Michelle Connolly — Susan Heaton-Wright 00:00:2400:00:26 Viral Topic: The Importance of Mentors Mentorship and guidance have played a crucial role in my life. - "So, Nick, have do who have you had as mentors throughout your life?" — Susan Heaton-Wright 00:04:5500:05:01 Mentorship: "What advice would you give to someone who wants to become a mentor or gain a mentor?" — Susan Heaton-Wright 00:07:0100:07:08 Mentoring Benefits and Responsibilities: "I've noticed your messages, and that is if there is a mentoring scheme in an organisation and there are and there are benefits to the mentor as for their professional development, but they don't show up. They don't really do a good job for the mentee. Any tips on how to manage that situation?" — Susan Heaton-Wright 00:09:0000:09:22 Viral Topic: Mentorship in Healthcare "Mentoring people, so here to listen and hear how I can be the best possible mentor." — Susan Heaton-Wright 00:11:0100:11:07 Adjusting Your Mindset When Faced with Failure: "Can you share how to adjust your mindset when you don't achieve what you're working towards? Oh, that's a good question." — Susan Heaton-Wright 00:11:4500:11:55 Viral Topic: Acknowledging Appreciation Quote: "What a powerful subject. So thank you, Michelle, and thank you, Simon." — Susan Heaton-Wright 00:15:2100:15:26 Mentoring Your Team: "I'm looking down the list of people that are here that have commented. I know I'm gonna shout out for Simon Drake because I know what a good leader you are, and I'm absolutely certain that you do mentor your talent. Michelle, you're also a leader." — Susan Heaton-Wright 00:23:1900:23:38 Benefits of Mentoring in the Workplace: "The benefits of mentoring without the shadow of doubt, it increases engagement and ownership, thus ensuring your customers receive a really personalized experience from team members who are bought into what you do as a business." — Susan Heaton-Wright 00:26:4900:27:04 Mentorship: "The fact that we can grow as people both by being a mentor and being mentored." — Susan Heaton-Wright 00:33:3700:33:44 Transcript of The Power of Mentoring Speaker Bios Michelle Connolly is a passionate advocate for mentoring, bringing a fresh perspective to the conversation. She believes that mentors play a crucial role in guiding and shaping our lives, serving as experienced and trusted advisors. With a focus on Canada, she emphasizes the importance of mentoring and hopes to inspire others to see it in a new light. Michelle believes that mentors, whether formal or informal, help individuals see themselves in a different way and are essential for personal and professional growth. She is excited to share her insights and make a difference in the world of mentoring. SuperStar Communicator Here at SuperStar Communicator HQ Susan and Nick love sharing great content. If you like our podcast why not buy us a coffee. SuperStar Communicator Is a multi award winning international company empowering emerging leaders to speak and communicate with clarity, confidence, credibility and influence We deliver: ● Masterclasses ● facilitate workshops ● deliver speeches ● face to face and virtually ● coach individuals. Our focus is on emerging leaders to ensure they progress in their careers. If you would like more details of our work emailhello@superstarcommunicator.com look a tour ...
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    35 mins
  • The power of the outsider
    Mar 27 2024
    Introduction: Welcome to the SuperStar Communicator podcast! In today's episode, we delve into "The Power of the Outsider" with our special guest, Samuel Kasumu. Tune in as we navigate through these challenges and explore the incredible insights that Samuel brings to the table. Samuel is a remarkable social entrepreneur, commentator, and strategist, having served as a special adviser to Prime Minister Boris Johnson, focusing on civil society and communities. As the most senior black adviser in government, he has been instrumental in setting up initiatives to support the progression of Britain's black and minority ethnic population. Samuel's experiences and perspectives shed light on the true power that lies in standing outside the norms and challenging the status quo. Join us as we uncover the strategies, psychology, and importance of outsiders in shaping our societies, organizations, and politics. Let's dive into this captivating conversation with Samuel Kasumu on "The Power of the Outsider". Key points from the interview 03:06 Accidental achievement: record-breaking votes for student. 05:34 Privileged people have most access, not smarts. 12:32 Outsiders can use their uniqueness as advantage. 14:21 Challenging to be heard, utilize value. Overcoming biases, building allies, communicating goals. Flourishing may require leaving. 19:18 Values need stretch; cultures don't happen randomly. Embrace diversity, encourage respectful disagreements. Culture starts at the top. 29:17 Inclusion, standards, purpose, direction, diversity, power, dominance Download the transcript of the interview Samuel Kasumu is an award-winning social entrepreneur, commentator, and strategist. Until his resignation in April 2021, Samuel Kasumu was the most senior Black advisor in government and served as Special Advisor to Boris Johnson on the Civil Society and Communities brief. His work included leading on the cross-government vaccine deployment, and while under former Prime Minister Theresa May he was a member of the Race Disparity Audit Advisory Board. Samuel is the founder of Inclusive Boards, an executive headhunting firm specialising in non-executive board appointments across sectors. Samuel has been involved in setting up and growing a number of initiatives to support the progression of Briton's black and minority ethnic population, including a student network connecting peers with employers and a campaign that supported over 8000 start-up businesses. He has won numerous awards for his work including Barclays Business Enterprise Award, the CBI's Young Star of Enterprise Award, and Entrepreneur Champion of the Year. SuperStar Communicator Here at SuperStar Communicator HQ Susan and Nick love sharing great content. If you like our podcast why not buy us a coffee SuperStar Communicator Is a multi award winning international company empowering emerging leaders to speak and communicate with clarity, confidence, credibility and influence. We deliver: · masterclasses, · facilitate workshops, · deliver speeches – · face to face and virtually · coach individuals. Our focus is on emerging leaders to ensure they progress in their careers. If you would like more details of our work email hello@superstarcommunicator.com look at our website http://superstarcommunicator.com or why not book a call Purchase a copy of the SuperStar Communicator 30 Day Plan here We have a lovely gift for you: Grab your 10 top tips to presenting here Thank you for listening!
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    35 mins
  • Navigating Cross-Cultural Communication
    Nov 29 2023
    Welcome back to another episode of the Superstar Communicator podcast, where we delve into the fascinating world of cross-cultural communication. In today's episode, our hosts, Susan Heaton-Wright and Nick Simon, are joined by special guest Michael Gates, a renowned authority on understanding different cultures. Michael brings over 30 years of experience in the field of cross-culture, and in this episode, he shares valuable insights on mastering cross-cultural communication. Throughout the episode, Michael shares two real-life examples related to air travel that highlight the challenges and nuances of intercultural communication. From a delay caused by bad weather to a situation involving a Russian and a German passenger, these stories provide a glimpse into the complexities of cross-cultural interactions. But it's not just about air travel; Michael takes a deeper dive into the various cultural communication styles and how they impact our interactions. From linear professions like engineering and accounting to multi-active professions such as sales and marketing, he explores how different cultural backgrounds shape our communication strategies. Furthermore, Michael delves into the dangers of stereotyping and generalizations, recounting personal experiences teaching about India and challenging prevailing misconceptions. He emphasizes the importance of cultural assessment, teamwork, and effective communication in international projects. Join us as we explore the intricacies of cross-cultural communication and learn valuable strategies for navigating diverse cultural landscapes. Get ready for an enlightening conversation filled with practical tips and captivating stories. Let's dive right in! Michael Gates is owner of Michael Gates CrossCulture and an associate fellow at the Said Business School, University of Oxford. He has been in the field of cross-culture for more than 30 years, following 5 years in radio in Manchester, and a couple of years teaching communication skills. Key points from the interview [00:00:02] Welcome to the Superstar Communicator podcast. [00:05:08] Culture: collective programming of the mind, experiences, parents, history, language, religion. [00:07:18] Dangers of stereotyping; limited personal experience. [00:11:10] Flight delay blamed on bad weather in Munich. [00:14:28] Stereotypes impact international team dynamics greatly. [00:18:04] Multi active professions include sales and marketing. Multi active leaders are good at emotionally persuading people but may be disorganized or break rules. Reactives focus on listening and promoting harmony, especially in Far East cultures. [00:20:53] Misunderstood ideas about Southeast Asia's communication style. [00:24:14] Building trust through cross-cultural workshops and communication. [00:29:50] Using AI for short answers in intercultural questions [00:33:03] Culturally attuned language program in multiple languages. [00:35:02] Keep it simple, no idioms, adapt style. [00:40:18] Person considered proposal, hesitated due to grammar fears. [00:41:04] Adapting to cultural differences: talk or observe. Download the transcript of the interview SuperStar Communicator Here at SuperStar Communicator HQ Susan and Nick love sharing great content. If you like our podcast why not buy us a coffee SuperStar Communicator Is a multi award winning international company empowering emerging leaders to speak and communicate with clarity, confidence, credibility and influence. We deliver: · masterclasses, · facilitate workshops, · deliver speeches – · face to face and virtually · coach individuals. Our focus is on emerging leaders to ensure they progress in their careers. If you would like more details of our work email hello@superstarcommunicator.com look at our website http://superstarcommunicator.com or why not book a call Purchase a copy of the SuperStar Communicator 30 Day Plan here We have a lovely gift for you: Grab your 10 top tips to presenting here Thank you for listening!
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    45 mins
  • Men's Health and International Men's Day with Mike Pagan
    Nov 15 2023
    Welcome to the SuperStar Communicator podcast! In this episode, we dive into a thought-provoking conversation on International Men's Day with special guest, Mike Pagan. Together with Susan Heaton-Wright and Nick Simon, Mike shares his insights on the importance of peer support, mental wealth for men, and the impact of social media on mental health. We explore personal stories, practical tips, and expert advice on creating a supportive network, prioritizing self-care, and navigating the challenges of modern work environments. Join us as we delve into this engaging discussion and gain valuable takeaways for personal growth and well-being. Key points from the interview 01:57 Men need help asking for support, vulnerability. 05:48 Transitioning through life stages, evolving with people. 08:03 Identify genuine support in your network. 11:14 Active mindfulness through physical activities like rugby. 15:52 Teenage daughter faces FOMO and social pressure. 17:27 Echo chamber of algorithms reinforces bias on social media. 21:33 Hybrid work is here to stay. 26:50 Men must be open and seek support. 29:15 Bob called for intuitive reason, hospital official insight. 31:28 FAF: False start of feeling fulfilled, mental wealth, well-being, support, reach out, recall, relate. Download the transcript of the interview About Mike: Mike Pagan has always been passionate about creating a space for men to ask for help and be vulnerable. He recognizes the historical tendency for men to be reluctant to seek assistance and is committed to changing that narrative. With a focus on promoting mental health and well-being for men, Mike is dedicated to establishing frameworks that allow for vulnerability and imperfection. His mission is to encourage men to put their hands up and ask for help, creating a more open and accepting environment for all. More information: https://mikepagan.com SuperStar Communicator Here at SuperStar Communicator HQ Susan and Nick love sharing great content. If you like our podcast why not buy us a coffee SuperStar Communicator Is a multi award winning international company empowering emerging leaders to speak and communicate with clarity, confidence, credibility and influence. We deliver: · masterclasses, · facilitate workshops, · deliver speeches – · face to face and virtually · coach individuals. Our focus is on emerging leaders to ensure they progress in their careers. If you would like more details of our work email hello@superstarcommunicator.com look at our website http://superstarcommunicator.com or why not book a call Purchase a copy of the SuperStar Communicator 30 Day Plan here We have a lovely gift for you: Grab your 10 top tips to presenting here Thank you for listening!
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    34 mins
  • Building a Strong Brand and Community: The Power of Radical Humility in Business with Jeffrey Hayzlett
    Nov 9 2023

    Welcome to another exciting episode of the SuperStar Communicator podcast, where we delve into the world of business, communication, and success. Today, we have the privilege of hosting the incredible Jeffrey Hayzlett, a renowned business expert and media personality. In this episode, Jeffrey shares invaluable insights on why radical humility is the key to success. He reveals how building a strong brand, creating engaging content, and connecting with your audience can propel you to new heights. Through his own experiences, including being a Chief Marketing Officer and a judge on The Celebrity Apprentice, Jeffrey offers practical advice for businesses big and small. So grab a cup of coffee, sit back, and join us as we explore the power of radical humility with Jeffrey Hayzlett. Let's get started!

    Jeffrey Hayzlett is a primetime television host of C-Suite with Jeffrey Hayzlett and Executive Perspectives on C-Suite TV, and business podcast host of All Business with Jeffrey Hayzlett on C-Suite Radio. He is a global business celebrity, speaker, best-selling author, and Chairman and CEO of C-Suite Network, home of the world’s most trusted network of C-Suite leaders.

    Key points from the interview

    [00:01:17] "Appreciate opportunity to connect with worldwide audience."

    [00:03:39] Open network, build brand, engage community, attract customers.

    [00:11:31] Create great content, share it strategically.

    [00:14:18] Radical humility, transparency leads to success.

    [00:18:34] Communication has changed from broadcasting to personalization.

    [00:22:04] Trusted network in business with credible content.

    [00:26:42] Importance of social media, listening and feedback.

    [00:28:52] Jeff has four bestselling books, emphasizes importance of people over profit, contact at Jeff@csuitenetwork.com , active on social media.

    Download the transcript of the interview

    SuperStar Communicator

    Here at SuperStar Communicator HQ Susan and Nick love sharing great content. If you like our podcast why not buy us a coffee

    SuperStar Communicator

    Is a multi award winning international company empowering emerging leaders to speak and communicate with clarity, confidence, credibility and influence.

    We deliver:

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    · facilitate workshops,

    · deliver speeches –

    · face to face and virtually

    · coach individuals.

    Our focus is on emerging leaders to ensure they progress in their careers. If you would like more details of our work email hello@superstarcommunicator.com look at our website http://superstarcommunicator.com or why not book a call

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    31 mins