Meditation: Starts at 10:45am Facilitator: Rev. Dorothy Watts Facilitator: Start with a welcome to AOL & mention song: “THIS LITTLE LIGHT OF MINE” By: _MICHAEL JACKSON Music by Tariq: Facilitator: We will now have announcements by: SHEILA MITCHELL. Announcements: - Please read the following: Our Mission and Purpose: The Art of Living provides a spiritual environment where everyone can develop spiritually for personal and worldwide improvement. We believe life itself is an art form. Our purpose is to evolve and reveal the art of DIVINE UNITY through the Universal Principle of LOVE. We are the Art of Living Church family. We encourage you to invite your family and friends to call in and participate with us, we welcome you. Also, if anyone is present or has a family member who would like a practitioner session or prayer, please feel free to let our Coordinator Assistant Ves Franklin know after today’s service. We are here for you. Please make contributions with your tithes and offerings to Art of Living Church, where you get your spiritual edification. You can make payable by check or direct deposit to The AOL Church or mail to The Art of Living Religious Science Ministries mailed to P.O. Box 4474, Inglewood, California 90309. Affirmation for Today: EMBODY SPIRIT—To live this life of GOD, we are called to fully stretch into the principles of the Divine. Ask yourself what it feels like to embody love, peace, grace, and ease? Now, simply be willing to live this remarkable life you feel. I am willing to live the life of GOD. I am willing to be the life of GOD. I surrender to the perfection of my being. I embody Spirit and allow Spirit to inform all that I do. I am the Love of the Divine... 2 This has been SHEILA MITCHELL with today’s announcements. Enjoy your Sunday. Blessings and namaste… Facilitator: Announce Ask Listeners to mute their phones before service proceeds, press *6 to mute your phones. Press *6 to mute your phones, thank you… Facilitator: We will now have the Opening Reading & Prayer by REV. Cinderetha Clay Opening Reading & Prayer: By: REV. Cinderetha Clay. Facilitator: Our Theme for the month of JANUARY is “NEW BEGINNINGS -REVIEWING THE SCIENCE OF MIND PRINCIPLES” Today’s topic is “WHAT IT DOES.” Our scripture for today is PSALMS 100:4 -- ENTER INTO HIS GATES WITH THANKSGIVING, AND INTO IS COURTS WITH PRAISE BE THANKFUL UNTO HIM, AND BLESS HIS NAME. Our speaker for today is REV. JOAN JACOCKS. Now a music selection before our speaker today by: “Music by Tariq.” Music by Tariq: “I LOVE THE LORD” BY WHITNEY HOUSTON: (after 4:00 fade out) Facilitator: Announce our speaker REV. JOAN JACOCKS (20 –25 MINUTES) Facilitator: We will acknowledge the speaker’s lesson after the conclusion of today’s service that time will be for remarks** Facilitator: Announce we will now have a music selection before the offering Music by Tariq: “You Can’t Beat God Giving” By: Billy Preston (fade out after 3:00 minutes) Facilitator: Ask REV. JOAN JACOCKS to bless the offering 3 Facilitator: Thank everyone for their donations to AOL. They are greatly appreciated… Facilitator: Announce MIS. GLORIA KING for the AOL Virtual Prayer AOL Virtual Prayer: By: MS. GLORIA KING Facilitator: Announce Cindy’s Corner Cindy’s Corner: By: Rev. Cinderetha Clay (5 MINUTES) Facilitator: Announce we will now have our closing song. Music by Tariq: “THANK YOU LORD” By: TINA CAMPBELL (fade out after 4:00) Facilitator: Announce REV. JOAN JACOCKS to lead closing prayer of protection. Prayer Of Protection: By REV. JOAN JACOCKS. Facilitator: Thank all participants in today’s service. Next Sunday’s speaker will be me, Rev. CINDERETHA CLAY Facilitator: Reminder, if there is anyone who would like to receive a practitioner session or has a family or friend who needs prayer: Provide that information to Ves Franklin our Coordinator Assistant. She is currently available, Ves. Coordinator Assistant: Ves Franklin - Announce please feel free to provide contact information to me so that we can have a minister contact you for prayer. We, the AOL family, are here for you. Facilitator: This concludes and ends today’s service and those who want to remain after for remarks, now is your time. Those who remain on, end Conference call by 12:30pm. Have a lovely Sunday until we meet again. Peace & blessings, namaste.